- How does it work?
- And also different types of
- Advantages of napkins for washing clothes:
- How to use the napkins for washing?
- Wipes for washing. Popular manufacturers
Most recently, on the shelves of hardware stores there was an amazing novelty - napkins for washing. This is so unusual that many housewives look at them with doubt. Does not fit in your head: how can a piece of cloth( similar in appearance to a usual baby wipe with a damp cloth) replace a handful of washing powder?
Those who have already ventured to try them out in action out of curiosity or on the advice of friends, assure that they really work, and one such napkin is coping with the complete washing machine of laundry. In this article you will find interesting information about this miracle novelty and find out, by what principle it works, to determine if the product is worth replacing them with conventional means for washing.
to the contents ↑How does it work?
Wipes for washing are an innovative and convenient means that erases underwear due to the contents of concentrated phytocomplexes( palm and aloe extract).In addition, the manufacturer states that added non-ionic surfactants, enzymes and other natural components:
- helps to cope with stains of various origins, static electricity;
- softens the fabric;
- gives it a slight unobtrusive flavor.
These substances quickly penetrate deep into the fibers, and after - without problems they are washed out. Thus, when you erase, for example, a jacket or dark pants - there will not be any divorces, just like after a normal powder.
When you place the napkin in the drum of the washing machine:
- The concentrate dissolves in water, and here begins the "sacrament of washing".
- During rinsing, the detergent completely leaves the fabric without residue.
- At the end of the cycle, you take out clean clothes and throw away the used napkin with a sense of accomplishment.
Important! One such piece of cloth is enough to wash 5-5.5 kg of laundry. For machines with a small load( about 3 kg), you can divide it in half. Then the packs will be enough for more washings.
to the contents ↑And also different types of
Napkins of this type are divided into those that are designed directly for washing, and those that prevent the molting of colored things. These pieces of nonwoven material are impregnated with a concentrated detergent or a substance that does not allow the fabric to stain.
"Color trap"
These wipes should only be used in combination with detergent. Their main task is to prevent "crawling" of paint from one thing to another.
In order for our clothes with the usual cleaning agent to retain the original brightness of the colors, it is necessary to sort it and wash it separately white, separately black, separately red and so on. This process is not particularly annoying when the family is big, and wait 2 weeks to accumulate, for example, white to load a full drum, it is not necessary.
And what if washing is not enough? Do not lie in the same red blouse in a dirty form, waiting for a month of "suitable company"?Of course, you can erase such things by hand separately, but you do not want to do it, since more water and time is wasted.
For this purpose, the napkins against staining or, as they are sometimes called, "traps for color" are designed. You just put the napkin in the drum and load white with a color, without sorting.
Important! The concentrated substance contained in napkins not only prevents the staining of tissues, but also softens them, washing out of the laundry without leaving a residue. A pleasant bonus is a delicate aroma.
to the contents ↑Advantages of napkins for washing clothes:
- Each mother will be pleased that these napkins for washing do not contain harmful household chemicals. Their action is based on natural substances( phytocomponents).Therefore, you can safely wash with the help of these napkins underwear, clothes of younger family members, things of allergies and asthmatics.
Important! According to real users it follows that the fragrance of the laundry after washing is gentle, floral, unobtrusive.
- The essential advantage is that there is no need to spend extra on rinsers, antistatic agents, air conditioners - all this is already contained in the purchased small piece of tissue. Stain remover is also not needed.
Important! If you doubt that when washing the stains from the grass or berries will go away, then before the cycle in the typewriter, simply rub it with a moistened tissue for washing, and then put the clothes in the drum and wash as usual.
- Wipes for washing are quite affordable for the average hostess. If you calculate the costs for 1 wash with this novelty and compare it with the costs for a conventional cycle with powder in combination with an air conditioner, a stain remover and so on, then they are not much different, and sometimes washing with a napkin goes out and is cheaper.
Important! A pack of napkins replaces about 2 kg of washing powder or 1 liter bottle of gel for washing.
- In addition, use this innovation is very convenient. During use, you do not wake up on the floor, do not spill past the detergent compartment, you do not need to think about measuring cups. In addition, you will not pull heavy packages of powders and gels from the store, and places of napkins occupy a minimum. They can be taken with you on a trip or on a summer residence. Threw to the bag - and a set for washing is always at hand. Continuous amenities, especially for the elderly. Such a gift can please an old grandmother. She will not have to puzzle over the dosage of the powder and clean up the scattered ones - she will just put a napkin along with the laundry, and there will be nothing to worry about.
