Sofa - the most important piece of furniture in the house is the favorite place to relax, watch TV, lie with a book, just sit with a cup of tea. For children - a subject for entertainment. It's great to jump, run, sometimes together with their favorite pets, eat your favorite treats. Pets are also not averse to collapse on the couch, and you swear not, they will not pay attention to your a strict taboo.

Sofa - the most important piece of furniture in the house is the favorite place to relax, watch TV, lie with a book, just sit with a cup of tea.
A popular place for guests, who also love to sit on the couch for the dinner table. In the end, on the furniture appear unsuited spots, some can be difficult to withdraw. How do get rid of them, how to return the original appearance, which should be used so as not to spoil the upholstery?

For silk and velvet powder acceptable cleaning agents.
It seems that this is an impossible task. If competently approach the cleaning process, all will be much easier than you thought. It all depends on the coverage of the sofa and origin spots.

Pets are also not averse to collapse on the couch, and you swear not, they will not pay attention to your a strict taboo.
- 1 What pollution are the most common?
- 2 If the leather sofa
- 3 If the upholstery fabric
- 4 Removal of different types of stains
- 5 How to get rid of the smell?
- 6 VIDEO: How to clean (remove) stains from the couch
- 7 50 photos ideas bistro how to clean stains on the sofa
What pollution are the most common?
A lot of things undergoes upholstery sofa during use. Even if you clean, on the furniture will still be the dust from his clothes, traces of sweat and sebum. You have made a habit of sitting on the couch watching a favorite program or series, something to eat. And if the room is no place to accommodate guests, of course, they will sit on the sofa. After their "invasion" necessarily will stain from pizza, fat, beer, wine, tea or coffee, jam.

A popular place for guests, who also love to sit on the couch for the dinner table.
Young children - a separate issue. They can smear sofa anything - to smear the clay, paint colors, markers, chalk, some naleplivat like chewing gum, chocolate hands to grasp, or who did not have time to run to the toilet just to pee on him. Urine, penetrating the fabric, leaves not only stains but also odor resistant. From it can be difficult to get rid of. Cats and dogs just love to sit on the couch, leaving the hair, saliva and traces nepomytyh paws. Dogs after a walk in love immediately lay down on the sofa.

Contamination on the covering of velor purify foaming agent - a small number need to be diluted in 250 ml of water and applied to the spot.
If the leather sofa
How to clean sofa at home? It all depends on how it is covered with upholstery fabric. Inadmissible by the same means to clean the skin and tissue. It is important to keep in mind some tricks, then you can easily cope with difficult stains. Let's see how to properly clean the sofa, if it leather upholstery.

To display the tight spots, it is better to turn to professionals.
Such furniture is best cleaned with a damp cloth, preferably not too wet coating. You can clean the cloths, designed specifically for the skin. National way: add shine and help to disguise the cracks egg white. It needs to be beat up and marlechkoy applied to the surface. For this purpose, you can use milk. Traces of wine, or a marker pen, remove them with an alcohol swab or soaked in vodka or alcohol.

If competently approach the cleaning process, all will be much easier than you thought.
It is possible to use a soap solution, water, better heat and fiber of cloth. Solution wipe the sofa and carefully rinsed. Once applied to the surface conditioner. This procedure will help to add shine and give a fresh look. To prevent streaks, wipe with a cloth from the fibers.

A vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for furniture need to go through all the corners and joints.
Spot fat, more fresh, easily retracts starch. Blood washed away only with ice water. Upholstery light skin can be cleaned with ordinary dishwashing.

A lot of things undergoes upholstery sofa during use.
More problems delivering the mold appeared on the leather furniture from moisture liquid remained in the room, or on the surface, which is not removed in time. Favorite place of mold - the folds of the couch. It is not necessary to run, you need to immediately carry out the processing of vinegar solution. Rub the place of defeat and wipe. When the mold has eaten enough, get rid of it is almost impossible home. It is advisable to consult a specialist.
If the upholstery fabric
In our time, services to clean the sofa specialists are expensive. But you can get rid of the most difficult stains almost not to spend at home.

It is advisable to consult a specialist.
Before you go out sofa cleaning fabric cover, a few rules you need to know.
- The means by which you are going to clean the upholstery fabric, you need to check on an inconspicuous area, not to spoil the view.
- Coatings of floc not recommend cleaning agents containing alcohol.
- Upholstery made of microfiber is only suitable dry cleaning method. Only wet cleaning is used in exceptional cases.
- The bright surfaces clean white cloth. If you use a color, then due to the action of cleaning agents can be painted surface of the sofa.
- For cleaning can not be applied undiluted vinegar and bleach.

Stains removed, moving from the edges toward the center.
Before you start cleaning, it is necessary to remove accumulated dust, crumbs, hair remaining after pets. A vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for furniture need to go through all the corners and joints.

