How to clean fur on white shoes?

  • Soda
  • starch, talc, semolina or flour
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Soda and alcohol
  • Shampoo for animals
  • Sawdust
  • Potato starch, refined gasoline, magnesia
  • wheat and rye bran
  • Vinegar
  • washing in machine

Boots with fur turned outward look beautiful and stylish, but only until the fur begins to change color or there are no stains on it. Especially this applies to white fur - it is difficult to clean, and its snowy appearance, it can lose quickly. Strong dirt at home is difficult to remove - it is better to entrust this matter to professionals from dry cleaning. But with not complicated pollution you can cope with improvised means. How to clean fur on shoes - white or other color, remove the smell that can appear in the shoes after the daily wearing of shoes not only on the street, but in the office, shops? There are several simple ways.

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Well cleans white soda fur:

  1. It needs to be rubbed into the fur until soda absorbs all the dirt and darkens.
  2. Dirty soda shake off, and if soiled, leave a new portion of powder covered.

Important! This method will help refresh the fur and remove greasy stains, but with strong contaminants of soda can not cope.

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Starch, talc, semolina or flour

Refreshing and cleaning fur on shoes, and removing all unpleasant odors can be done with potato starch, flour, talc or semolina:

  1. To improve the effect before use,preheat. This can be done in a frying pan, just do not burn the powder.
  2. One of the chosen means is to fill up the contaminated area, rub the product into the fur, and then shake it off.

Powder will absorb dirt, dust and odors.

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Hydrogen Peroxide

How to clean white fur on shoes? You can use the universal tool that always comes to the rescue in difficult times - hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 500 ml of water, add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray gun and spray the fur.
  3. After the fur has dried, comb it with a comb.

The procedure is best conducted outdoors.

Important! Before spraying, shoes are better covered with polyethylene, otherwise - they may be left with stains.

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Soda and alcohol

Such a tool will perfectly help if you need to clean the fur inside the shoes and remove the smell of sweat and mold:

  1. Mix 300 ml of water, 15 grams of soda and 5 ml of alcohol.
  2. Treat this mixture with fur.
  3. Dry it in the fresh air, and then comb it with a brush.
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Animal Shampoo

Artificial fur can be cleaned with animal shampoo as follows:

  1. Dilute 1 teaspoon of shampoo in warm water.
  2. Take a clean soft cloth, moisten in a mixture and wring out. It is necessary that the material is wet.
  3. Treat the pile with a damp cloth.
  4. Wipe it with a dry cloth, let it dry out in the fresh air.
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Wood sawdust

Polluted white fur is well cleaned with sawdust impregnated with gasoline.

Important! Sawdust can be purchased at a pet store. For this purpose, it is recommended to use sawdust of hardwoods, for example, needles. Gasoline should be used refined, which is sold for refueling lighters and other needs.

These tools are used in pairs in this way:

  1. Pour the sawdust with gasoline and leave for a while so that they are well impregnated.
  2. Rub the sawdust in the fur with your hands. Do not forget to wear gloves to protect your hands.
  3. Leave for a while so that they dry completely.
  4. When the sawdust has dried it will not be difficult to shake them. The fur must then be combed with a brush.
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Potato starch, refined gasoline, burnt magnesia

If your beautiful white fur is yellow, you can use heavy artillery. Prepare a special compound:

  1. Mix potato starch, refined gasoline and burnt magnesia.
  2. Stir all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Sponge the mixture with movements directed against the growth of pile.
  4. Allow to dry completely.
  5. When the compound dries, shake well the fur to remove any remaining detergent.
  6. Comb the fur with a brush.
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Wheat and rye bran

In the fight against yellowness, all means are good, you can use wheat or rye bran:

  1. Preheat bran in a frying pan. In this case, they must be constantly stirred, so that they do not burn.
  2. Distribute the warm bran in the fur and rub them with massage movements into the pile.
  3. Shake the fur, and then comb it with a brush.
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One of the most effective ways to clean fur on boots is vinegar:

  1. In 200 g of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of acetic essence.
  2. Dampen a rag in this solution and wring out.
  3. Treat the soiled areas with a damp cloth.
  4. Allow product to dry at room temperature.
  5. When the fur is completely dry, comb it with a brush.

Important! Vinegar perfectly neutralizes any smells, so at the same time the stain will remove from the edge of the shoe, and the amber of sweat or mustiness.

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Washing in the automatic machine

There are cases when the shoes are so dirty both outside and inside that local removal of stains or dry cleaning is indispensable. But do not send the same because of this shoes in the scrap, if in general it is still strong and quite comfortable.

How to clean fur inside shoes? The simplest option is to wash it in a washing machine. Of course, not every shoe will survive, and if you are not sure about the quality of your shoes, then you should not take risks. But if you decide to wash your shoes in this way, then you should use the following recommendations:

  • Before you start washing, shoes need to be prepared. Take out the insole, shoelaces and zippers, buttons, Velcro, if any.
  • Rinse the soles of dirt and stuck small stones.
  • Put the shoes in the laundry net, a cloth bag or just an old pillow case. This will improve the quality of washing, especially if there are a lot of metal inserts on the shoe.
  • Put the program for washing shoes, if it is. If there is no special program, then select the shortest one. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • It is better to depress the spinning in order not to deform the shoes.

Important! Do not switch on the drying mode. Heat can permanently damage your shoes.

  • Powders fall asleep normally, in proportion to the volume of your shoes or by ¼ less - depends on how much you are certain of the effectiveness of the tool used.

Washing your shoes correctly is just half the trouble, you need to dry it properly:

  1. Drying shoes is best in the fresh air, for example, on the balcony.
  2. Do not expose shoes to dry in the sun.
  3. Do not place shoes near or on radiators and heaters.
  4. It's best to stuff your shoes with newspapers or white paper and leave to dry. Paper will help preserve the shape of the product and absorb water. Periodically, the paper needs to be changed. Then the drying will be faster.

Do not abuse frequent washing, otherwise - even the strongest and most reliable shoes can not stand and fall apart. A dry way to brush fur on your shoes, even if it's bright white, you now know plenty. You only need to carefully monitor the condition of your shoes, then they will remain beautiful even longer, and strong, warm.