- Why is it necessary to clean the chimney?
- Folk remedies
- Mechanical cleaning of the smoke duct
- Cleaning the open fireplace with a direct chimney
- How to determine that the chimney needs cleaning?
- Quality control cleaning
- Useful advices
It is impossible to imagine a house that is located outside the city or in the village, without a fireplace or a stove. First of all - it's warmth, comfort, and indeed, ovens and fireplaces perform a large number of functions, including today are full-fledged interior items. But not many people know that they are clogged, and that they need to be cleaned. Moreover, very few people know how to clean the chimney from soot with folk remedies. If you have already thought about this need, specifically for you collected all the information that can help clean the chimney from soot.
to the contents ↑Why is it necessary to clean the chimney?
During the combustion of fuel, soot is released in the heating device. All warm air rises together with the soot upward, where it settles on the surfaces of the walls of the chimney. With the passage of soot accumulates, and its layer becomes more powerful and powerful. This itself leads to quite unpleasant consequences:
- The duct for the exit of the smoke narrows, which leads to a reduction in thrust.
- Wear resistance of the walls of the chimney drops.
- The efficiency of the heating system is reduced.
- Increasingly, the probability of a fire inside the chimney duct increases.
It is possible to prevent trouble only if the chimney is thoroughly cleaned from all accumulated soot in a timely manner.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies
Folk remedies today are very popular for solving various tasks for the care of the house. The main reason for this trend is their rather high efficiency, availability and optimal price. There are various ways of using improvised means and in order to clean the chimney from soot.
Method 1
The most common substance that helps to eliminate accumulated soot in the chimney is rock salt. As a rule, they fall asleep on firewood during their burning.
Important! Such a variant can be considered only as a preventive measure in the formation of soot. Radically this method can not clean the pipe.
Method 2
A more effective substance for cleaning chimneys is potato peeling or simply potatoes cut in half. The amount of potatoes is determined by the size of the heating device, but usually it takes about 1 bucket.
Clean up spills directly into the fire. The starch that is released together with the steam softens the soot, so it leaves the chimney. After the procedure, clean the oven.
Important! Sometimes a similar operation is carried out before starting a mechanical cleaning, which is much easier as a result.
Method 3
Another good option to clean the chimney from soot by folk remedies is considered to be aspen wood. A small amount of piles of such firewoods should be burned in the oven.
However, do not forget that this is a somewhat dangerous method, because it involves the heating of the chimney to sufficiently high temperatures, in which the soot begins to burn out. Before using this method, make sure how strong your chimney is.
Important! The soot deposits should not be large, otherwise - even the most durable chimney can not withstand the load and can collapse.
to the contents ↑Mechanical cleaning of the smoke duct
The recommendations for cleaning the chimney from the deposited soot determine the exact sequence of work:
- Tightly close the clearing holes, otherwise - soot will fly into the room.
- The door of the furnace is also absolutely necessary to be closed. In the event that it is supposed to clean the open fireplace, close the furnace with a damp cloth.
- Climb to the roof. Do not forget to use the insurance and do not try to clean the chimney from soot in bad weather, because there is too much risk to break down.
- Inspect the smoke channel. In the event that the layer of deposited soot is less than 2 mm, it is better to postpone the mechanical cleaning and use one of the above options.
- Check for debris or foreign objects inside the chimney. Get them out or push the stick further to get them from the bottom.
- For a clean, dense layer of soot, clean with a scraper.
- After this, take a ruff or a brush, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the chimney and work them.
- If you detect clogging in the smoke channel, use a special core. This is a fairly heavy metal ball, which must be fixed to the cable.
- Try not to touch the walls of the chimney, throw it into the very center of the channel. You can also use it to weight the brush or brush.
Important! In no case can we use sports dumbbells or other objects with a center of gravity as the core. They are able to roll over, and subsequently become stuck in the chimney. And they can be removed only after the complete dismantling of the structure.
- Once the smoke channel is cleaned, you can open all the clearing holes and remove dirt and soot from them.
- After that, clean the furnace and the ash-pit.
Cleaning the open fireplace with a direct chimney
Open fireplaces that are equipped with straight chimneys can be cleaned not only from below, but also from above, from the side of the furnace. To implement this manipulation, use a special metal brush, which is equipped with a stackable compound handle.
to the contents ↑How to determine that the chimney needs cleaning?
Practice shows that a competently folded fireplace or the oven, which is always correctly handled, works without cleaning the smoke channel for several years. With all this, pay special attention to the fuel itself.
Important! Burn in the fireplace debris, plastic bags or plastic bottles can not.
However, firewood can also clog the chimney, especially if you stove the stove with raw logs or use resinous spruce or pine as the main fuel. It will be best if you burn dry logs that have been lying for at least a year and a half.
The main symptoms of a clogged pipe and the fact that it is time to clean the chimney from soot by folk or mechanical means, you can easily notice:
- First of all, the color of the smoke changes. If the smoke channel is completely clean, it will be light, transparent or white. Accumulated soot gradually begins to burn, which changes the color of the outgoing smoke. It becomes denser and darker.
- The flame color inside the furnace is also likely to change. Under normal conditions, it will be approximately light orange. If there is a very saturated shade of dark orange - it means that it's time to think about how to clean the chimney.
Quality control of cleaning
Ways to clean chimney ducts using chemicals often do not cause people much confidence. There is an understanding of the important point that the quality of such cleaning is noticeably inferior to the quality that professional chimney sweeps can provide. In addition, upon completion of their work, specialists always conduct quality control of their work, as well as a general analysis of the condition of your chimney. For this they use special tools, for example, a mirror.
Serious companies working in this field, various service centers, use special cameras that have a backlight function for quality control. With the help of this camera, they can fully appreciate the quality of the work done and eliminate all the shortcomings, if of course there are.
to the contents ↑Useful advices
If you have decided to perform such work as cleaning the chimney from soot by yourself, be sure to adhere to such rules:
- When choosing a method, be sure to take into account the amount of deposits that accumulated on the walls of the smoke channel.
- All the work, and this is mechanical cleaning, preliminary work, can be done with our own hands, combining various options, technologies and tools.
- Carefully read the instructions and strictly follow it.
As you can see, the process of cleaning chimney folk methods is not so complicated, so try to keep it always clean and tidy. Then the stove will delight you with its excellent traction, long enough service life, warmth and comfort in the house.