- How to understand that you need to clean objects from bad energy?
- How to clear things from negative energy?
- How do I clear a thing if I can not throw it away?
- About the mirrors. Danger of mirrors and their cleaning
- How to clean the mirror of negative energy?
- What to do with broken glass?
- What should I do with an old and someone else's mirror?
- How to throw out a mirror?
- Some recommendations for the placement of mirrors
- Signs that the apartment has negative energy
- Top-15: the causes of negative energy in the apartment
- How to protect the apartment from the negative?
In our daily life, we are constantly surrounded by a variety of subjects, and they, in turn, have energy. Well, if this is a kind and positive aura, then such subjects bring us joy and pleasure. However, there is also a negative, and to some things it is especially characteristic. It can be old antiquarian things, other people's objects, ornaments, especially attract the energy of the mirror. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on how to clean the mirror of negative energy and adjust the climate in the house.
to the contents ↑How to understand that it is necessary to clean objects from bad energy?
Negative energy can be present in a variety of subjects. It can be personal things and clothes, furniture or a piece of furniture, decorations and much more.
For the presence of negative energy can indicate such signs as:
- frequent breakage or deterioration of the object;
- thing does not please or even annoyed you;
- is the envy of another person and his excessive praise;
- if because of this thing you had a quarrel.
Important! It is also worth paying attention to those items that you found and took yourself, various gifts, as well as things inherited. For example, old mirrors "store" the memory of former owners and their problems, so you need to understand how to clean the old mirror from negative energy.
to the contents ↑How to clear things from negative energy?
If the above signs are observed in any of your things, you must necessarily clear these items from a negative aura.
This can be done in several simple ways:
- Take this item with you to church, and stay with him there for a while.
- If the material of the thing allows, rinse it under clean running water. If not, then place the object in a glass jar, and then flush it.
- Things made of textiles can be thrown to the ground, and then stretched in a solution of salt.
- If you have a candle or incense, then sweep this object over their fire.
With such easy manipulations you can protect yourself from negativity, and do not part with these things.
to the contents ↑How do I clear a thing if I can not throw it away?
Objects with negative energy are most often advised to get rid, to throw out, to destroy. But if something is dear to you for any reasons, what should you do in this case?
Such items can also be cleaned. This will help 4 elements: fire, water, earth and air:
- Place the item between the symbolic elements: in the north, place the lit candle, on the south side - put the bowl of salt, on the left - incense or aromatic stick, to the right - a cup of water.
- Concentrate and address to the elements with the request to clear the thing of negative energy.
- If possible, place the object in running water for one day. You can also bury this thing for one day.
Important! Another way is to put it in the freezer. If the negative energy has not disappeared, then specialists will be able to help you, and if they are powerless, you will have to part with such a thing.
to the contents ↑About mirrors. Danger of mirrors and their cleaning
Why at first glance such a commonplace thing as a mirror can carry a danger? What is so sinister about it?
We often look in the mirror: at home, at work, they accompany us in shop windows and on the streets. The threat is that the mirror attracts and stores negative energy, and then can transfer it to another person. Particularly dangerous mirrors, which are seen by many people. Therefore, it is important to know how to clean a mirror from someone else's energy.
Important!"Through the Looking Glass" - this is not an invention or a fairy tale about the girl Alice. To some extent, this is true. This is a special space in which there are energy flows that "feed" on the energy of a person. If the person's thoughts are bright and positive, then in return he gets the same emotions.
However, with negative and evil thoughts, the mirror takes these signals and projects them onto the person, they attack his aura, and then from the energy level materialize into the physical. Because it is so important to look at yourself in the mirror with love.
Signs of negative energy in the mirror can be:
- self-rejection - you do not like your reflection;
- a feeling of discomfort, as if on the face of a mask.
Therefore, the mirrors need to be cleaned periodically, especially in places where there are many people, or if visitors come to you.
to the contents ↑How to clean the mirror of negative energy?
There is a mirror in every house, and sometimes not one. This household item is familiar to us, but sometimes it can be unsafe. Mirror can attract negative energy, and can also accumulate it, thereby jeopardizing you and your loved ones.
There are several ways to clean the mirror of negative energy:
- Aim the mirror in the sun so that it reflects in it. It is believed that in this way all negative energy is "burned out" of the mirror.
- Spend a burning church candle around the perimeter of the mirror.
- Rinse with holy or salt water - salt cleans the negative well.
You can also do an uncomplicated rite. To do this you will need two consecrated candles, a salt of salt, a red thread:
- You need to install candles on the sides of the mirror, in the center, in front of the mirror, put salt in the wooden bowl, and put a thread on top of it.
- After you light the candles, turn your face to the mirror and say: "I burn all the evil, I throw out the trumpet into the pipe, I lock the clean glass for three locks, I do not unlock those locks, in the blaze of light everything bad will burn."
- After the candles are burnt, tie three knots on the red thread, attach to the back of the mirror so that it can not be seen.
- Remove the remaining salt and candles from the housing and throw it into the running water.
These methods are not complex, however, will be very effective and necessary in the fight against the negative in your home.
to the contents ↑What to do with broken glass?
To mirrors are very carefully and carefully, since it is believed that breaking a mirror is a bad omen. However, such unpleasant situations, unfortunately, happen. How should we deal with broken glass so as not to harm ourselves?
Of course, throw it out.
Important! Do not try to glue it together, no matter how expensive or important it is for you - just throw the broken mirror.
Mirror with cracks will have a huge negative effect, because if you look at it, your life can also go "cracked."You can be overtaken by failures or problems, health will be shaken, etc.
to the contents ↑What to do with the old and strange mirror?
