- How to start cleaning in an apartment?
- General cleaning in the room
- General cleaning in the bathroom and toilet
- How to start cleaning in the kitchen?
- General cleaning in the hallway
- What are the mistakes during the general cleaning?
- Pros of general cleaning:
- Cleaning of the Flyledi system
General cleaning is quite hard work, but it is extremely necessary to maintain order in the house, to keep one's health, to prevent the multiplication of insects and pathogens. When your house shines with cleanliness and smells fresh, it is much nicer in it than in dusty and dirty, but one does not want to spend a lot of time cleaning. Therefore, we offer you a simple solution to the organization of general cleaning in the apartment, which you can use to qualitatively cope with the task with minimal effort.
to the contents ↑How to start cleaning in an apartment?
The first thing with which to start the general cleaning is that it will be adjusted to it, then it will be more fun. To do this, include good music, open the windows, put on comfortable clothes and do not forget to turn off the Internet and TV, so as not to distract.
Important! Cleaning in the apartment will be much faster and better if you adhere to a certain algorithm of action, pre-scribbling it on paper. In the course of implementation, you will cross out those points that you have already dealt with - this will bring additional moral satisfaction.
to the table of contents ↑General cleaning in the room
The algorithm for general house cleaning can be something like this:
- Remove the cobweb from the ceiling and wipe it off the top surface of the cabinet and the eaves.
- Remove all items from the shelves and wipe dust off them with a rag.
- Remove the curtains and tulle, send them to the wash.
- Wash the windows.
- Wipe or wash the chandelier and fixtures.
- Remove clothing from the chairs: dirty - put in the laundry basket, and clean - hang in the closet. Look at the socks under the bed.
- Carry out an audit in the cabinets, throw away unnecessary clothes.
- Vacuum upholstered furniture, wipe the dust off the tables.
- Polished furniture, polish by specialized means.
- Clean the mirrors. Make sure that there are no divorces.
- Thoroughly wash floors with detergent.
Important! If you properly organize yourself and prepare in advance all the necessary cleaning products, this cleaning will take no more than 2 hours.
to the table of contents ↑General cleaning in bathroom and toilet
The bathroom requires a thorough cleaning approach, as it is here that harmful bacteria and precipitation accumulate the most. General cleaning in the apartment can not be completed until you can not cope with cleaning the toilet, bathroom sinks. To this procedure does not take away from you all day, follow this sequence:
- Clean with special means a bath, a toilet bowl and a sink. First pour them with disinfectant chemicals and leave for a while. While you wash all the other surfaces of the agent act, split the plaque, kill the microbes - you will only have to walk with the brush on the surface and wash it several times with water. With this approach, a general cleaning in the house does not take much time from you.
- Clean well the walls, shelves and all horizontal surfaces. It is desirable not just water, but a soapy solution or a special mixture with "Mr. Proper" concentrate. In this case, the general cleaning of the apartment will be done correctly.
- Wash the washing machine - ideally run it in any mode with citric acid. What is better to do first - to wash all the assembled things or to clean the unit - determine for yourself, based on the amount of dirty clothes.
- Polish the mirrors. Quickly, you can do this with a special microfibre cloth and ammonia or a spray like "Mr. Muscle", "Cif".
- Wash the floor. Be sure to use disinfectants. Excellent for this purpose, "Mr. Proper", which does not need to be washed off.
Important! Before you start a general cleaning in the bathroom, put all the shampoos, creams, deodorants, wipes and other accessories that are in the bathroom, in a box and take it out, and after the cleaning is over, put everything in its place.
to the contents ↑How to start cleaning in the kitchen?
Putting things in order in the kitchen, it will take you a little time, so be patient and bring it to the end. If you take small breaks, make sure that they do not last long.
First of all, deciding where to start a general cleaning in the kitchen is to unfreeze the refrigerator and clean it thoroughly. Then proceed in this order:
- Wash up the kitchen equipment: microwave, stove, oven, hood.
- Remove from the shelves everything that is worth, decompose and look well. All unnecessary throw out! On the seasonings look at the expiration date and get rid of the stripped utensils.
- Wipe the canisters, cabinets and shelves with a damp cloth.
- Clean the sink, wash under it.
- Wash the floor, including the plinth.
- Replace the curtains with clean ones.
General cleaning in the hallway
Performing a general cleaning in the apartment, get to the entrance to the hall:
- Wipe off the dust and remove the cobwebs from the ceiling and walls.
- Pull out the things from the cabinet, go over them unnecessary throw them away, and carefully hang or fold the rest.
- Wash the front door on both sides.
- Clean the mats and tracks with a special tool. If the season is winter, beat them in the snow.
- Polish the mirrors, wipe the switches.
- Thoroughly wash floors and skirting boards.
- Spread out clean tracks and mats.
What are the mistakes during the general cleaning?
During the general cleaning there are a number of incorrect actions that delay this process. The most common ones are:
- Inactivity in actions. Do not start a lot of actions at the same time, otherwise you will work for several hours, but the result will not be visible. Operate clockwise starting at the entrance door.
- Doing the cleaning yourself. Involve family members in this process and give them clear tasks: laying the bed, vacuuming the room, taking out the garbage, defrosting the refrigerator, so it will go more fun and faster, and at the end of the cleaning you will not feel like a squeezed lemon.
- Do not ignore the advice of friends or other recommendations indicated in the cleaning sources.
- Season cleaning. You do not need to postpone cleaning for autumn or spring, but put things in order in the house as they get dirty. Correctly organized cleaning can generally get rid of the general.
- Do not consider spring cleaning a punishment. It is inevitable, so include fun music and get down to business.
- Unprepared inventory and detergent to restore order. Correctly chosen means for cleaning, washing will speed up the whole process and make it much more effective.
Pros of general cleaning:
Faster to start putting things in order in the house will help understanding the positive aspects of it.
- Remove dust, thereby taking care of your health, as it is the causative agent of allergic reactions and other many diseases.
- Disinfection, you kill dangerous for the body microorganisms and insects.
- Extends the life of your furniture, removing dirt from it in time.
- In a well-kept and tidy house is much nicer than in dirty.
- After a general cleaning, you will get rid of many unnecessary things.
Cleaning the Flyley
system In order for you not to have to do extensive cleaning and spend a lot of time on it, use the Fly Lady system:
- Clean up after yourself. Put things in their places, if at the moment there is no need for it.
- Do not handle just a few cases. Choose one thing and bring it to the end.
- Do not get at once many things.
- Do not accumulate a lot of laundry items, try to wash them as they get dirty.
- Do not store dirty dishes in the sink, wash it as it gets dirty.
- Clean the dust - do not wait for its large accumulation.
- Every morning take out the garbage.
- Throw away unnecessary things at once, do not wait for the littering of your house.
We hope that our article was useful to you, because you now know how the general cleaning is conducted and where to start it. Keep our recommendations and your house will surely shine with cleanliness again!