- 11 ways to whiten a white blouse at home
- How to prevent color change?
- Get rid of specific spots
- Modern bleach
Everyone has their own preferences when choosing the color of clothing. Some try in their wardrobe to have things of restrained tones, others - on the contrary, in every possible way declare themselves, using in clothes screaming shades. But no wardrobe of a stylish fashionista can not do without the use of a white blouse. Such clothing allows you to look stylish and elegant in the office, or at any party. A white product requires a careful and neat attitude, because over time white color acquires an unpleasant yellow or gray tinge. There is a problem when it is necessary to return the original color to the product without damaging the fabric. In this article, we'll look at ways to whiten a white blouse at home.
to the contents ↑11 ways to whiten a white blouse at home
With frequent washing, the whiteness of the products is lost, and a cream or yellowish shade of clothing is purchased. This problem is completely remediable. At the customer's service a huge assortment of various means for an independent bleaching process is provided, the use of which contributes to the instant return of the original white color to the clothes. All these bleaches have a very high price. Since in the wardrobe every person has a lot of white things, the process of whitening costs a tidy sum.
Most bleaching agents are at each of us at home, and they cost a penny, and the whitening effect is effective. Using improvised tools, you can easily cope with this problem. When the family has children of kindergarten and school age, the issue of whitening products becomes very relevant.
Important! Be sure to observe the dosage and for a long time do not soak the products in the prepared solution. Otherwise, you can irretrievably ruin the fabric matter.
Method number 1 - boiling
The simplest method is the boiling process. The procedure is very simple:
- We put white things in enameled dishes.
- Fill them with water and put on fire. The boiling process is no more than 30 minutes.
- For an effective result in the container, add a small amount of ammonia or the usual "Whiteness".The result is, but the smell is just murderous. In addition, blouses quickly become worthless.
Important! The process of boiling is used for an emergency case, when the favorite thing has acquired a gray tinge, and it urgently needs to be worn, and there are no suitable means for a gentle whitening procedure in the house. Otherwise, you should use other methods.
Method number 2 - hydrogen peroxide
This method is more gentle. How to whiten a white blouse at home using hydrogen peroxide:
- In a basin, pour water, which has a temperature of about 40 degrees.
- Add 4 tablespoons of 30% hydrogen peroxide to every 2 liters of liquid.
- Mix and place in a white whitening blouse.
- We leave for 20 minutes, after that we erase in the usual way.
Method number 3 - salt, vinegar and toothpaste
The next option involves the use of much more ingredients, but this method is more effective. You need to prepare the most common toothpaste, kitchen salt, baking powder, table vinegar.
Important! The composition of the toothpaste should not contain dyes, fragrances and other additives.
In order to whiten a white blouse, it is necessary to perform such actions:
- In the basin we prepare the necessary composition for the bleaching process. To do this, mix the fourth part of a glass of kitchen salt, half a pack of baking powder, squeeze out the whole tube of toothpaste and pour two tablespoons of vinegar.
Important! In the presence of old yellow spots add a small amount of soda ash.
- We pour water into the prepared mixture, mix everything well.
- We put white clothes in the basin, forget about it for a few hours.
- After a certain time, squeeze things out, leave to dry.
- When the clothes dry, it needs to be washed in an automatic machine in the usual mode.
Method number 4 - potassium permanganate
Returning the initial color to the product helps the use of potassium permanganate:
- In the water basin, a light solution should be prepared by adding a small amount of detergent.
- For 10 minutes, soak things for bleaching.
- After this time, the white blouse must be sent to the automatic machine.
Method number 5 - ammonia
Things made of natural cotton or linen material can be bleached by using ammonia:
- Add 1 tablespoon of ammonia to the basin with water.
- For ten minutes, soak the gray things.
- Then we perform the rinsing procedure and send the clothes to dry.
Method number 6 - salt solution
Products based on synthetics can be bleached in a solution of salt. How to whiten a white blouse from synthetics at home using a saline solution:
- Two tablespoons of edible salt are dissolved in 1 liter of warm water.
- Stir well, soak the blouses for 20 minutes.
- After this, clothes should be thoroughly rinsed.
Method number 7 - salt and hydrogen peroxide
Lightly grayed white products can be refreshed with a mixture of kitchen salt and hydrogen peroxide:
- In a bowl with water, stir 4 tablespoons of table salt and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and a small amountwashing powder.
- Stirring this composition thoroughly, we soak the washed white products for 15 minutes.
- Then things must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
Method number 8 - laundry soap
You can use the usual laundry soap to whiten the white blouse at home:
- With household soap you need to rub the yellowed spots and the entire blouse.
- After this, leave the product for 30 minutes.
- After half an hour carefully rinse several times, leave the blouse to dry.
Method number 9 - boric acid
With the process of bleaching, and boric acid perfectly handles:
- In 2 liters of hot water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of boric acid and mix well.
- In this solution for 2 hours soak the blouse.
- After this, things should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
Method No. 10 - baking soda
The easiest way to bleach is to use baking soda. To the washing powder, several spoons of this product are added and in the course of washing perfectly white products are obtained.
Important! If there is a strong enough contamination, the gray things can be pre-soaked in a solution of baking soda, then rinse and dry the clothes.
Method 11 - Milk Powder
Very often a method is used with the use of dried milk. How to whiten the chiffon blouse at home with this product:
- A glass of powdered milk is dissolved in warm water.
- In this solution we put a white blouse, we leave it for a while.