What do you do if suddenly you have an old mirror that inherited? Or someone else's? And you do not know what happened to him before and what kind of people it was? How do I clean an old mirror from negative energy?
Such objects are always advised to throw, as the mirror "remembers" the previous owners. And if these people had negative emotions( quarrels, scandals), then all this negative flow can be transmitted to you through a mirror.
Important! If you decide to leave an old or someone else's mirror to yourself, then you need to clear it of negative energy and information about the former owners.
to the contents ↑How to throw out the mirror correctly?
Due to the fact that the mirror has a large energy, often negative, it can not just be thrown away like some other objects. There are rules and nuances that are desirable to adhere to, so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones.
If you decide to get rid of the mirror, then pay attention to such important aspects:
- You do not need to take out a mirror together. In case it is heavy for one person, wrap it in a long fabric, then - you can.
- Phases of the moon: can not be thrown into the full moon and the growing moon. Favorable time is considered a waning moon.
- If you threw the mirror in the trash, then throw a little bit of Thursday salt.
Important! In the place where the old mirror hung, the new one can be installed not earlier than 7 days.
to the contents ↑Some recommendations for the placement of mirrors
An important factor is the location of the mirror in the dwelling. Incorrect installation can also bring negative consequences to your home:
- It is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the entrance door. It is believed that the incoming positive energy will immediately be reflected and do not enter your home.
- Also in the bedroom it is undesirable to place a mirror opposite the bed. Such an arrangement can bring quarrels, scandals in the life of a married couple, up to treason. You can avoid this by moving the mirror to another location or covering it with cloth for the night.
Important! The mirror should be located not too low and not high, but so that everyone could feel comfortable in it.
to the contents ↑Signs that the apartment has negative energy
We have already learned with you that negative energy can accumulate around us in various things, objects and mirrors. But how to understand this? There are a number of signs that will help you determine whether there is a negative aura in your apartment.
We advise you to pay attention to such features:
- you have lost the desire to go home;
- a breakdown, a bad mood when you are at home;
- feeling of discomfort in the apartment, "pressing" the walls;
- plants do not take root, they wither;
- children often get sick, get fussy and make hysterics;
- constant quarrels and frustration in the relationship;
- restless sleep, nightmares, or - conversely, constant insomnia;
- untidy kind of flat, dirt, frequent malfunctions and breakdowns;
- death in an apartment, or a long, serious illness;
- the restless behavior of the animals, or the animal left the apartment.
Important! The most sensitive to negative flows are animals and small children. Therefore, it is very important to identify the availability of such energy in time and clean the house of it.
to content ↑Top-15: the causes of negative energy in the apartment
It is important not only to recognize the presence of a negative atmosphere in the house, but also to understand the root cause of its appearance. And only by eradicating it, you will be able to cleanse your home of troubles and problems.
There are the following main factors of appearance:
- if the housing is not new, perhaps, from the old tenants there remained a negative aura and energy;
- quarrels, scandals in the family, from which the energy remains in the apartment, even after reconciliation;
- is a severe incurable disease of someone from family members or living in a house, the death of someone;
- envy of others;
- old items and things;
- antiques;
- old mirrors;
- the evil eye or induced damage;
- unsuccessful layout of the apartment or location of housing in a negative energy place;
- presence in the interior of images of violence, aggression, blood;
- are evil people who visit the house, envious guests;
- TV or radio that are constantly on and broadcast bad news;
- stuffed animals or skins;
- negative emotions and mood of the owners of the apartment;
- negative energy brought from outside: from work, street, school, public transport.
How to protect the apartment from negative?
The best remedy is not to fight the already appeared negative energy, but to prevent its appearance. Knowing the reasons for the appearance of such energy, you will see that in the house there is no place for quarrels and conflicts. As they grow like a snowball, the energy of past scandals leads to new ones.
What to do to prevent this from happening:
- Keep track of your house, clean it and clean it, regularly take out any rubbish and rubbish. Do not store unnecessary things in the apartment. Your home needs fresh air, so often ventilate all rooms.
It is also important what people come to visit you. Let it be only reliable friends and relatives. Do not let in your house unfamiliar people, scandalous neighbors and envious persons.
- When coming home, leave all workers or other problems and problems behind the threshold, do not put them in your family.
- There are many talismans guarding the house, which you can easily use.
- If the house has negative energy, then the room can be cleaned on its own. It is important to understand that it is necessary to clean the house not only energetically, but also materially.
Important! First of all, it is necessary to clean the house at home, the best time for it is morning. The whole family needs to do the cleaning, distributing the duties. Look into all hard-to-reach places and clean everything. A prerequisite is getting rid of unnecessary trash and things, broken objects. And the rearrangement of the furniture will not only help you arrange things according to feng shui, but will also introduce novelty into your home.
- If you have old mirrors in your house, find out how to clean the mirror of someone else's energy. In addition, the energy cleaning of the apartment can be different:
- believing people can invite a priest to the house to consecrate all the premises;
- use of knowledge and experience of feng shui;
- clean the apartment will help the salt, placed in the corners - after 2 weeks bury it or wash it in the toilet;
- light church candles in the apartment, incense, read the prayers and set the icons;
- to combat negative energy will help living plants: geranium, ficus, cactus.
In life, we are surrounded by energy flows: negative and positive. These flows are enclosed in ourselves, the people who surround us, things and objects. Understanding the cause of the appearance of negative phenomena and their impact on our lives, it is important to understand what can be done with them and how to do it.