Brown spots on the skin

  • Brown spots on the skin - a sign of approaching old age?
  • The truth about skin hyperpigmentation: what is it and what are the causes of it?
  • Types of brown pigment spots
  • Brown spots on the body: treatment at home
  • Additional recommendations in the fight against pigmentation of the skin
  • To which doctor should I apply?

Everyone has health problems from time to time. Someone because of the wrong way of life, someone because of old age, and someone else is not at all nervous. Misfortune, the appearance of various eruptions, brown spots on the skin, fever and general weakness of the body are signs by which the body tries to warn against serious illnesses. In this article, we will try to detail all the subtleties of the appearance of pigmentation on the skin, how to cope with this ailment at home and whether it is possible to do it yourself.

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Brown spots on the skin - a sign of approaching old age?

Everybody knows about the period of coming old age and its manifestations. Hair lose its color, the skin becomes wrinkled, the activity and efficiency of the body decreases, health gradually deteriorates. But do brown marks on the skin of the face and body indicate the approaching old age? Yes this is true. And the reason for this - malfunctions in the process of distribution and accumulation of the hormone melanin.

Important! Melanin is a hormone or, as it is also called, a pigment substance that is in the skin and directly responsible for the skin color and the presence of pigmentation on its surface.

Dark spots on the skin in the people are usually called "senile".So the body signals about various violations or failures in any system. But it must nevertheless be remembered that such phenomenon as hyperpigmentation can overtake everyone at any age.

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The truth about skin hyperpigmentation: what is it and what are the causes of it?

Hyperpigmentation is the process of uneven distribution and deposition of pigment in the skin, which is manifested by spots that differ in color from the color of the skin of a person. The reason for the appearance of hyperpigmentation is an unusual condition of the body, which is due not only to aging of the skin.

To increase the hormone melanin affects such factors:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hormonal failures.
  • Taking various drugs for medicinal purposes.
  • Prolonged infectious state of the body.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  • Violation of the vitamin balance in the body.
  • Pregnancy.

Important! The main reason is an increased synthesis of the hormone melanin, which is located in the skin of a person, answering for the color of his skin. Asking myself why the skin appears brown spots( dark spots on the skin, spots on the skin of light brown color), you can give an unambiguous answer: this pathology is formed when the order is disturbed during the accumulation and proper distribution of this pigmentary substance - melanin.

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Types of brown pigment spots

Brown spots on the skin are of 2 main types:

  • Dispigmentation is a disorder of pigmentation associated with impaired metabolism( metabolism) or excessive amount of melanin hormone in the skin.
  • Melanosis( melasma) is an overabundance of melanin in the skin. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons, which we consider in more detail below.

Brocca Otorhinol Dermatosis

This disease is characterized by the appearance of yellowish-brown spots in the mouth and the area of ​​the chin and mouth. The cause of this disease is an unbalanced condition or malfunctioning of the digestive tract( gastrointestinal tract), which are accompanied by various diseases of the digestive system.

Pigmentation of the forehead

Cause - malfunction of the nervous system, diseases of the nervous system. It does not appear in the most usual way: a dark and broad conditional line forms in the forehead zone).


All of us since the childhood know, that such freckles, and more than once saw people on the face and some parts of a body which it is possible to notice small brown maculae on a skin. This does not mean that a person is sick with some serious disease.

Important! This can be considered a specific feature, as in such people the activity of the hormone melanin is increased, but it does not harm either these people or others, but on the contrary - freckles are very funny and interesting to look at.


Chronic congenital or acquired skin disease, accompanied by pigmentation( dark spots on the skin).The main cause of this pathology is the impact on the human body of hydrocarbons, which are products of processing fossil fuels( oil, coal), and enter the body by airways, through the gastrointestinal tract or through the skin.

Important! The disease is quite dangerous, the symptoms are almost identical both to the process of intoxication, only with melasma, the general intoxication of the organism acquires a chronic character.

