The most common types of lending

Most people faced a shortage of cash, especially in emergency situations. Many people see the way out - to take on credit. The reasons for this may be different - buying a new car, household appliances, furniture, housing. The loan is issued in credit and banking organizations. They provide loan services under certain conditions.

For individuals, banks provide several types of loans, among which is the most common:

  • Content:
    • 1) Consumer loan
    • 2) Auto loan
    • 3) Mortgage loan
    • 4) Non-target loan
    • 5) Trust loan

1) Consumer loan

It is provided for the purchase of goods with a total value of not more than 100 thousand rubles. Such goods can be, for example, a mobile phone, furniture, household appliances, etc. This type of loan is divided into two categories: microcredit - issued in cash, usually not more than 50 thousand rubles;commodity credit - is made out in trade organizations for the purchase of the selected product.

2) Car loan

It is issued for the purchase of a car. The size of the loan varies in size 70-100% of the estimated transport price. The purchased car serves as a security for the loan. A car loan can serve as a kind of a targeted consumer loan, that is, a loan is issued only for the purchase of transport.

3) Mortgage loan

It is issued for the purchase of residential space in the real estate market. In addition, a hypothecary consumer loan is distinguished - some banking organizations allocate money for various purposes to mortgage a borrower's home or apartment.

4) Not a targeted loan

Is issued for consumer needs. In the future, it can be used by the borrower as you like. For example, credit cards. With the help of them you can calculate using credit cards.

5) Trust loan

There are also loans issued for training, rest, travel, medical treatment and much more. When paying out a loan, the borrower is forced to pay an interest rate. It, as a rule, includes transaction costs, various risks, accounting services, registration of documents, insurance, etc. At present, domestic banking institutions issue loans at high interest rates. In addition, the level of lending opportunities for the population according to statistics is low.