How to wash windows with ammonia

  • What is ammonia?
  • How to use ammonia?
  • Than to wash windows?
  • How to clean windows with ammonia?
  • Useful advices

With the advent of spring, you want the sun to quickly penetrate into all corners of the house. Mistresses widen the curtains wider to let in the light, but the light does not hurry to penetrate into the dwelling - the windows have become cloudy during the winter and have become covered with dust and rain. There are many ways to get rid of annoying pollution. From this article you will learn how to wash windows with ammonia to make them shine again, correctly, quickly and easily.

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What is ammonia alcohol?

Nitrate is an aqueous solution based on ammonia that can not be confused with anything due to a very sharp smell. It is worth noting that such alcohol is an excellent solvent of acids, therefore, all obsolete contaminants are amenable to it with ease. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dose and correctly prepare the solution.

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How to use ammonia?

The first thing you need to know, before you wash the windows - in what proportion to mix the ingredients. Means and solutions with ammonia are prepared according to several recipes, each of them effectively copes with dirt on the glasses. Read below the proposed options and choose the composition that best suits your mind.

Solution No. 1

  1. Take 5 liters of water.
  2. Add 5 ml of ammonia.
  3. Mix.

Solution # 2

  1. Take 200 ml of water.
  2. Pour in 500 ml of glycerin.
  3. Add 5 drops of ammonia.

Note: the glass treated with this solution is less polluted, and in winter protected from ice, plus dry ultramarine blue gives a beautiful bluish tint.

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Than to wash the windows?

Now you will learn how to properly organize the washing of windows and with maximum efficiency to apply funds with ammonia. Prepare the necessary inventory in advance.

You will need:

  • foam sponge;
  • container with solution;
  • water tank;
  • newspapers;
  • rags made from soft fabric;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • mop;
  • chair;
  • rubber gloves.
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How to clean windows with ammonia?

Follow this sequence, and washing the windows will be a pleasant experience for you.

Stage 1 - cleaning the profile and sill

  1. Remove the curtains from the eaves and remove all unnecessary from the window sill.
  2. Start washing the windows with cleaning the frames and cleaning the windowsill.

Remember: you should always wash from the top down. To do this:

  1. Vacuum the surfaces.
  2. Dampen sponge in solution with detergent.
  3. Wipe the frame first, then the windowsill.
  4. Clean the remaining foam with a damp cloth.
  5. Surface treatment with mortar No. 1.

Step 2 - cleaning the window glass

  1. Take the foam sponge.
  2. Dampen it abundantly in solution No. 2.
  3. Apply the solution to the glass and treat the entire surface from top to bottom.
  4. Use a soft cloth or newspaper and polish the glass.

Stage 3 - cleaning the blinds

With any solution with ammonia, you can clean up the contaminated blinds. To do this:

  1. Open the window.
  2. Place the blinds parallel to the frame.
  3. Soak any sock in the solution.
  4. Put your sock on like a mitten.
  5. Wipe each plate on both sides.
  6. Dry thoroughly.
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Useful advices

  • Wash the windows in cloudy weather. In bright sun, the product dries quickly and leaves stains and stains without proper treatment.
  • Always wear rubber gloves.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Do not inhale deeply the ammonia vapor and ventilate the room well after cleaning.
  • In high, hard-to-reach areas, use a mop: for example, when washing slopes from the outside or cornices.
  • Do not use ammonia soda or cleaning powder to wash the frames and window sill. Scratches and white marks may form.
  • You can buy a special rubber mop for washing windows. It is only important to get acquainted with the technology of application. She needs to work, passing horizontal strips, moving from the top of the glass, down.
  • To make synthetic curtains not rumpled after washing, hang them wet.
  • Aluminum casing should not be cleaned with abrasive tools. Wash them with a soft cloth and liquid detergent.
  • Insect marks on glass are well removed with onion juice. To do this, half the bulb, stain the spot and it will disappear.
  • Stable and long-lasting gloss can be achieved with starch. To do this, dilute 1 liter of water in 1 liter of water.starch and wipe the surface.
  • With the help of solutions with ammonia, any glass objects in the house can be shined. If you have prepared too much for washing windows, do not rush to pour out the remains - use them practical.
  • Begin washing windows and frames from the inside.
  • Glasses are recommended to be wiped occasionally with linseed oil. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the cloth and wipe the surface. Polish then with a dry cloth.
  • Do not mix ammonia with materials that contain chlorine.
  • Keep the remedy away from children.

Take advantage of our advice and make sure personally that ammonia is a really effective tool for washing windows!