- Down jacket - versatile and fashionable clothing
- Types and features of fillers for down jacket
- Option No. 1.Dry Cleaning
- Option number 2.Cleaning the down jacket at home
- How do I clean the down jacket at home?
- Local cleaning
- Wet cleaning
- Dry cleaning
A light, warm, practical and comfortable down jacket is an indispensable thing, especially a cold winter. But no matter how qualitative and costly it was, sooner or later it will still have to be washed. In this article you will find recommendations on how to properly wash the down jacket and how to clean the collar of the down jacket at home, because it is this part of the clothes that gets soiled most often.
to content ↑Down jacket - versatile and fashionable clothing
Choosing clothes for winter cold, I want it to be not only warm, but also comfortable and beautiful looking. Therefore, in our time, the down jacket is gaining popularity, because it is not inferior to fur products in terms of heat insulation properties.
In addition, it has a lot of advantages, such as:
- lightness;
- convenience;
- versatility;
- simple maintenance;
- beautiful view.
Important! The creation of a down jacket is the case when the clothes were invented by scientists, not fashion designers. To work at low temperatures in severe northern conditions, mountain tops needed warm, but very light clothing. Thus, for the outerwear filler, the fluff of the duck eider was selected. Due to its special structure, it retains warm air and does not let it out.
Soon the down jacket was given access to the world of fashion and beauty. Designers, reducing the amount of internal filler, made it more elegant, refined and feminine.
In our time, down jacket for multifunctionality is in the lead when choosing winter clothes, leaving behind a sheepskin coats and fur coats. A lot of models and styles, a variety of colors, affordable price - all this contributes to the rapid increase in the popularity of this type of clothing.
Important! The great advantage of a down jacket is its versatility. This is an indispensable thing in any wardrobe. He beautifully combines not only with jeans and trousers, but also looks great with a skirt or dress. It can be used for everyday wear, as well as for going to a restaurant, cinema, theater.
to content ↑Types and features of fillers for down jacket
With a variety of models and styles, the main criterion in choosing winter outerwear is still the filler. It depends on this indicator depends on how long this item will serve and how much heat it will be. Fillers are divided into 3 groups according to their origin.
1 group. Natural
The main natural filler is down. It does not stick together and has the ability to hold heat for a long time.
Pooh duck eider
This is the most expensive, but it should be noted, and the warmest kind of filler. An excellent option for those who spend a long time in the fresh air. True, the price of a down jacket with such a filling is large enough and not everyone can afford.
Duck, swan and goose down
To reduce the cost of the finished product, clothing manufacturers as fillers began to use goose and swan, as well as duck down. Clothes with such filling became more popular, because it keeps heat very well, but at the same time it significantly differs in price in favor of the buyer.
Mixture of down and feathers
This kind of natural filler is the most common. Here the main role is played by the percentage of feathers and down. The ratio that occurs most often is 70/30 and 80/20, where 70% and 80% is the amount of fluff in the filler. For walks in the spring or autumn, their equal number will be optimal. In order not to freeze in winter frosts, the first indicator should be at least 80%.
Important! The higher the percentage of fluff, the warmer and more reliable the down jacket.
Advantages and disadvantages of natural filler:
- Among the advantages of natural fillers, you can highlight the durability, lightness, excellent ability to store heat.
- The shortcomings include fairly high costs, allergenicity, special care.
2nd group. Synthetic or artificial fillers
To make winter outerwear more economical, manufacturers began to replace natural fillers with synthetic ones.
The first of these was sintepon. It is an artificial inexpensive and cold material. The big drawback of this material is that it loses in volume immediately after the first wash.
Another artificial filler in the form of spirals made of synthetic fiber. The spirals are light and hypoallergenic, but their disadvantage is that they are sufficiently volumetric materials.
Features more improved thermal insulation, fineness and lightness. Clothes, filled with isosoft, do not lose their original appearance for a long time.
Disadvantages of synthetic filler:
Despite all the advantages of artificial fillers, they have a number of drawbacks:
- Large volume.
- If the product is frequently laundered, the filler will roll down.
- Synthetic spiral fibers are much heavier compared to down filling.
3rd group. Mixed filler
This is a relative novelty of the fashion market. Increasingly, a mixture of natural and synthetic fillers is used as an inner filling for outerwear. This mixture was called "sintepuh."
Advantages of the mixed filler
Clothing from synthep has the following advantages:
- Lightness.
- Perfectly erased.
- Well tolerates drying.
- Very warm.