- If you use napkins against staining, then you will not have to sort the clothes. And this saves time and effort, because you do not have to wait until the right amount of black or red will accumulate to wash them together. And the costs of electricity and water will also be more economical, because instead of 2-3 cycles, you will produce one.
Important! Despite their effectiveness, they are safe for human health and are suitable, including for washing children's underwear.
to the contents ↑How to use the napkins for washing?
Wipes for washing clothes can be used for machine washing and for hand washing:
- In the first case - you put a napkin in the drum of the machine, at least with a vertical, at least with a horizontal load, before laying the laundry.
- In the second - put it in a basin and fill it with water. It turns out a concentrated soap solution into which you add laundry. You wash and rinse as usual.
As mentioned above, one napkin is designed for 5 kg of medium-dirty laundry:
- If the laundry is smaller( a small loader machine or you wash things in the pelvis), the napkin can be divided in half, there is even a perforation for this.
- If things are very dirty - you can put a double dose of napkins when washing.
Important!1 piece is equivalent to 2 measuring spoons of a detergent powder or 1 measuring cup of a gel for washing.
to the contents ↑Wipes for washing. Popular manufacturers
Buy data miracle napkins can be in many business supermarkets. Search it is necessary on the shelves, where there are washing powders and gels. Also they are offered online stores. Well-established such brands.
You can be offered Korean wipes "Tech"( Handy-Sheet) from the company "LG Household & Healthcare".They are probably the most popular. Packages on average you will have more than 20 washes.
Important! Such napkins are suitable for all types of fabrics, even for silk and wool.
The firm "Heitmann" offers us its own version of wipes, which are designed for washing only white linen or against molting:
- The whitening version, when applied, releases biologically active substances that remove yellow and gray shade on white things, which is often the case when you wash white with a colored one. At the same time, napkins are suitable for all types of fabrics, including thin and delicate ones. The package contains 15 wipes, which can be used for machine and hand washing. The effect of whitening is quite noticeable. In this case, you can wash at any temperature( though, about boiling nothing is said).
- On the shelves of the store you can meet the same manufacturer of "color traps" - napkins to prevent accidental staining of fabrics. They are quite high quality. The package contains 20 pieces. The manufacturer gives us a guarantee that the white remains white, and the color will become brighter.
Fix Price
The product against molting can also be found in "Fix Price".Consumers note that it is not very convenient that only 15 of them in the package are not enough. But the quality of the napkins is good. They catch the paint dissolved in water from the moulting things and take a "hit on yourself"( the color of the napkin after washing it proves).
Important! For light lingerie enough 1 piece, and if a lot of color - put a couple in the drum.
Well Done Kft
The company "Well Done Kft"( Hungary) also produces napkins preventing staining - "Color Magnet".This brand is famous in Europe for producing environmentally friendly products. Their napkins prevent the washing away of the paint from the fabrics, and also relieve our clothes from the settling of an unpleasant yellow and gray plaque.
Important! In the package of 12 pieces, with:
- for one wash in 4.5 kg of colored things the manufacturer recommends putting 4 napkins;
- for one wash of white things enough 2 pieces.
It's not entirely economical. If you are used to storing detergents for a month, and such packages need at least 2-3, and then, if not often washed.
The brand "Paclan" produces napkins from the coloring "Color expert".They have a similar effect. The package contains 20 pieces. Napkins contain special components that act on the principle of a trap, attracting excess paint from colored linen, and avoiding undesirable staining during a mixed wash. They are suitable for any fabric. Can also be used for manual washing.
Important! If the portion of laundry is mostly white and light things - just 1 napkin, if the clothes of bright colors predominate - add 2-3 pieces.
You can also find swabs "Assorbicolori", 24 pieces.1 napkin is designed for 5 kg of laundry. Production Italy.
Brand name "Dr. Beckmann "(production of Germany) is found on the shelves of stores also often. There are packages of 20 and, which is quite advantageous and convenient, for 40 pieces.
The main recommendation from users: these napkins - not a panacea, if you got things with substandard painting, which shed very much. In such neglected cases, these magic napkins can be powerless. Therefore, even with such innovation it is worthwhile to be neat and at the first processing of new products of bright colors and hardening things it is necessary to sort them and load them into the styalku separately. In all the rest, the napkins for washing clothes are good enough, and they should be tried unambiguously. Perhaps, after this, you will abandon large boxes and bottles of detergents and go purely for convenient and practical napkins.