- What is forbidden to clean the acrylic bath?
- Features of care for acrylic baths
- How to eliminate damages in an acrylic bath?
According to many modern housewives, you can look after acrylic surfaces only with the help of specially developed detergents. But in reality - this is a huge error and the most common intrigues of manufacturers of those very special compounds that try to make as much as possible on consumers. Undoubtedly, they perfectly cope with pollution, but without them it is easy to do. Today we will try to answer the question, which concerns consumers: what should be the proper care for acrylic bathroom? The funds that we will consider, can be found in any home or very inexpensive to buy at a hardware store.
to the contents ↑What is forbidden to clean acrylic bathtubs?
The biggest disadvantage of acrylic baths is that their outer coating can not be called reliable: it is easily scratched, it quickly fades out when using improperly selected detergents. The abrasive, which is part of many cleaning powders, turns an acrylic surface into a matte surface.
If you do not know how to remove scratches from an acrylic bath and are in search of a suitable method and means, pay attention to the list of the following formulations to avoid:
- Washing powders and detergents that contain fine abrasive particles. Of course, you can polish the bath yourself, but if the treatment is carried out on the entire surface, then you have to spend a lot of time.
- Chlorine. Never listen to people advising you to disinfect the bathroom with this particular remedy, because the only thing you can get is a muddy surface. And if you use chlorine again, the bath can generally become covered with small pores, into which the dirt will accumulate even more.
- Solvents and acetone. The use of these agents also leads to clouding of the surface. But this is the least damage that can cause the application of these compounds. But it often happens that solvents and acetone corrode acrylic.
- Ammonia. Has the same effect as acetone, only in a less aggressive degree.
- Formaldehydes. In fact, they are almost no use in everyday life, but we must remember that they are absolutely incompatible with acrylic.
Important! As you can see, almost all modern cleaning products are not suitable for care of baths made of acrylic. Therefore, if you have decided to use household chemicals, you need to understand at least what can be used and what is not.
Perfectly designed, proven means of such brands:
- "Triton";
- "Acrylan";
- "Cinderella";
- "Sif".
Features of care for acrylic bathtubs
If you analyze the previous section, many will have an opinion that it is impossible to clean such a bath on its own. But even though acrylic is so much afraid of the most popular cleaning and cleaning products, there are still safe options, so do not despair at once.
You can wash the acrylic bath in such ways:
- To begin with, remember that to allow too much contaminants still not worth it, it is better to wash the bathroom in a timely manner. For example, you can rinse it with hot water after each bath, then no problems with it will not arise. Occasionally you can clean the surface with a sponge with a normal soap.
Important! Thanks to the constant rinsing of the surface with hot water, it will always beautifully shine, as if it had just been polished.
- If, on the surface, however, there appeared contaminants in the form of calcareous deposits and rust, then they will have to be removed with non-abrasive products sold in construction and hardware stores. The main thing - when choosing such a composition, pay attention to the fact that its direct purpose should be to care for the bathroom with acrylic coating. Then the stains and plaque will leave without problems, and the bath will remain unharmed.
- If you are a supporter of the use of folk remedies, then the most common table vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice are coping with strong contaminants on acrylic surfaces.
Important! Remember, whatever means you use, always apply them only with a soft rag or foam rubber sponge, which do not have abrasive particles. If you for the first time decided to use some new cleaning agent, then immediately apply it on the entire surface should not be - it is better to try it on a small part of the bath. If there are no changes, then you can safely use it.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate damage in an acrylic bath?
To great regret, like other plumbing in the house, the bath can also not only become contaminated, but also damaged, as a result of which it is covered with deep and small scratches. Nothing can be done about it, because such troubles occur more often due to inaccurate handling of things.
Acrylic can be called a unique material, because it is very easy to scratch, but it is also easy to remove such damage from it. And now we learn how to remove scratches on an acrylic bathtub at home:
- Small scratches with a depth of no more than half a millimeter can easily be polished with a piece of the most common felt. And, in order to cope with the problem it's just enough, you do not need to apply any additional devices and pastes. It is necessary to rub the surface in the area of damage with light circular movements until it disappears completely.
- Deep scratches can be removed only with liquid acrylic. A specialist for this is not necessarily necessary - just buy a tube of liquid acrylic and a special plastic spatula for its application. The acrylic blade is applied to the scratch with a spatula and polished with felt after the surface dries completely. This method is ideal, no one will even notice any difference in structure and color.
Important! With the help of liquid acrylic, you can even cover through holes in the bathroom. Outside, an adhesive tape is attached, and then liquid acrylic is poured into the place of damage. In extreme cases, when a thorough restoration of such a font is needed, an acrylic liner of suitable size and shape is used. In its installation, too, there is nothing complicated.
So we found out how to look after a bathroom covered with liquid acrylic, nothing is really difficult in this. And do not forget that any damage and severe pollution do not happen by themselves, the main role here is played by the human factor. Therefore, it is much easier to anticipate than to eliminate such unpleasant consequences. Use things carefully and correctly!