Senile stains

It is these spots on the skin of light brown color that are commonly called "senile".Appear in the process of aging of the body due to the uneven distribution of the hormone melanin in the skin.


All well-known moles are also pigmented spots. From the theoretical point of view, moles are congenital or acquired skin lesions or spots on the skin of brown, different in structure, size and shape.

Birthmarks, like freckles, do not do any harm to the person possessing them, and to others including. If the birthmark is voluminous, then it can to some extent deliver a person discomfort. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be very careful, having one or more given formations on the body. Otherwise - incorrect treatment and care of birthmarks can lead to the formation of cancer cells, malignant tumors.

Important! At the slightest changes in color, structure, appearance of soreness, increase in size or increased bleeding, it is necessary to consult an oncologist. But in general, birthmarks do not carry any danger and harm.

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Brown spots on the body: treatment at home

Sooner or later, the owners of this ailment have a question: a brown stain appeared on the skin - what to do? Is it possible to cure pigmentation at home? Experts recommend to contact professionals in this matter. Since the problem, first of all, of a cosmetological nature, then it should be removed by contacting a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will help get rid of the hated spots on the skin.

Important! Do not forget that any problem concerning the skin of a person, originates from the inside. Before removing the problem from the cosmetologist, you should go through all the necessary examinations, find out the cause of the pigmentation, which can be associated with serious disorders in the work of the main body systems, and try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

These folk remedies can be used to brighten flat pigment spots. Bulk spots should not be touched or, as mentioned above, you should consult a dermatologist.

Important! Remember that you will not receive a momentary result. Such procedures must be carried out daily, and even in the morning and in the evening, if time permits.

The most common and effective folk recipes to lighten brown spots on the skin:

  • Mask from soap. The recipe for this mask is simple: take 1 teaspoon of ordinary soap shavings, add 1 tbsp.spoon 3% hydrogen peroxide, mix to a foamy consistency, then add a drop of ordinary liquid ammonia. For 15-20 minutes, apply on the stains on the skin brown. At the end of time, rinse thoroughly with warm water and do not forget to lubricate with a nutritious cream.
  • Dairy products: kefir, sour milk. Apply on stains 2-3 times a day and rinse with warm water, after which moisten the skin with a nutritious cream.
  • Mask from starch. The recipe is this: a couple of spoonfuls of starch dilute the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to form a thick mass. After - apply to unwanted stains and wash off after 20-30 minutes with warm water.
  • Juices( berry, citrus, cucumber, birch, from the green of parsley and dandelion leaves).Lubricate the dark areas of the skin with one of these freshly squeezed juices 2-3 times a day, then moisturize with cream.
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Additional recommendations in the fight against pigmentation of the skin

Also it is necessary to remember additional recommendations to eventually observe the result. These rules will definitely help you achieve the desired result:

  1. Avoid a lot of sunlight.
  2. Carefully study the composition of medications before they are taken.
  3. Monitor with your doctor or yourself hormone level.
  4. Maximum avoid various mechanical damages.
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To which doctor should I apply?

As mentioned above, if hyperpigmentation occurs, you should contact specialists in this matter. Professional treatment you can get by contacting a dermatologist or a cosmetologist doctor so that he can correctly diagnose, and if he finds a disease, he has performed the most effective therapy. In such a case, you can prevent serious diseases that result in dark spots on the skin.

So, in this article, we discussed the topic of hyperpigmentation of the skin, told about the causes of this ailment, the details of treatment and the types of pigment spots on the skin. Such spots, as birthmarks and freckles, do not cause any harm to their owner's health. Sometimes spots on the skin of a brown color can form on the skin of a person in the process of aging or pregnancy - here, too, there is nothing terrible and dangerous there. But if the education data begins to bother you, you should immediately contact a specialist doctor who will help you cope with both cosmetic problems and problems in the body if they are available.