- After that, carefully wash in soapy water, rinse and send to dry.
Important! This method is often used to obtain a snow-white collar.
to the contents ↑How to prevent color change?
It is preferable not to admit the situation when the products acquire a greyish or yellowish tinge than subsequently solve the problem of whitening the blouse. Unfortunately, not always our careful attitude to clothing can prevent a change in the whiteness of the product. Influence on the color of clothing can poor quality water, the state of the environment in the area, the use of falsified deodorants and a number of other unfavorable factors.
There are several recommendations that can help prevent color change:
- Purchase and install a quality filtering device on the water pipe, which, during the washing process, can protect things from various impurities in the water.
- During washing, only a special high-quality detergent must be used.
- White products are recommended to be washed separately from the rest of the clothes.
- If the washing machine was washing black or colored clothes before washing white things, you must first start the idle with the bleaching agent.
- You can not keep white shirts, blouses, T-shirts and T-shirts for a long time in a dark place without the presence of fresh air.
- You can do so in cold water before washing white things. Sometimes such an additional procedure helps to preserve the whiteness of the products.
- After buying white things, you need to carefully examine the labels on the products and always follow the care instructions.
Get rid of specific spots of
Before you bleach white products, you should carefully inspect the clothes for stains. First of all, you need to eliminate the contaminated place, only after that you can start bleaching and washing the product.
- How to whiten school blouses at home? Very often in school-age children on white clothes there are spots from a ballpoint pen. The contaminated area is treated with ordinary cologne, after which the product is rinsed using a laundry soap. If the spot has not disappeared from the first time, you can reuse this procedure.
- Chocolate stains can be removed by applying a mixture that is prepared by diluting 1 tablespoon of flour and half a cup of liquid soap in boiling water. For 30 minutes, soak the white product in this solution, then rinse with cool water.
Important! If the fabric material is afraid of hot water, then this method is undesirable.
- The use of edible salt helps to cope with fresh stains from wine and fruits. On the contaminated place you need to sprinkle the kitchen salt. Then wash the product in cool water with soap. To eliminate this pollution, you can also apply a mixture consisting of 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of baking soda, which must be dissolved in a glass of water.
- With old stains from wine, you can treat the contaminated area for 12 hours with curd whey or soak the product in boiling milk. After this procedure, clothes should be rinsed in cold water.
- White shade of things will help return the recipe mixture, which consists of 10 teaspoons of perhydrol, 6-7 drops of ammonia solution and a glass of water. All you need to stir, this mixture to process the stain, then rub it with a dry towel and wash the blouse.
- The worst thing is to remove fatty spots. The contaminated stain on the white product is processed with a swab dipped in a prepared solution of 2 tablespoons of boiled water and 1 spoon of ammonia. After that, the product is washed in warm soapy water.
- If the blouse is made of silk material, then to remove the grease stain apply the ironing procedure with a hot iron. At the same time, the spot is laid on the inner and outer sides with parchment. Greasy stains on the product with a cotton base can also be eliminated with an iron, only the stain needs to be pretreated with turpentine and in the same way, it should be laid with parchment paper.
Modern bleaches
How quickly to bleach blouse at home? In this matter, in addition to folk remedies, special bleaching agents can help. Today the market represents a huge variety of these funds.
Important! By giving preference to the use of the latest technology, you need to pay close attention to the labeling of bleaching agents that you intend to purchase.
Bleachers with chlorine
Bleachers that contain chlorine are the most aggressive in the process of affecting the fabric material. However, this method of bleaching is the most effective and effective.
Important! For clothes made of elegant silk or chiffon fabric, this method of bleaching is not suitable, since these fabrics do not withstand the load and in this case, chlorine-containing agents should be avoided. The constant use of aggressive bleaching agents with the presence of chlorine even in bed linens destroys the structure of the tissue.
To bright representatives of chlorine-containing bleachers are such tools as Domestos, Chlorin, Ace, and everyone known for Whiteness.
With frequent use of such products at home, the following recommendations should be adhered to:
- It is necessary to take care in advance that there are no extraneous things nearby. If minor drops of "Whiteness" accidentally fall on the clothes, then instantly there is a faded stain.
- Rubber gloves should be used to protect the skin of the hands from irritation and damage.
- White blouse on the basis of natural materials subject to the process of bleaching no more than 20 minutes. To do this, 2 tablespoons of "Whiteness" are added to the warm water and a white product is placed in this solution. It is necessary to stir occasionally the color changed clothes. After bleaching, a white blouse must be rinsed several times in cold water.
Oxygen-containing bleaching agents
What else can you bleach your blouse? Currently, oxygen-containing bleaches are very popular. Such bleaching agents do not cause allergies to the skin, do not spoil the fabric matter. When using "Vanish", "Persoli", "Cygnus", "Whiteness without chlorine" white clothes return the lost color.
Important! The use of oxygen-containing agents is possible in warm water. In addition, they are used not only for white products, but also for colored clothing.
Optical brighteners
There are also optical brighteners. In fact, they do not eliminate stains, but "pour" the product with grains of bleach, which create a visual effect of clarification.
Important! In different countries, optical brighteners have different names. For example, in Russia optical means are known as "Belophores"; in Germany, for such a means, the name "host suite" is used, in Poland they are called "heliophores", and in the UK such bleaches are called "blank forms".
Thanks to the modern and proven methods of bleaching, white clothes can be worn constantly, without worrying about the changed color of the product.