🍭 DIY candy crafts for children and adults

DIY candy crafts for the New Year is not just a way to decorate the holiday, but also a great pleasure for the whole family. After all, everyone knows that the distinctive features of this holiday are the aroma of pine needles, tangerines and, of course, a completely irrational amount of chocolate, which we cannot afford the rest of the time. And if there are children at seven, then prepare a voluminous container, because gifts from relatives, from kindergarten and school - all this, at best, will fit only in a linen basin. The theme of this material from the New Year edition of HouseChief is how to decorate the holiday with the help of sweets, not only for children, but also for adults.

Read in the article

  • 1 DIY candy decorations on the Christmas tree
  • 2 Room decor: clocks and candy wreaths for the new year
  • 3 New Year's bouquet of sweets as a gift for your beloved
  • 4 Christmas candy baskets as a gift: design options
  • 5 How to decorate a bottle of champagne with candies
  • 6 New Year's gift of sweets for a man: ideas for a sweet lover
  • 7 DIY candy crafts for the New Year with children and for children

DIY candy decorations on the Christmas tree

The simplest and most logical option for using sweets in bright wrappers is to decorate a Christmas tree.

You can just hang a bright candy on a string, it will already look very cute, and when you part with the holiday, this candy will cheer you upPHOTO: adukar.by
You can just hang a bright candy on a string, it will already look very cute, and when you part with the holiday, this candy will cheer you up
You can make bright beads for a Christmas tree from sweets. To do this, you can fasten the tails of the wrappers with an ordinary stapler.PHOTO: 4.bp.blogspot.com
You can make bright beads for a Christmas tree from sweets. To do this, you can fasten the tails of the wrappers with an ordinary stapler.
Christmas beads can be made from fishing line and marmalade. Just string the beads on the fishing line and hang them from the tree. The marmalade will dry out a little during the holiday, but this will hardly affect its taste in any way.PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Christmas beads can be made from fishing line and marmalade. Just string the beads on the fishing line and hang them from the tree. The marmalade will dry out a little during the holiday, but this will hardly affect its taste.
A very interesting idea is to make a decoration from candies in the shape of nuts. Take round candies in gold or silver foil and glue the wrappers together, decorate with paper sepals.PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
A very interesting idea is to make a decoration from candies in the shape of nuts. Take round candies in gold or silver foil and connect the wrappers with glue, decorate with paper sepals
You can decorate a Christmas tree with homemade candied fruits by simply hanging them on a bright ribbon.PHOTO: img.fotokonkurs.ru
You can decorate a Christmas tree with homemade candied fruits by simply hanging them on a bright ribbon.
Real lollipops can also decorate a Christmas tree, just leave them in a transparent package so that dust does not settle on the surface.PHOTO: images.vfl.ru
Real lollipops can also decorate a Christmas tree, just leave them in a transparent package so that dust does not settle on the surface.
In addition to sweets, gingerbread with bright glaze is considered another popular edible Christmas tree decoration.PHOTO: s1.1zoom.ru
In addition to sweets, gingerbread with bright glaze is considered another popular edible Christmas tree decoration.

Room decor: clocks and candy wreaths for the new year

A clock with hands stopped at five minutes to midnight is a popular New Year's symbol. It is this idea that can form the basis decorating a sweet gift. To do this, you need a round package and a little imagination:

Use a decoupage napkin with a suitable motif for decoration, glue the box around the perimeter with sweets and decorate it with artificial or natural spruce branchesPHOTO: 3.bp.blogspot.com
Use a decoupage napkin with a suitable motif for decoration, glue the box around the perimeter with sweets and decorate it with artificial or natural spruce branches
A jar of coffee can also be decorated with sweets. This imitation of a barrel will be a very original gift.PHOTO: cs2.livemaster.ru
A jar of coffee can also be decorated with sweets. This imitation of a barrel will be a very original gift.

Such a candy watch will become not only a gift, but also an original decoration for New Year's table setting.

Christmas wreaths are another popular decor. They are used to decorate doors and windows in the house. Traditionally they are made from fir branches and toys, but you can also use candies:

Such a charming wreath will be a great gift for a sweet tooth.PHOTO: forum.pushkino.org
Such a charming wreath will be a great gift for a sweet tooth.
For decoration, you can use bright ribbons and beadsPHOTO: kinologia.spb.ru
For decoration, you can use bright ribbons and beads
If you take green tinsel and use candies in different bright packaging, you get a very elegant decoration.PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
If you take green tinsel and use candies in different bright packaging, you get a very elegant decoration.

New Year's bouquet of sweets as a gift for your beloved

A New Year's bouquet with sweets is a gift that any girl will like. Especially if you have chosen her favorite sweets.

If you decorate it with taste, it will be a very bright gift.PHOTO: img2.okidoker.com
If you decorate it with taste, it will be a very bright gift.

How to make such a composition with your own hands:

IllustrationDescription of action
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesTo make a bouquet, you need a circle made of cardboard with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a tube of paper towels
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesTo add volume to the bouquet, prepare a piece of styrofoam and give it a rounded shape.
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesGlue the styrofoam to the cardboard circle and cover it with corrugated paper
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesFrom the outside, for decoration, use the same corrugated board in a contrasting color. All parts are glued with hot glue
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesCover the handle of the bouquet and the back side with paper so that the cardboard is not visible
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesTo decorate the bouquet, prepare small Christmas balls, candies and artificial twigs
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesTo secure the candies, make knitting needles from the wire with a rounded edge. With the rounded side, glue the knitting needle to the candy wrapper
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesStick the knitting needles with sweets directly into the foam base, and glue the rest with a hot gun
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesFill the entire top of the bouquet with candy and decor, leaving no space
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesSuch a bouquet will be a wonderful gift for a loved one or colleague - a girl

Christmas candy baskets as a gift: design options

A basket of chocolates is a great gift idea, which is also not difficult to arrange yourself.

