What is better for losing weight: a treadmill or an orbitrack

The treadmill and the orbitrek are considered the most popular and effective simulators in the fight against excess calories. Both simulators will help to lose weight, strengthen the cardiovascular system, relieve nervous tension and help maintain shape. Let's see what advantages each species has, and which simulator promotes fast and effective weight loss.

Parameters Treadmill Orbitrack
Versatility Allows you to practice fast walking, running at different speed and intensity Allows you to practice fast walking, many models lack speed and intensity adjustment
Integrated training Allows you to evenly lose weight, first of all- from the abdomen and hips Allows you to evenly lose weight and train both upper and lower body
Training process Byrequires more effort to effectively lose weight - the more weight you need, the more you need to apply the efforts of The training will be perceived more easily by the special design of the
. load on the joints. Running strengthens the load on the spine, ankle joints and knees. Due to "smoothness"on the joints will be minimal
Availability of additional features It can have several training programs, speed and incline levels, as well as special training programs TrenThe azher is less dynamic, many models do not have the function of adjusting the angle of inclination and changing the speed of the

. To evaluate the work and advantages of this or that model for losing weight, experts advise you to try several sessions on each simulator, and then draw conclusions and buy the simulator you need.

For example, if you have never run and do not experience the joy of practicing, the orbitrek will suit you. If you are trying to get rid of excess weight at once in several places - it is better to stop on the treadmill. But for those who are aiming to lose weight in the hip area, you can choose an orbitrek - this simulator has the function of "reverse step", which activates the muscles of the buttocks and focuses on the lower muscle group. The treadmill can not boast of such an opportunity.

The number of calories burned

Each "slimming" person will be interested to know about the capabilities of each simulator in the field of burning calories.

Parameters Treadmill Orbitrek
Quantity kcal / h 700-860 650-770

In fact, both the treadmill and the orbitrek burn the same number of calories, however, American scientists have concluded that the built-in calorie calculators on the orbitsare inclined to overestimate the real result, but the racetracks were not noticed on the "deception".Choosing what is best - a treadmill or orbitrek, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the shortcomings of each simulator.

Treadmill Orbitrack
Tape size of the simulator can change the natural way for a person to run and walk, which can lead to problems with posture There is no "weight effect" that is needed to strengthen muscles and bones, especially for people with osteoporosis problem
It's hard to followfor his pulse, as the handles of the simulator are located inconveniently. At the same time, running and holding hands will be very difficult Less dynamic and diverse in its capabilities and functions
Affects joints, and people with spinal or joint injuries should not be engaged on the

To the process of losing weight passed as naturally and effectively as possible, it is possible to include both simulators in their exercises and regulate the degree of loading. If you want to stay on one option, proceed from contraindications, the degree of your readiness for studies and the focus on a specific result.