Important! Find out what kind of filler your clothes have, by looking at the label. If the down jacket is of good quality, then there must be a sachet in it, in which there will be a filler sample. The absence of a sample indicates that you should not rush to buy.
Cleaning the down jacket, taking into account the filler
Given all the advantages of a down jacket, it is not surprising that it is in the wardrobe of almost everyone. It is very often used for everyday wear, and this, in turn, leads to frequent contamination of the product. Especially often there is a need to clean the collar of the down jacket at home.
Important! Before you clean the down jacket, you should take into account the above information and correctly determine the type of filler. It is on this depends on the choice of the method of cleaning outerwear.
After determining the filler, you can start cleaning. There are two possible options for how to do this.
to the contents ↑Option # 1.Dry cleaning
This option is suitable if the item is expensive and there is a fear of spoiling it. To date, dry cleaners use the technology of aquaqueline or, in other words, wet cleaning.
Important! In the method of such cleansing, gentle means are used which do not contain acid and are hypoallergenic.
The washing process in dry cleaning consists of two steps:
- Cleaning. At this stage, a unique in its composition air conditioner, which prevents rolling down and does not allow it to stick together in lumps.
- Drying. First, dry the top layers of the down jacket. To do this, use a special drum. Then clothes are dried in a suspended vertical position. This method prevents the appearance of stains on the product.
Important! The disadvantage of washing the down jacket in dry cleaning is the cost of the service. Especially the expenditure of the family budget is palpable, if for a season clothes will require not one cleaning. And if you need to restore the appeal of not all the clothes, but only to clean the collar of the down jacket, it is better to do it at home.
to the contents ↑Option # 2.Cleaning the down jacket at home
There are several ways to use a variety of household products to help you cope with the problem.
Nitrate and Hydrogen Peroxide
To clean the collar of a jacket at home without washing, you will need a solution prepared from chemist's liquids:
- Mix in equal proportions ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
- Dampen the tampon in this mixture.
- Wipe the contaminated area of the collar. Dry the rest of the solution dry.
Windshield wiper
For this method it is better to take an aerosol wiper:
- Spray aerosol on the place of contamination.
- Wait for about a minute so that the product has time to act.
- Wipe this area with a sponge.
Important! This action must be repeated 3 or 4 times to get a good result.
Foam from detergent
This method is suitable if the collar of the down jacket is made of artificial fur.
Important! It is impossible to wet such a collar, because the villi are stuck together and it simply loses its shape.
Cleaning method:
- To remove contaminants, it is necessary to whip the detergent into the water to form a thick foam.
- For convenience, hang the down jacket on the trembler.
- Apply the foam to the brush and clean the fur in the direction of the nap.
- Remove excess foam with a clean brush.
- Gently dry the fur with a tissue.
Important! Dry the fur collar only in a natural way away from the heating devices.
Soap solution
If the collar is made of natural fur, then to clean it, you can use a soapy solution.
Important! Soap should be natural and not contain in its composition of bleaching or coloring additives.
How to use:
- Moisten a soft sponge in soapy water.
- Gently wipe the fur.
Important! Processing of fur is necessary taking into account its length: short - against the direction of the pile, long - in the direction.
- Dry the collar in the fresh air.
- Gently comb the villi comb.
Important! Cleaning the collar of the down jacket at home by one of the above methods must be done very carefully, so as not to damage the product.
to the contents ↑How do I clean the down jacket at home?
The down jacket itself is often spoiled. For its self-cleaning, you can use local, wet or dry washing methods. Which option is more suitable for your outerwear, determine, having familiarized with each of them.
to the contents ↑Local cleaning
This method answers the question of how to clean the down jacket at home without washing. They can be used if there are small dirt on the surface of clothes and there is no need to wash the product itself. To make it easier to decide what and how to apply for cleaning, you need to determine the origin of the spots. There are the following tools for effective local cleaning.
Vinegar and salt
With these ingredients, you can get rid of greasy stains. To prepare the solution, you should prepare the ingredients in the required amount:
- 0.5 liters of water;
- 1 tablespoon of salt;
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
Cleaning method:
- Mix thoroughly all ingredients.
- Moisten a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the stain.
- Wipe the treated area with a cotton disc moistened with warm water.
Important! To ensure that no stains are left after removing the stains, the cleaning should be done from the edge to the center of the contamination, then rinse the treated surface with warm water.
Refined gasoline
This product also effectively helps to clean up dirt from grease and oil. To do this you will need:
- refined gasoline;
- soda or salt as an adsorbent;
- cotton swab or clean cloth.
