- The most effective, proven whitening methods
- Cardinal measures
- Using special substances
- Some excellent tips on how to whiten a white shirt at home:
- Rules that must be strictly observed when hand washing things
The neat appearance was always admiredfor all people. And this is perfectly understandable, because a good-looking person will also be good at coping with the tasks set. And successful people achieve a pleasant appearance because they know how to correctly wash, including they know how to whiten a white shirt at home. But you can also cope with this task by reading the material below.
to content ↑The most effective, proven bleaching methods
After repeated washing processes, these products lose their pristine snow-white appearance and acquire a certain shade of yellowness. But fortunately, you can restore the lost whiteness, even without resorting to the use of chemicals. For these purposes, there are folk ways and recipes, which in fact have been tested by a large number of housewives and have been recognized by them as sufficiently effective and effective.
Coping with difficult places
Most often soiled parts of the shirt, such as a collar and cuffs. In order to give them whiteness, you can use hydrogen peroxide:
- Prepare the composition of 2 liters of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide, which must be thoroughly mixed.
- Soak in it for 30 minutes, distribute the entire capacity of the product or only the collar and sleeves.
Important! In order to get the best result, some of the housewives add a small amount of baking soda to the prepared composition.
We wash clothes with
soap. In some cases, ordinary household laundry soap is used to combat the aging appearance of the product, as well as yellowness:
- Pre-soaked in water with a pinch of salt with soap, paying special attention to all contaminated sites - losing whiteness in the first place.
- Then leave it for 3 hours.
- Then wash and rinse.
Bleach with ammonia
Cotton shirt perfectly whitens ammonia. To achieve the effect of bleaching, soak it for 3 hours in a solution of 5 liters of warm running water and 4 tablespoons.l.ammonia, and then rinse.
We use potassium permanganate
It is quite difficult for many to believe that with the help of potassium permanganate it is possible to absolutely favorite things to return the former whiteness and freshness. But in fact, it is quite possible, provided the correct application of this proven tool is used.
To whiten the shirt white at home:
- Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate into the soapy water so that the water gently glows pink.
- Dirty things soak in the solution you have prepared for 5 hours.
- Once the specified time has elapsed, wash them as convenient for you, then carefully rinse with several approaches.
Apply citric acid
In order to bleach the shirt, sometimes use citric acid:
- Soak the soiled things with water with the addition of a small amount of citric acid and leave for about 2 hours, after - rinse.
- To eventually get a better effect in the water, you can add a small amount of soap chips or the same powder for washing.
Take soda
Absolutely a little time takes away the process of bleaching using such an ordinary means as soda food. To achieve the desired result, add it along with the powder in your washing machine or in a bowl with a dirty product in the amount of half a glass.
Important! To get a snow-white shirt look even powdered milk is used. This method consists in the following action: in a container in which there is warm water, pour 1 glass of powdered milk and mix thoroughly, then slowly wash the product and rinse.
to content ↑Cardinal measures
One of the oldest methods of whitening is boiling. In any suitable container with water, add your favorite detergent, and then immerse the product in it, boil for half an hour.
Important! In order for the tissue to retain its properties, do not perform this procedure for a long time and often. Things from dense fabrics are best suited for this purpose.
For more complete and effective bleaching:
- Soak contaminated product for 20 minutes in a pre-prepared composition. It consists of 2 tbsp.l.means and warm water.
- Stir occasionally.
- After the above specified time has passed, thoroughly rinse the product in running cold water.
Proceeding from the fact that "Whiteness" is a representative of chlorine-containing substances, when using it frequently, do not leave it near to extraneous things, because if you accidentally hit "Whiteness" on them, a faded stain may appear.
Important! In order not to damage the skin of the hands without fail, use rubber gloves.
to the contents ↑Using special substances
How to whiten the original white shirt using special substances?
- Chlorine-based bleaches are aggressive, but also effective. They are used for fairly dense fabrics and extremely negatively affect the delicate chiffon and silk.
- Oxygen bleach is a hypoallergenic product that can be used to whiten baby shirts. Bleaches do not damage the structure of things, do not destroy, nor do they deform the material. Use bleach with oxygen is most often recommended in cool water.
- Optical brighteners - this product has no effect on the material itself. Bleaching occurs by forming a thin optical film on the surface of the shirt, which gives the desired result.
Important! As a bleach you can use a more accessible means to you from such variants: Vanish, Bos, Amway, Persol, Ushasty nanny, Antipyatin, Sarma, Sail.
to the contents ↑Some excellent tips on how to whiten a white shirt at home:
- Before you select a particular remedy, carefully read its constituent components and the rules for its application.
- In no case should carelessly apply to the use of whitening agents, so as not to damage the structure of the material and not to spoil the color.
- Do not forget that violation of the rules for storage and use of highly concentrated products can harm your health - cause itching, allergic diseases. Therefore, be very careful about choosing a remedy so as not to harm the tissues and those around you.
Rules that must be strictly observed when hand-washing things
There are several rules that you need to know when hand-whitening:
- bleaches are potent substances, which is why you should never overstraight the product in such solutions;
- do not erase white things together with other colors of things;
- strictly follow the instructions on the package, do not reduce or increase the dosage of the drug;
- do not start the process of preparing the solution in the container in which the laundry is placed;
- in case if you use enamelware for bleaching, make sure that it is without any defects that can leave rusty stains on the surface of the laundry;
- do not use bleach every time you start washing, so that the thing does not deteriorate, do this by observing a break in 3-4 washes.
In this article, we have told you about all the best ways and means, so that you can easily keep your neat appearance without buying new things. Make sure the effectiveness of the proposed methods!