After their "invasion" necessarily will stain from pizza, fat, beer, wine, tea or coffee, jam.
Upholstery brush velor fabric from fibers and acetic solution (1 hr. l. per liter of liquid). All movements produce in the direction of the nap. To display the tight spots, it is better to turn to professionals.

On the fresh stain need to impose napkins, marlechku since they perfectly absorb liquid.
Suede take a soft bristle brush. Fatty traces perfectly removed with alcohol or an eraser.
Tapestry does not tolerate wet cleaning, vacuuming is only suitable as for detergents coverage does not serve a long time to wear out in a short time and changes color. If we are without a wet cleaning can not do, then a spot covered with foam.

Traces of wine, or a marker pen, remove them with an alcohol swab or soaked in vodka or alcohol.
Contamination on the covering of velor purify foaming agent - a small number need to be diluted in 250 ml of water and applied to the spot.

If your furniture is stained, it is better to try to remove them all at once, do not tighten.
For silk and velvet powder acceptable cleaning agents.

Children can smear sofa anything - to smear the clay, paint colors, markers, chalk, some naleplivat like chewing gum, chocolate hands to grasp, or who did not have time to run to the toilet just to pee on him.
Removal of different types of stains
If your furniture is stained, it is better to try to remove them all at once, do not tighten. Then they are soaked in upholstery, dry. On the fresh stain need to impose napkins, marlechku since they perfectly absorb liquid. Stains removed, moving from the edges toward the center.
Clay, smeared on the couch, cream, fatty food residues | All it takes away some hard object, then pour salt - it absorbs the fat. |
Beverages | On stains from coffee, tea, beer is necessary to impose napkins, then clean with soapy water, which add vinegar - about 2 tablespoons. l. per liter of liquid. On wine stains from cloth applied, and then sprinkled with salt and rubbed. Stains from fruit juices and purified ammonia and vinegar by mixing them 1: 1, is applied to pollution give dry and washed with water. |
products | Traces of condensed milk, jam, chocolate was first dried so that they do not smear, is removed from the surface and cleans soap solution. On the cud, abandoned children on the sofa upholstery, you need to put something cold - a bag of ice, freezing. After her very easily be removed with a knife. |
Blood, urine | Blood washed with cold water only. It is possible to add aspirin (1 tablet per 250 ml) or salt (1 tbsp. l. per liter of water). Urine clean cloth, then coated carpet cleaner, or liquid soap. |

It is important to keep in mind some tricks, then you can easily cope with difficult stains.
When the "Vanish" traces remain, they can be easily removed after the initial cleaning.

Before you start cleaning, it is necessary to remove accumulated dust, crumbs, hair remaining after pets.
How to get rid of the smell?
Upholstered furniture, as we know, perfectly absorbs odors. He keeps everything - from the filler to the tree. The matter is remedied.

For cleaning can not be applied undiluted vinegar and bleach.
Vinegar is easy to cope not only with the beer, but also with various other drinks. We take unnecessary sheet moistened in a weak solution of vinegar, and squeeze impose on the sofa. Tightly to the surface. We are doing so several times. Is removed and the odor and stains.

It is possible to use a soap solution, water, better heat and fiber of cloth.
With leather covering delete "flavor" help soap solution with added 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Put on the upholstery sponge, wipe with a damp cloth and a dry cloth.

The bright surfaces clean white cloth.
Baby peed on the couch, it will help eliminate the smell of iodine. Per liter of water you need to take 15-20 drops and rub the "scene of the crime." It is worth remembering that this tool is only used on a dark surface! Light clean coating using potassium permanganate, pineapples or lemon juice, vinegar solution. If the smell is already ingrained in a sofa, a better use of laundry soap. Surface should be moistened with water and rub with soap and water. Let stand up for 20 minutes. Then the dissolving solution of vinegar, wipe with water and dried.

Favorite place of mold - the folds of the couch.
If the urine is not a child and an elderly man on the sofa before we put vodka or ammonia, give to stand for half an hour.

Upholstery made of microfiber is only suitable dry cleaning method.
With "fragrances" pets cope so: applied vinegar solution (1: 3) to remove moisture cloth fell asleep soda on top - a solution consisting of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing. Let stand up an hour or two, then you need to wipe with a damp cloth and paper towel.

In our time, services to clean the sofa specialists are expensive.
You can remove odors cleaners or odor absorbers pets. You must first check means to a secret place, so as not to spoil the appearance of the furniture.
So, as you can see, the problem is solvable.

The means by which you are going to clean the upholstery fabric, you need to check on an inconspicuous area, not to spoil the view.
VIDEO: How to clean (remove) stains from the couch
50 photos ideas bistro how to clean stains on the sofa