- Cold-freezing method
- Hot method
- Method with spray
- Folk method
How bitter is disappointment after a long-awaited purchase of a new thing that has turned out to be out of proportion. Going to the store and buying new shoes, sometimes not always the same size, leads us into a slight embarrassment - what to do and how to stretch the sneakers? In order to stretch the sneakers at home, there are several really working ways, and we will now consider them.
to content ↑Cold-frozen method
Very simple and economical option. For this we need two plastic bags - first check them for integrity. Further, in order to stretch the sneakers at home with these simple devices, proceed as follows:
- Insert the bags inside and fill them with water.
- We put it in the freezer until it freezes and we give the time of frozen water( in our case it will be ice already) to change the size of the textile, since ice has the property of expanding during freezing.
- At the end of the day, we take out the sports items and give them time to thaw a little, so that it would be easier to get packets of ice.
However, this method may not be very effective if the sneakers are small in length, since the outsole of this rubber is rubbery and the cold does not affect its size in any way.
to content ↑Hot method
This technology, unlike cold freezing, is more suitable if a new pair presses you in the sole. Here you can resort to two options.
Option first
To take a phenome to heat the problem areas, put on a woolen sock and resemble them until complete comfort.
Option of the second
This method is more complex. For him, we need some capacity - in our case it will be the same box in which you purchased a new pair. Next, to stretch the sneakers of the fabric:
- In the box, cut through the hole for the hair dryer.
- We put into the box sports products "not in size", insert the hair dryer into the hole and turn it on at full power for 30 minutes. Hot air affects the complex - and the fabric and the sole.
- Next - you again put them on a woolen sock and wear 30-40 minutes.
- After the manipulation you will feel how your sneakers took the shape of a foot. If the first time you failed to achieve the desired result, repeat this procedure again.
Important! Be careful not to overdo it, because the heat treatment does not work well on the glued seams of the products.
to the contents ↑Method with the
spray There are more "humane" options for stretching the sneakers, and if you purchased the conversions, the following options will be taken with care to new products.
In order to stretch the conversions, you need to buy a special spray in the store. This tool is sprayed onto the problem areas of your conversions, and you put them on your foot with a woolen toe. After - again, go to them around the room and wear it. For the most comfortable effect, repeat the procedure several times.
Important! There are many ways how to carry out sneakers from a fabric, and here it is necessary to consider:
- from what material the footwear is made;
- as glued / stitched seams;
- which material is used for interior finishing of conversions.
All of the above methods can not always be suitable for one reason or another, so in this case you will have to go to a professional workshop, where for your sporting couple will take the masters who with knowledge will approach the increase in the size of the products.
to the contents ↑Popular method
Everyone in the house has ammonia. Take and rub the problem areas with alcohol, put on a woolen sock and wear it. The procedure repeats throughout the week - if it does not work out every day, act after 1-2 days, as time appears.
Important! Do not forget that it is best to do this purchase later in the evening, since the leg has the property of swelling and increasing in size. Accordingly - if you intend on such a leg shoes, then you do not have to look for ways to stretch the sneakers at home.
Even if not one of the options how to stretch shoes at home, you did not fit, and you did not lose a check, and your conversions have not lost their presentation, then according to the law, you can change it for 14 days.