- The most popular ways to clean carpets
- There is nothing better than soda and vinegar to control stains
- Options for cleaning carpets with vinegar and soda
- How to clean the carpet with vinegar?
- Popular ways to deal with dirt on carpets
- Some useful tips for cleaning carpets
- What should I avoid while cleaning carpets?
To date, there is a huge number of different kinds of carpeting, but classic carpets and carpets will probably never lose their relevance. And it does not matter how much palas cost, it is made of wool or ordinary cloth, the most important thing is that these things help create an incredible atmosphere of comfort, warmth and comfort in the house. To your favorite carpet as long as possible was as beautiful and soft as the day of its purchase, you need to take care of it properly. In this article, we will look at how to properly care for such products and learn how to clean the carpet at home with soda and vinegar, because our grandmothers have resorted to this method.
to content ↑The most popular ways to clean carpets
For many years people have come up with new and new ways to clean floor coverings from dirt, dust, animal wool, traces of drinks and food. And here are the most effective of them and proven by time:
- What could be easier than cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, because today there are even washing models? But they can help only when it is necessary to eliminate minor spots and dust. In addition, after such a washing, the coating will become wet and it will have to be dried for a long time.
- Snow - resort to its help in severe pollution and the accumulation of a large amount of dust. After such a procedure, the carpet as if "comes to life", becomes like a new one. But there are drawbacks here too: it is possible to clean this way only in winter, plus a lot of effort will be required.
- Dry cleaning. Here your favorite palace will be cleaned to a shine, they will clean even the most problematic spots, remove the smell, and eventually it will return to the house dry and beautiful. But for this you will have to pay well.
- Industrial powders and sprays. Yes, they are easy to use, but, unfortunately, not all of them are effective enough and they are not cheap. And again, this is an additional share of chemistry in your home, and in any case it affects your health.
Important! Some chemical compounds can cause the strongest allergic reaction, so it is necessary to study the composition and the instruction in detail before buying.
to the contents ↑There is nothing better than soda and vinegar to control stains
As it turned out, this old-fashioned method is considered the best option. How to clean the carpet at home with soda and vinegar? Very simple, fast, efficient, and most importantly - inexpensive. Of course, you'll have to spend a little time preparing the right solution and cleaning yourself, but it's worth it.
And all this thanks to the amazing properties of the main component of the solution.
Important! Baking soda simply copes remarkably with deep and obsolete contaminants. In addition, it is absolutely safe for health. The ready-made mortar absorbs the dirt perfectly and further removes odors. The product becomes as bright as before.
to the contents ↑Options for cleaning carpets with vinegar and soda
There are three options for cleaning carpets with these amazing ingredients. But it's still recommended to begin with vacuuming, otherwise - the result will be less effective. Let us consider these variants in more detail.
Method first
The whole carpet is covered with soda, like snow. At the end of fifteen minutes it is swept away, vacuumed. To prepare the solution for further cleaning, you need to mix one tablespoon of soda with a liter of water, moisten the brush in it and clean the surface.
Method two:
- Dilute a hundred grams of soda in five liters of water.
- The resulting solution is poured into the spray gun, spray the carpet well, but do not overdo it.
- As soon as everything is dry, remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner.
- This cleaning is completed using an acetic solution.
Option three:
- Dilute vinegar with water in proportions one to four.
- Then apply to the stains, soak with a paper towel or napkins.
- After a couple of minutes, carefully fill it with soda.
- Wait for a while, remove everything with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! This way, like cleaning the carpet at home with soda and vinegar, is ideal for removing stubborn stains.
to the contents ↑How to clean the carpet with vinegar?
How to clean the carpet at home using soda and vinegar, we already figured out, and is it possible to use one of the components if the other was not at home? Of course you can. To your palace again shone with the former beauty and bright colors, you can use the vinegar solution:
- It is easy to prepare it - you need to dilute a spoonful of vinegar in a liter of warm water.
- Then moisten the brush in it and thoroughly clean the entire surface of the carpet in the direction of the pile.
- After thirty minutes, gently pat the coating with a sponge and vacuum.
Popular ways to deal with dirt on carpets
There are several other equally effective, quick carpet cleaning options, in addition to those described above. Let's consider them in more detail:
- A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda. They are used to clean up old, complex spots. The fact is that peroxide penetrates perfectly into the carpet nap, instantly corrodes dirt. Both products perfectly eliminate stains from alcoholic beverages. But remember that peroxide is able to bleach fabrics, so use it to clean only white or light products.
- Salt + soda. You can mix small salt with baking soda - you will get a miracle solution, thanks to which your carpet will beautifully shine. Mix the components in equal parts, and then - directly in dry form, carefully rubbed into the floor covering. In half an hour everything is cleaned with a broom or a vacuum cleaner.
- Cleaning carpets at home with soda and vinegar will be even more effective if you add detergent to them. You will get a universal cleaning product that is generally easy to prepare - you need to mix one tablespoon of soda and vinegar, one teaspoon of powder and add seven hundred milliliters of warm water. Then we send the received liquid to the atomizer, spray the carpet, leave it for at least ten minutes. After that, wipe everything dry with a napkin.
Important! Remember that any dirt is best removed from the carpet, if you deal with them immediately, rather than waiting for the right occasion. In particular, it concerns stains from vegetables, fruits, spirits.
to the table of contents ↑Some useful tips for cleaning carpets
If your carpet is worn lint, do not despair, heat the iron, turn on the steaming function, and heat the hot spots with hot steam. The main thing - do everything carefully, so that the sole of the iron does not touch the carpet. Then walk in the measure with a rigid brush on it, dry it. The result will surprise you.
Important! Do not overdo it with cleaning agents, otherwise - the floor covering itself will become sticky, it will dry very long.
to the contents ↑What should I avoid while cleaning carpets?
To avoid messing up the carpet, remember what not to do:
- Coatings with natural nap can not be cleaned with chemicals.
- It is not recommended to wash carpets, carpets with hot water, because dirt will soak up even deeper.
- Do not use excessively hard brushes during cleaning.
- Do not rub the rug against the nap.
So, we found out that cleaning the carpet at home with soda and vinegar is an ideal option. But at the end of wet cleaning, dry the carpet well, otherwise - in places where there is moisture, a fungus will begin to form, which will gradually destroy the fibers of the tissue.