- Chemical industry
- Specialized services for combating bugs
- Bedbugs in an apartment - how to get rid of folk remedies?
The destruction of bedbugs - this is the problem that many people have faced recently. The ways of solving it are also no less, or rather the assortment of means and services in this direction is incredibly wide. Accordingly - there is a second problem: how to poison bugs, that is, which means from a huge species range to give preference. Let's look at all the pros and cons of each option.
to content ↑Chemical industry
Incredible competition in the current market for insecticides has led to the fact that there are many very effective means, but extremely toxic to the person himself. However, this is not less than forgery. Especially it is characteristic for chemical preparations.
Along with this, in pursuit of the customer, the manufacturers of these tools are ready to do anything they want, so that their product is not only effective, but also affordable, easy to use.
For the sake of propriety, we note that many people think about safety, so many effective tools from bedbugs can be safely applied in the room in which children live, as well as pets and plants. Certainly, only with the observance of precautionary measures.
Bison disinfestation and precautions
Before you get rid of bedbugs as one of the types of chemicals:
- , carefully review all items and things where you think bugs can live;
- , try to find as quickly as possible a cluster of eggs, pest larvae.
- after checking household items, clothes and food must be removed from the treatment room.
Important! Think about your own health: get rubber gloves, as well as a respirator. The composition of many drugs contains chemically aggressive substances. That is why during the processing of the residents must necessarily leave the premises where the bugs are being destroyed.
Types of funds from bedbugs
To choose funds from bedbugs, in fact, it is not so difficult, although they are sold in different forms. It is enough to get acquainted with the list of producers whose reputation is unprecedented and a little understanding of the principle of the action of each variant of the remedy from bedbugs.
As for the manufacturers, you will not be mistaken if you choose:
- Gels: Globol, Blockbuster, Insektogel, FAS gel, Fumitox gel.
- Liquid preparations: "Carbophos", "Fufanon", "Get", "Executioner", "Foresight".
- Powders: "Clovoron", "Phenaxin", "Fas", "Riapan", "Neopin", "Clean house".
- Aerosols: Raptor, Carbozol, Reid, Clean House, Combat.
- Crayons: Mashenka.
As for the action:
- Among the substances listed above, the most effective are liquid preparations, as well as solutions based on powder. Much more useful in terms of complete extermination of parasites will bring a careful treatment of the premises with such a means using an atomizer, rather than using sprays, chalk or gels.
- Insecticidal pastes or gels are very effective in terms of barrier preventive defense due to their sufficiently long residual action.
- Aerosols are suitable for instant destruction of the visible population.
- Crayons - to create a barrier for prevention.
Important! The validity period is also different in each kind of facility and from different manufacturers. Therefore, getting a remedy for bedbugs - read the instructions.
to content ↑Specialized services to combat bugs
No one can know the 100% strategy by which you can destroy bedbugs in your apartment, house in 5 minutes. Because of the peculiarities of life and reproduction, fighting bugs is always a time-consuming exercise, which requires certain costs not only of time, but also of money and energy.
Therefore, if your premises are incredibly heavily infested with bedbugs, we recommend not to waste time and effort. The best way out of this situation is to immediately turn to specialized firms that at least have experience in how to get bugs out.
Important! There are a large number of firms that offer their services for pest control. Nevertheless, here there are pitfalls - not all are conscientious. That is why it is necessary to approach responsibly to the choice of the firm, which you entrust the processing of your apartment to bring the bedbugs forever.
To make sure the decency of the specialists, it is enough for you:
- Check the quality of the used tools. All drugs that are used must be certified and belongs to substances of low-risk 4 group.
- Technology options. Modern departments for combating bugs offer the destruction of insects with the help of ULV-generators. They can allow to significantly reduce the use of insecticide by means of a uniform fog. This technology promotes more rapid and safe conduct of pest control.
- Specifications. The effectiveness and duration of the result, directly depends on the correctness of the destruction procedure being carried out. Qualified specialists should have a single algorithm of actions.
- Quality guarantee. Any firm for the destruction of bedbugs, which values its reputation, will give you a guarantee for at least a year or two. In the case of repeated occurrence of insects, they undertake to perform additional processing for free.
Bedbugs in an apartment - how to get rid of folk remedies?
Fighting bugs with the help of domestic methods, relatively speaking, is divided into deterrent and destructive. The methods of the first group are effective only if they are combined with lethal parasites from the second group.
Simply put, the most effective way is to start the complete destruction of bedbugs in your apartment using the chosen method, and then use a scaring drug to protect yourself from further penetration of insects.
The means that repel bugs include:
- concentrated essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary:
- chemical liquids of a certain group: ammonia, kerosene, turpentine and others;
- some types of plants and herbs: Ledum, Air, wormwood, tansy.
Important! These funds will not be able to ensure the destruction of bedbugs, they only help to scare them off or they can be a temporary measure to combat bugs. Their action is based on the spread of a rather sharp smell, which is unpleasant for insects.
These drugs are great for prevention or anti-relapse. For example:
- Fresh bunches of wormwood, tansy or Ledum, spread out in the gap between the apartments, in ventilation hatches, through holes. This is done in order to avoid the raid of neighbor bugs in your apartment.
- People who do not have the opportunity to obtain such plants, it is recommended to lubricate with essential oils with the same places or put napkins that are moistened with chemicals with repellent qualities.
Important! Kill bedbugs can be when exposed to more aggressive substances - a combination of acids with alcohols, as well as a significant decrease or increase in temperature in the room for a certain period.
Now you have figured out what measures you can take to destroy bedbugs and have certainly been able to find more suitable tools and technologies for themselves. We hope that your struggle with parasites will end very quickly and forever!