How can I remove linen from linoleum?

  • How to clean the stain from the green?
  • The first steps for pouring greens
  • Methods for cleaning linoleum from a solution of green
  • If the stains are old

A solution of brilliant green, or simply put green, is absolutely in every medicine cabinet, because it is an excellent antibacterial agent. But also it is an aniline dye, which is incredibly persistent. Therefore, we do not advise you to pour it on linoleum, but if such an unpleasant situation has already happened - do not delay cleaning in the "back box".The result of whether the solution is washed off the floor or not depends on how long it has not been washed. How can I remove linen from linoleum?- Just water with a sponge in this case you will not be rescued, since linoleum is waterproof. Let's move on to advice and methods that will be really effective.

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Than clear the spot from the green?

There are several different methods that answer the question of how to remove the greens from the linoleum. You can choose for yourself the one that suits you best.

Use any of the following:

  • Soda or high-concentration vinegar;
  • Remover for varnish;
  • Hydrochloric acid solution;
  • Acetone or chlorine-containing bleach;
  • Washing powder - for fresh stains;
  • A cleaner for cleaning plumbing, which includes acid or chlorine.

Important! Before you start the procedure for removing greens from linoleum, wear gloves, because all of the drugs are quite corrosive and can damage the skin of the hands or cause irritation / allergy.

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The first steps for pouring greens

In the case of greenery, every minute is important, because if you do not take the necessary measures in time, the stain can permanently remain on the floor. In order to achieve the desired result, follow the instructions exactly:

  1. Immediately point( never smearing) blot out the place where you poured grease with cotton wool, an unnecessary cloth( it also does not wash well with clothes) or toilet paper.
  2. Then, with a soap solution, a powder( preferably with a chlorine content) and a sponge, wash the contamination site as much as possible.
  3. Then attach the cloth, moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid of 30%, to the same place. It will discolor the stain, but on some linoleum can make the paint duller than it was before.

Important! Also, in an effective way, an attempt is made to remove contamination with stain removers for the home - such as Vanish or Amway. Just put them on the place with the green, and after a time rinse with water.

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Methods for cleaning linoleum from the grease solution

As in most cases the brilliant green solution is poured accidentally or due to negligence, then you have nothing else but to run to wash it with everything you can. The most important issue in this topic is exactly what to remove the greenery from the linoleum. So, what is suitable for


In order to remove the green linoleum from acetone, apply it on a cotton pad or just a piece of cotton wool and in small circular movements try to wash out the color spot as much as possible.

Important! Be prepared for the fact that along with the green flowers, the color of the linoleum can also go away in the place where you were the hardest to rub.

Washing powder

In order for this method to work, it will take a little longer( approximately night):

  1. Dilute 50 ml of water and 3 teaspoons of detergent.
  2. Then put the resulting mixture on the stain, try rubbing it.
  3. On the morning the spot either disappears completely, or to a minimum becomes light.

Soda with vinegar

This is the most gentle and safe method of removing stains from the greenery with linoleum:

  1. You need to pour soda over the entire plane of the spot. Do not feel sorry for soda, because the result depends on it, but do not make a mountain - 2 tablespoons will be enough.
  2. Then top with soda vinegar.
  3. There will be a chemical reaction and soda, as if taking away the green color from the floor.

Important! This procedure is absolutely safe, so that it can be carried out several times in a row, until the stain is completely brightened.

Mechanical cleaning of linoleum from green

How to remove a stain from a green linoleum with a mechanical cleaning? Everything is simple, or rather - on the contrary, very laborious, but you do not need to use any chemistry. Only it is necessary to allocate the time and methodically to struggle with pollution.

Important! This method is most suitable for fresh spots, and not too large in volume.

So, what is the method:

  1. First, gently moisten the area that needs to be washed.
  2. Then take the eraser( regular clerical).
  3. Start rubbing until the green color is gone to a minimum.
  4. If the area of ​​pollution is large enough, accordingly - it will take more time, eraser and forces.
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If the stains are old

Old stains from brilliant green are a separate story. In this case, you need to prepare yourself in advance that they can not get out of the surface of the flooring material, but only become more faded. But if you do not plan to change the decor of your house, we advise you to apply such means.

Kerosene or gasoline

These are very powerful tools, so they should try to bring out old, dried stains of zelenki that can not be cleaned by any of the above methods.

How to proceed to remove linoleum from linoleum:

  1. Dampen an unnecessary scrap of fabric with one of the suggested solvents.
  2. Rub the stain for a few minutes, then cover with the same cloth for an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, wash the place where the stain was previously a warm soapy solution.

Chlorine lime

Chlorine lime is an incredibly powerful tool for disinfecting and cleaning linoleum. Sold in many chemistry stores - there, where all the detergents and powders, and also in some pharmacies in the form of powder.

Important! Dilute this remedy clearly in accordance with the instructions on the box.

However, you will have to wait a little, because the remedy has a very distinct smell of chlorine.

It is necessary to carefully apply the solution to the whole plane of contamination with diamond greens and give a little time for reaction. Then wait 5-7 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water( maybe even several times).

Important! Thoroughly ventilate the room and try to protect yourself as much as possible from the harmful effects of chlorine vapor. They can cause significant damage to the condition of your mucous membranes and skin. It is better to carry out cleaning work in rubber gloves and a respirator or, at least, a gauze dressing.

We hope that our advice and ways how to get a stain from the green linoleum will help you, and in the future you will not have any problems. Now you will not need to worry about that you can accidentally spill medrazvor, mix something wrong and vice versa - exacerbate the situation. Step-by-step instructions from our review will always help you out.