- Let's start the fight
- What is the danger of dampness in the garage?
- How to eliminate the dampness in the garage: basic methods
- Dry the cellar
- External drainage
- Internal drainage of the cellar
Probably all owners of the garages are familiar with the problem of condensate. The importance of this issue can not be discussed, because moisture in the garage space is always associated with large inconveniences and additional costs. How can you eliminate the dampness in the garage with a minimum of money costs - this will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑Let's start the fight
Before planning the measures for "draining" the room, it is necessary to understand what is the cause of high humidity. Most often, the cause of dampness in the garage are:
- ventilation failure - the hoods are blocked or flaws were made during the construction phase;
- poor condition of waterproofing( earthen floor without concreting).
Important! Garages where there is an inspection pit or a cellar, usually more raw.
to the contents ↑What is the danger of dampness in the garage room?
You may seem, at first glance, that it poses no danger. This is mistake. Excessive moisture carries such consequences:
- Harmful atmosphere. The toxic substances contained in oils and fuels evaporate more strongly in a humid room.
- Corrosion of metal objects, including your car.
- Excessive moisture sometimes leads to even the destruction of the brick structure.
How to eliminate the dampness in the garage: basic methods
In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the fresh air volume should exceed 180 cubic meters per hour. Only in this case, the placement of your garage will be truly safe.
Important! Typical errors of garage owners trying to deal with high humidity: wall insulation, concreting the floor with overlapping holes for ventilation. This does not take into account and unsatisfactory waterproofing. Such rash actions do not eliminate, but exacerbate the problem.
Ventilation Fix
There are three ways to normalize the ventilation system of the garage.
Natural ventilation
This is the most simple and budgetary way to eliminate the dampness in the garage. The principle of its operation consists in the difference in temperatures outside and inside the garage, as well as in the difference in pressure between the outflow and the influx of air.
Important! No special skills and tools for adjusting ventilation are required.
You only need to comply with such conditions:
- Buy pipes for ventilation, preferably from a polymer material.
- Do two holes in the garage wall. What is located in the lower part, will serve for the influx of air. The hole in the upper part of the wall is designed for air outflow.
Important! The way of making holes depends on the materials from which the walls of the garage are made.
- Select the dimensions of the holes so that they correspond to the diameter of the pipes you bought.
- Install the pipes so that the top one - rises above the garage by 1500 mm, and the lower one - goes towards the ground.
Mechanized ventilation
This method involves the use of fans - both exhaust and supply. The procedure is the following:
- Do the ventilation holes in the same way as in the first method.
- Install the two fans on both holes.
- Connect the received system to the electricity supply.
Important! Now, if you regularly turn on the fans, you will forget about what condensation and dampness is in the garage.
Combined ventilation
These are the two previous methods combined in one. You can do in the wall of the garage are not two, but four holes:
- two of them will serve for natural ventilation;
- and two - work with fans.
Important! The only downside of the above method is that the garage space will be strongly cooled.
Several nuances of ventilation:
- The supply pipe must be installed at an incline. Its height from the floor is not less than 0.2 m.
- The distance of the exhaust pipe from the roof of the garage should be 0.1-0.2 m.
Important! If these rules are observed, the air circulation will be correct, and the air will be constantly dry.
How to eliminate the dampness in the garage: the secrets of high-quality waterproofing
Properly arranged waterproofing will quickly get rid of the increased humidity in the garage. There are two methods of high-quality waterproofing, made independently.
Additional layer of waterproofing material
This method is relevant if the foundation was originally laid incorrectly. The algorithm is the following:
- Buy bitumen mastic. Read the instructions carefully before using it.
- Cover the foundation with a mastic.
Important! If you did everything right, the garage will dry quickly.
Concreting of the inspection pit and the garage floor
The procedure is as follows:
- Free the room completely.
- Remove debris from the floor, level the surface.
- Fill the floor with a pre-prepared mortar.
Important! Often this is not enough to completely eliminate the damp in the garage. It is necessary to warm the room and establish ventilation.