Cleaning method:
- First remove contaminated area.
- Apply clean gasoline to a clean cotton swab.
- Gently wipe the stain.
- Add salt or soda to the treated area.
- Remove residues of the substance used.
Important! Do not use aggressive agents, such as thinner, acetone or citric acid, because you can damage the product.
Home stain remover
It is very easy to prepare and removes stains of different origin. For this method of cleaning the down jacket at home, you need the following ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon of ammonia;
- 100 ml of water;
- dishwashing detergent.
Cleaning method:
- Mix all ingredients until a thick foam forms.
- Apply the foam to the stain and rub.
- Leave for a couple of minutes for the best effect of the foam.
- Rinse the treated area in water.
- Dry the area with a foam sponge that absorbs moisture well.
Important! In order not to spoil the down jacket, first experiment on the inside of the product, applying a little money to the fabric. If changes in the texture did not occur, then you can safely proceed to cleaning clothes.
to content ↑Wet cleaning
This method is suitable if the product label is allowed to wash clothes in a washing machine. Particularly relevant this method will be when cleaning a white or light down jacket, as with the local removal of stains, avoiding divorce is almost impossible.
Washing the downhole in the washing machine
Before using this method, it is necessary to properly prepare clothes for washing and adhere to the special requirements of removing dirt in similar outerwear:
- For the beginning it is necessary to unfasten the fur, fasten all the rivets, buttons and zippers on the clothes.
- You can not load other things into the drum of the machine while the down jacket.
- It is advisable to treat heavily soiled areas before washing with a soapy solution.
- Washing detergent is not recommended. He does not wash well and leaves a divorce. You should replace the powder with a liquid gel or a special means for washing down jackets.
- When washing the product, a special gentle program should be installed on the washing machine: "delicate", "hand wash", "synthetic" or "wool".
- The water temperature should not be more than 30 degrees.
- To ensure that the filler does not slip into the lump when washing, a few automatic balls must be put in the drum of the machine to be specially designed for washing or for playing tennis. To evenly distribute the fluff, 2-3 such balls will be needed.
Important! It should be noted that the balls can be shed during washing. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, before washing, check the color quality. To do this, first moisten the balls with water, and then rub them lightly with a rag. If the fabric does not stain, then you can use the balls when washing.
- It is quite difficult to wash detergent from the down filler. Therefore, rinse the down jacket is required 2 or 3 times. This will avoid divorce.
- The optimum spin mode is 600 rpm.
- After washing, the down jacket should be dried properly. To do this, wet the product to shake well a few times and hang in a ventilated dry place.
- During drying, it is worth periodically kneading the clothing cells with your hands to evenly distribute the filler.
Important! To avoid an unpleasant musty smell, the down jacket should only be dried in a room with good air circulation. Do not hang the product near various heaters and batteries, this can damage both the fabric and the filler.
Manual cleaning of the down jacket
Do not get frustrated if the washing of the product is completely prohibited by the manufacturer. In this case, it is necessary to resort to manual cleaning. This method of cleaning the down jacket at home without washing is very delicate and the product is not exposed to any danger.
To get the result you will need:
- tank with warm water;
- special tool designed for cleaning down products;
- soft sponge or brush.
How to use:
- Dilute the product in warm water.
- Hang the down jacket in an upright position.
Important! When the product is placed vertically, the minimum amount of foam falls into it.
- Dampen the brush and wipe the dirty areas.
- Clean the foam with a clean brush or a soft sponge. If the surface of the down jacket is made of water-repellent fabric, you can wash off the rest of the solution with a shower.
Dry cleaning
There are products for which washing is strictly forbidden. These are special sports suits and jackets, clothes with natural fur. Clean such a down jacket at home without washing it is possible with the help of dry processing. To do this, you need to purchase a special kit in the hardware store.
- Treat contamination with a stain removal agent.
Important! If the clothes have natural fur, the stain remover should not be used.
- Put the down jacket in a special bag with sheets for dry cleaning.
- Place the closed bag in the washing machine.
- Select the drying or spin mode for 30 minutes.
Important! The longer the down jacket will be in the machine, the more crumpled it will be in the end.
Using the tips given in this article, you can easily clean the down jacket at home. But nevertheless it is necessary to remember, that the outer clothing of this type requires proper care. Remove contamination immediately, without wasting time, since it is almost impossible to remove old spots. When storing, do not use covers, since the product can get an unpleasant odor. Treat clothing with love, and it will last you a long time.