A modern inflatable mattress is a very handy thing that should be in any household. It is this kind of object that helps us to spend more time on the beach in the summer hot days, swimming lightly along the river, the sea, basking in the sun in the pond. It would be irreplaceable to have such a thing at home, when friends came up, the meeting dragged on and there were not enough places to arrange all for the night. And here, as a rule, there are 2 problems that require the fastest possible solution - how to inflate and how to blow out an air mattress. In this article, we will discuss a few of the most popular ways.
to the contents ↑The fastest and easiest way to
If you purchased a modern model, the special pump is probably attached to it as well. It is with his help that you must both inflate and bleach the mattress.
To do this competently, adhere to such recommendations:
- Fill the product with air no more than ¾.In this case, you will extend the life of the gizmos and not provoke a sudden divergence of the sutures.
- Make sure that the open valve fits snugly to the cord or the screwed nut of the pump. Otherwise, the process of filling with air, and emptying the product from it will be longer.
- Having decided to blow off the air mattress with a pump, do not try to accelerate the process even more, pressing it hard from above. You will not benefit from this for a long time, and you can easily damage the product. Even the strongest joints can disperse.
Important! If you decide not to waste your energy and energy on bringing the mattress into the desired type of , and leave them for the coming rest, but the pump is not included, take care of its availability in advance. To do this, select:
- electric model - if it is possible to connect the device to the car battery or the electric grid in the country;
- foot - if access to electricity is absent or extremely limited.
The manual pump model is cheaper, but if you decide to save money in this way, calculate your strength correctly.
to the contents ↑Blow out the mattress without the pump
If the pump is not included, the universal method will help you quickly bring the product to a compact size, convenient for storage. In this case, you yourself have a little work, but excessive effort will not be required. What to do:
- Open all the valves.
- One person holds the product on one side.
- The second - from the other side, gradually, very carefully twists the mattress.
Important! It is impossible to squeeze very much in the process of rolling, so as not to tear the seams and break the air valves. For a complete air release procedure must be repeated several times.
to content ↑Quickly solve the problem without a pump at home
This method uses the principle of air injection, which can be obtained by means of improvised equipment. The best way for this purpose is your vacuum cleaner. The only thing that is required is a special nozzle or a needle. In case of emergency, a match is suitable, which must be inserted very carefully into the air valve.
In the rest - everything is the same as with the pump: turn on the normal mode, if you need to blow off the air mattress, or on the reverse, if you need to fill it with air.
to the contents ↑When you do not have to hurry up
If you have a lot of time or you do not have to puff up a lot to blow out the mattress, you can act in such ways:
- In nature, you can inflate a mattress if you fill with air a large garbage bag that is then attached to the air valvemattress.
- It is possible to blow out an air mattress by simply opening the valves and leaving the product in this position for several days. But this is only if the object does not have additional built-in safety valves against accidental air leakage.
Now you know about all the possible ways how to inflate and blow off an air mattress in any situation. We hope, our advice has helped you and you solved the problem easily and quickly, and spend your free time on pleasant communication with relatives and rest.