- How to prevent the appearance of stains from deodorant on clothes?
- Methods for removing spots
- How to remove white spots on different tissues?
- What it is not necessary to remove stains from deodorant?
- Practical tips:
Even in cold weather, a person sweats, what can we say about summer when sweat pours down hail. And then we get help antiperspirant deodorants, which effectively fight with increased sweating and unpleasant odor. But solving one problem, they create another - very often after their use on the clothes appear yellow spots that are difficult to remove. Let's look at how to remove stains from deodorant from clothes and how to return your favorite things an attractive look.
to the contents ↑How to prevent the appearance of stains from deodorant on clothes?
If you follow a few simple rules, then the appearance of marks from deodorant in many cases can be avoided:
- Apply deodorant on a dry, clean skin.
- Spray aerosols at a distance of 15-20 cm from the body.
- If possible, wear clothing several minutes after you have applied your deodorant to allow the skin to dry out.
- When buying a remedy for sweat, carefully study the composition, since the presence of components such as alcohol, aluminum salts, triclosan is undesirable. Especially now, products are produced from environmentally friendly raw materials( white clay, rice starch, etc.)
But if the stains still appeared, then what to do and how to remove stains from deodorant from clothes?
Important! Try to remove the stain while it is fresh, if it enters the fabric, it will be even harder to remove.
to the table of contents ↑Methods for removing stains
There are many home remedies for combating traces of various deodorants.
Lemon juice
Squeeze the juice from half a lemon onto a stain and leave for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. This is enough to remove stains from the deodorant from the clothes as soon as they are formed.
Important! Lemon juice removes extremely fresh dirt.
Mix a small amount of salt with water to form a gruel, then apply this mixture on the stain. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water. Such simple manipulations will allow you to solve the problem quickly enough.
Liquid for washing dishes
Pour the liquid on a dirty place, leave it for 10-15 seconds( it can not be held for a long time, otherwise - this area will strongly lighten), rinse, and then wash clothes.
With its help you can remove stains from deodorant from colored clothes, wipe the contaminated area with a cotton swab. Dampened in vinegar and leave for the night, and in the morning we erase in normal mode.
Important! This method is not suitable for white or light clothing, as it can turn yellow.
This affordable product displays well the stains from black clothes. Pour the vodka on the desired area, leave for a few minutes. Usually this time is enough for the stains to disappear.
But if this did not happen, then you can soak for another 30-60 minutes, and then wash as usual.
Important! Vodka can be replaced with a medical or denatured alcohol diluted in water in a proportion of 50:50.
Baking soda
Mix soda with water and apply this slurry to the damaged area, leave to dry, and then shake off the remaining soda and wash. This is all it takes to remove stains from deodorant from clothes.
Grind 2 tablets and dissolve them in water, water should be about half a cup. This solution must be rubbed into the contaminated area and left for 2-3 hours, and then washed.
Hydrogen Peroxide
There are several ways to use hydrogen peroxide if you need to remove stains from deodorant on clothes:
- Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to stains, leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash.
- Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and soak clothes for 30 minutes, then rinse in cool water.
- Prepare the mixture: 2 tablespoons of soda, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem zone, after 1.5-2 hours, wash.
- Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water.
- The resulting solution is rubbed into impurities.
- After 15 minutes, wash
If the stains are stiff, then ammonia should be diluted with water in a proportion of 50:50 and pour on cloth, leave for 2 minutes, and then wash.
Important! Work with ammonia in gloves and keep the bottle away from the face, as this is a toxic substance with a pungent odor.
Household soap:
- Grate a piece of soap and dissolve in hot water, stirring until foam forms.
- Then put the thing in the solution, after wiping places with stains with the same laundry soap.
- After 1.5 hours wash.
How to remove white spots on different tissues?
When removing traces of deodorant from black clothes, it should be remembered that for different types of fabrics different means are suitable:
- Cotton and linen fabrics are treated with a mixture of water, salt and ammonia. For 1 glass of warm water comes 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. It is soaked for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.
- If the stains are left on the silk thing, then proceed as follows:
- first soak the thing in soapy water and leave it for 15 minutes;
- is then applied to the places where spots of salt solution appeared in the water( 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water);
- we leave for another 20 minutes, after that we erase.
- If the product from the wool has suffered, then only soapy solution can be used so that the thing does not deform. If this does not help, then you should think about dry cleaning.
Than it is not necessary to remove stains from deodorant?
Some tools can not only not help in removing stains, but also spoil the tissue. In order to avoid this, you need to know the following:
- Fabrics that require careful care - wool, viscose or silk, can not be treated with acetic acid or acetone. Alkaline is also contraindicated. It is best to use a concentrated salt solution.
- Synthetic fabrics should not be applied with gasoline and various solvents, aggressive pharmaceutical products, including hydrogen peroxide.
- It is not recommended to use bleach with chlorine when washing colored or white things. Colored things will fade, and the white spots from sweat will become even darker from the interaction of chlorine with sweat. Colored clothing can be rid of stains with the help of egg yolk( mix it with 10% denatured alcohol) or slightly warmed glycerin.
- Cotton fabrics can not be cleaned with nitrogen or hydrochloric acid.
Practical advice:
- Do not wash things in hot water - the optimum wash temperature is 30 degrees.
- Before using any stain remover, test it on a small, barely visible area of the tissue.
- Apply the product to the wrong side.
- For thick fabrics, use a brush, and for delicate fabrics - it is better to take a sponge, so as not to damage the structure of the fabric.
- After removing stains, it is necessary to rinse the thing as follows, and then wash several times to get rid of the remnants of the detergent.
- If the hydrogen peroxide is not washed off properly, the fabric will subsequently turn yellow
- It is undesirable to dry things under direct sunlight or on a battery - this can adversely affect their color.
In this article we told you what can and can not remove stains from deodorant from clothes. Apply these tips in practice if there is a problem, or even better - choose the hygiene remedy that will not exactly cause you problems with sweat or spots.