You can also put a present for an adult in such a basket: a bottle of champagne and coffeePHOTO: ne-kurim.ru
You can also put a present for an adult in such a basket: a bottle of champagne and coffee
The secret of a beautiful decor is in bright wrappers and thoughtful colors.PHOTO: s.sakh.com
The secret of a beautiful decor is in bright wrappers and thoughtful colors.

How to decorate a bottle of champagne with candies

Among the popular options for New Year's decoration of champagne bottles, the imitation of pineapple is undoubtedly in the lead.

The look of such a gift turns out to be very original, so that it can be presented not only to a friend, but also to the boss.PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
The look of such a gift turns out to be very original, so that it can be presented not only to a friend, but also to the boss.

How to make such a composition with your own hands:

Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesPrepare round candies. If candy wrappers have tails, then tuck them up and glue the candies directly to the bottle with hot glue.
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesYou need to glue the entire bottle around the perimeter to the very neck
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesFrom green corrugated paper, cut leaves with pointed tips about 12 centimeters long and 3-4 centimeters wide
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesCover the neck of the bottle with leaves in several rows, shifting the details relative to each other
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesDecorate the space between the leaves and candies with artificial tow. Use it to fill in the gaps between candies.
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesPeel back the leaves and stretch slightly to keep them in shape.
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesThe gift option can be decorated with an elegant bow
Awesome candy crafts for the New Year - detailed master classesYou can't help but like such a New Year's gift, feel free to prepare it for your friends, colleagues and bosses

New Year's gift of sweets for a man: ideas for a sweet lover

Men are in many ways big children, they are also pleased with candy, and this is a proven fact. And there are some very interesting ideas on how to decorate a sweet gift for a strong half of your family or a close friend, as well as make candy crafts for a boy:

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Do not hesitate what to give a music lover. The main thing is to choose the right choice of his favorite sweets.

Do not hesitate what to give a music lover. The main thing is to choose the right choice of his favorite sweets.

An avid jeeper or just a boy who behaved well all year long can be presented with such a sweet car

An avid jeeper or just a boy who behaved well all year long can be presented with such a sweet car

And even if he loves beer more, hardly anyone would refuse such a mug.

And even if he loves beer more, hardly anyone would refuse such a mug.

If you've noticed, the base of this bike is for a grown man only.

If you've noticed, the base of this bike is for a grown man only.

This composition is based on a can of coffee. And it comes with bitter chocolate

This composition is based on a can of coffee. And it comes with bitter chocolate

A fan of the game of tanks will definitely like such a composition of sweets. Use a cardboard model of a combat vehicle for the base.

A fan of the game of tanks will definitely like such a composition of sweets. Use a cardboard model of a combat vehicle for the base.

This is also a bouquet, but look how much brutal it is: collectible mini bottles with good cognac, chocolate and coffee were used for decoration

This is also a bouquet, but look how much brutal it is: collectible mini bottles with good cognac, chocolate and coffee were used for decoration

A great idea for congratulating an athlete is candy dumbbells. Let him forget about the diet at least for a holiday

A great idea for congratulating an athlete is candy dumbbells. Let him forget about the diet at least for a holiday

Crafts from sweets for men are a lot of interesting options, study his interests and his favorite type of sweets, and success is guaranteed.

DIY candy crafts for the New Year with children and for children

And finally, a variety of crafts that can be made from sweets for children for the new year are breaking records in demand. On the eve of New Year's holidays, schools and kindergartens are in great need of the fruits of family creativity, and in addition, such a sweet gift will madly delight grandparents. Here is a whole gallery of ideas for kids candy crafts:

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Awesome idea with a horse. To implement it, you first need to make a frame out of cardboard.

Awesome idea with a horse. To implement it, you first need to make a frame out of cardboard.

Not only the child, but also his parents will not refuse such a New Year's cake.

Not only the child, but also his parents will not refuse such a New Year's cake.

A great gift idea if there are a lot of kids at the New Year's party. The basis of the sleigh is made up of lollipops; a large bar of chocolate and sweets is sequentially attached to them. The whole composition is tied with a ribbon

A great gift idea if there are a lot of kids at the New Year's party. The basis of the sleigh is made up of lollipops; a large bar of chocolate and sweets is sequentially attached to them. The whole composition is tied with a ribbon

The easiest option is candy Christmas trees. To make them, you will need a cardboard cone, tinsel and the candies themselves in bright packages.

The easiest option is candy Christmas trees. To make them, you will need a cardboard cone, tinsel and the candies themselves in bright packages.

A very interesting idea for a candy presentation - a cedar cone

A very interesting idea for a candy presentation - a cedar cone

Even dad will agree to play such chess on the morning of January 1

Even dad will agree to play such chess on the morning of January 1

How to make a cone-shaped craft from candies for the New Year - in this small video master class:

If you think that these are all possible options, then of course you are wrong. There are countless ideas for decorating a sweet gift. And it all depends only on your desire and imagination. Try and experiment, and write to us what you liked best in the comments.