Additional ways to reduce humidity:
- Air conditioner installation. It will help if the main causes of dampness have already been eliminated. The conditioner maintains an optimal indoor microclimate and, in addition to the main methods, reduces the humidity level.
- Dry car. Keep track of snow and dripping on the surface of the machine. Fight with this problem will help heaters installed in the garage in the winter, as well as a split-system, equipped with a dehumidification function.
Important! If the garage is built on the site with a high activity of groundwater, no additional waterproofing, unfortunately, will help. The only way is to change the garage and do not be lazy before buying to make all necessary checks of the proposed premises.
to the contents ↑Dry the cellar
This action should be carried out before the beginning of the work to improve the waterproofing. If you are interested in how to eliminate dampness in the garage, do not forget to do the cellar and inspection pit.
Important! The best time to dry the cellar is summer, during the period of maximum high air temperature.
Method 1
How to proceed:
- Clear the basement of all objects.
- Now clean the floor and allow it to dry naturally in 2-3 days.
- Next comes the direct drying:
- Securely fix the old bucket in the central part of the cellar and dissolve the fire in it.
- To make the fire burn better, make holes in the bottom of the bucket, make a brick stand. This increases your cravings.
Important! During combustion, the air in the basement warms up, so that its natural circulation occurs. Removal of moist air occurs quickly enough.
Method 2
Another effective and simple drying method - using a candle:
- Pull out the pipe from the floor of the cellar.
- Secure the tin can to the candle and install it at the end of the pipe.
- To have the first traction, light a piece of paper at the end of the pipe. Further the thrust will support the candle.
Important! The cellar is drained in this way for about 3 days. The candle can be replaced with dry fuel. The effect is the same.
to the contents ↑External drainage
Offering groundwater out of the garage is a good way to drain it.
Important! It is desirable that external drainage should be provided during the construction phase.
If this is not the case, the error can be corrected in another way:
- Dig a trench along the perimeter of the cellar floor. Its width and depth is 400-500 mm.
- Drill the wells to the first sand layer at intervals of 2.0 m.
- Insert plastic tubing into the wells and cover with a fine metal mesh grating.
- Lay the geotextile on the bottom and walls of the trench, with the edge overlapping.
- Fill the trench with gravel and crushed stone to a level slightly higher than the base of the cellar wall, carefully pound the gravel.
- Wrap the gravel with geotextile edges. It turns out a kind of drainage pipe, which prevents the accumulation of groundwater.
Fill the structure with the remaining gravel and tamp well.
to the contents ↑Internal drainage of the cellar
The procedure is as follows:
- Remove the floor covering and dig a 50 cm deep trench along the perimeter of the floor.
- Tighten and spread the bottom of the trench with a geo-optical material that absorbs moisture.
- Fill a trench with gravel 150-200 mm thick.
- Lay on the gravel pipes( the slope of 1 m is 3 mm).
- Fill the trench over the pipes with gravel. Gravel should be used in medium size, so that small pebbles do not block holes. Next is a layer of geotextile.
- Fill the structure with sand or soil.
- Find the lowest point of the cellar and equip a well to collect groundwater. It can be an industrial PVC collector, and a self-made design.
- Install a drain pump in the well, which is equipped with an automatic switch-on and automatic shut-off at the end of the pump.
- Connect a water drain hose to the sewage system or off-site to the pump.
The modern method of
The modern injection method is effective - pumping waterproofing material into pre-drilled holes. The following materials are used for injection:
- Epoxy.
- Polyurethane.
- Acrylate.
- Micro cement.
The most effective are acrylate and polyurethane materials. Their density is comparable to water, so they are able to penetrate into the smallest voids in the structure of the material.
Important! The procedure is quite costly. It can only be done by professionals.
To defeat the damp in the garage, you need to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. Watch the condition of the ventilation system and waterproofing. Only the proper operation of these systems will allow you to achieve a favorable microclimate in the garage.