- Mold and fungus - how to remove?
- What is a calcareous deposit?
Tile is the best option for finishing bathroom walls. He is very handsome and comfortable, but no matter how wonderful he is, he is still polluted, and therefore the question inevitably arises, what is to wash the tile in the bathroom from the raid? This type of pollution does not bypass even the most expensive and unpretentious specimens of this decoration. That is why information on how to clean the tile, as well as get rid of the unpleasant plaque and white stains, is very relevant.
to the contents ↑Mold and fungus - how to remove?
Cleaning tiles in the bathroom can not be limited to just removing plaque. Another common problem is fungus and mold. Let's look at options for cleaning tiles in the bathroom from mold.
To remove such dangerous contamination it is necessary to use only strong disinfectants. In addition to the purchased household chemicals for special purposes, you can also use the following options.
This requires a household steam cleaner that delivers hot steam under very high pressure and thereby removes fat, fungus and mold, destroying spores and germs.
With the help of bleach, wash the tiles in the bathroom from the mold, just like cleaning it from the plaque. In accordance with the instructions on the packaging, make an aqueous solution and wipe all surfaces with a cloth.
Important! When using this remedy, use protective equipment( gloves, respirator), since the active substance releases corrosive vapors and very aggressively affects the skin, mucous membranes.
Calcined soda
Calcined soda is useful if very thorough cleaning of joints is required. With the help of a powder and a brush, it is necessary to clean all the dirty places of the tile.
Changing the grout
If conventional methods are powerless, then you can resort to a more radical way. Clean out of the seams absolutely all the old contaminated and fungal contaminated grout, treat the joints with an antiseptic, and then re-cover with fresh mix.
to the contents ↑What is a calcareous deposit?
Rigid water, which contains a very large amount of calcium and magnesium salts, settles on a variety of surfaces, forming a calcareous coating. In turn, it is completely removed only if acid-containing substances are used.
If you believe that this kind of raid will be easy to clean, you are deeply mistaken. From the glass surface, its tracks can be removed quickly and without problems, but from the surface of the tile - not so simple.
Consider really effective ways to clean various surfaces from lime scale, which are widely used in the bathroom
Than wash the lime coating from the glass and plastic?
To get rid of limescale from glass and plastic surfaces in the bathroom, the following tools can easily help:
- soap solution will remove all non-serious deposits without the slightest labor;
- and if the dirt is heavier, you need to use vinegar and citric acid.
According to the experience of many users, it is known that the lime coating from glass surfaces, such as shelves, mirrors and shower partitions, is much easier to clean than plaque on other surfaces. A systematic cleaning, which occurs at least after 1 day, and does make you forget about these problems.
Important! To date, on the shelves of supermarkets, as well as ordinary hardware stores, you will easily find all the necessary for the bathroom and any items in it, detergents. But be sure to remember that it is necessary to give preference to pasty and cream products, because they are the most sparing and at the same time not less effective during the struggle with sediments in the form of calcareous plaque.
Than to remove lime on a tile and ceramics?
In case you have not been caring for the tiled bathroom for a long time, then soon it will cease to please you with its brilliance. This is due to the deposition of calcareous deposits. In addition to this, in the seams between the tiles appears black mold, this mold you have to thoroughly clean.
Extinguishing limescale with household chemicals
Shops that specialize in the sale of a variety of hygiene products, as well as household chemicals, have several options in their assortment for proper care of tile.
The basic rules for choosing the right remedy for washing the tile in the bathroom from the plaque are as follows:
- The best choice is if you pay attention to liquid or gel-like remedies.
- If you want to use cleaning powders, which are often more effective, keep in mind that they contain fine abrasive particles in their composition. Such a structure can damage the entire surface of the tile.
- If the condition of the tile has reached the point of corrosion or white coating, be sure to use a cleanser based on chlorine. Another great advantage of this remedy is that it can create a disinfectant effect.
- If there is such a situation that you have a desire to tidy the dirty tile, and there is no special tool at hand, and you do not plan to go to the store, use the window cleaner. The composition of such products includes liquid ammonia, which is able to return the dirty tiles to its long-lost gloss.
What can I use to clean the tile, in addition to household chemicals?
Trends in the modern world are aimed at reducing the use of household chemicals for household use. This is justified by the fact that household chemicals have a negative impact on the environment, as well as the ecology of the Earth as a whole.
Important! Especially sensitive people have various allergic reactions to the constituents that are contained in cleaning products, so their use in this situation is strictly contraindicated.
Soap solution
The safest and simplest version of what to wash the tile in the bathroom from the plaque is a soapy solution. This universal tool can be used only if your tile has not yet managed to whiten and receives regular and thorough care.
Beginning the procedure for washing tiles is recommended from the very top and gradually go down. After you do the cleaning with a soapy solution, wipe the surface from the bottom up.
You can clean the tile in the bathroom at home using vinegar. When using this tool, it is best to perform the procedure with a nebulizer.
Wash technique:
- Pour into the bottle with a spray gun the usual table vinegar.
- Spray the vinegar over the entire surface of the tile and peel the tile with a brush. Brush necessarily must be soft and natural color.
Important! To wash the tiles in this way can be done quickly enough if you use 6% vinegar, but do not use concentrated essence. If there is only 80% acetic concentrate, dilute it with clean water in a proportion of 1 to 11.
If the degree of contamination of the tile is slightly larger than you expected:
- Vinegar-soaked tile surface, leave for a while. During this time, the vinegar will penetrate deeper into the layer of pollution and it will be easier to wash it off.
- Wash the tile with warm and clear water.
- Wipe surface with a dry cloth.
In order to clean the tile, the best suited cloths made of microfiber. You can buy them in a special store of household goods.
Important! Do not forget about safety measures while working with acid solutions.
Thanks to the versatility of this substance, most often it is given to it by experienced housewives. The usual baking soda is best used for tiles with glossy, where the level of pollution is not too large.
Important! How to determine the degree of pollution? This is simple enough to do: if there are any small streaks or a slight cloudiness of the tiles. But, if the plaque reaches a level where the thickness of the plaque is a millimeter or more, in such cases, soda will definitely not be able to help you with this problem.
If we continue to talk about soda and its properties, it's not superfluous to add that this is one of the few abrasive agents that, when applied with a small amount of soap, is completely incapable of scratching the surface of the tile. This means that soda will remove the problem very gently and will not spoil the material.
Important! Soda is good to use in cases where the newly laid tiles, which also costs a lot, are polluted, and you do not want to scratch it with household chemicals.
How to use soda:
- To begin with, dilute it with a detergent, you can use a dishwashing detergent. Another option is to mix it with household soap.
- Make a paste-like consistency solution, not liquid at all, so that it does not spread.
- Apply the solution to the tile in dirty areas.
- Wait for a while, then wipe it off with a sponge.
- Finally, rinse with clean water using the same sponge.
- Wipe the tiles dry.
We offered you several options of what to wash the tiles in the bathroom from the plaque. We hope that by testing these funds, safe for the health of any person, you will take them to yourselves for permanent arming and your bathroom will always sparkle with purity and beauty.