- What are the options?
- Powdered Vanish for carpets: instructions for use
- Spray
- Shampoo Vanish
- Shampoo for detergent vacuum cleaner
- Active foam
- Some useful tips, or how to keep carpets clean
Those who have carpets at home know that there is a problem with staining spots periodically, even with the most accurate use of the product."Vanish" for carpets, which can be bought at a local store, is one of the most popular options. This article is by no means advertising, but cognitive, so you decide on your own whether to buy this drug or not.
to the contents ↑What are the options?
There are 4 varieties of the product offered by the manufacturer:
- Shampoo. There are Vanish for washing vacuum cleaners, for removing stains on carpet products with antibacterial effect, for manual cleaning of floor coverings.
- Spray for stain removal.
- Powdered Vanishes for dry cleaning.
- Active foam Vanish.
Each of the above means is accompanied by an instruction, each preparation has its own area of use. To make it easier for you to understand all this information, we give the main characteristics of each of the drugs and the scope of use.
Important! Do not use substances Vanish series for cleaning carpets with unstable paint( in particular, for mats made of natural fibers handmade).Check the action of the remedy in a small inconspicuous area, and only after you have checked the safety of the product, proceed with cleaning.
Before using Vanish, the decorative coating must be thoroughly vacuumed.
to Contents ↑Powdered Vanish for Carpets: Instructions for Use
Powder is formulated for large areas. It is convenient to use, it allows you to get rid of old spots and helps to refresh the look of the palace. The principle of the powder is as follows: it absorbs dirt and brings it to the surface.
Important! Humidify the powder is not necessary - it is already sold moisturized. When working with Vanish powder for carpets, experts recommend using special disposable dust bags, which can be discarded after cleaning.
The algorithm for cleaning the powder is as follows:
- Vacuum the carpet and prepare the preparation for work( shake the package well).
- Use a soft brush to apply the powder to the surface, then soak it until it dries completely.
- After the powder has dried, collect it with a vacuum cleaner.
- If necessary, vacuum the coating several times.
Important! Do not use a washing vacuum cleaner. Do not forget to ventilate the room - both during carpet cleaning and after.
to content ↑Spray
This preparation is used to remove stains on a small area. It is recommended to use the spray immediately after the stain appeared on the surface of the carpet.
Important! Practice shows that when used correctly, the spray successfully copes even with complex spots.
How to use Wanish for carpets of this form of release:
- Vacuum the carpet.
- Spray the spray on the stain, lightly rub it with a soft brush, so that the active ingredients that make up the spray absorb into the stain.
- Remove contamination with a clean cloth.
Shampoo Vanish
Shampoos of different types help to get rid of old dirt, remove unpleasant odors from the carpet.
Important! The shampoo contains disinfecting components.
So, how to properly use Vanish for carpet cleaning? The algorithm for cleaning this group of drugs is as follows:
- Prepare( vacuum) the carpet before cleaning.
- Dilute the product in water at a ratio of 1/9( eg 0.1 L vanish to 0.9 l of water).
Important! It is recommended to use water with a temperature of up to 40 degrees.
- Whisk the shampoo until copious. When cleaning the carpet, foam will be used.
- Using a sponge, apply foam to the surface( no wetting with water).
- Wait until the foam dries completely, once again, thoroughly vacuum the carpet.
Shampoo for detergent vacuum cleaner
The drug helps to get rid of old spots on the carpet, refresh the look of the product, get rid of unpleasant odors. Cleaning with this tool is more effective than refreshing the carpet with a vacuum cleaner in the usual mode.
Instructions for using Vanish for detergent vacuum cleaner:
- Vacuum the carpet.
- Dilute the powder in water in accordance with the instructions( for 1 liter of cool water, there are 1.5 shampoo capsules).
- Pour the resulting solution into a washing vacuum cleaner and vacuum the carpet as usual.
- After the carpet product has dried completely, vacuum the carpet, but without using "vanish" for carpets.
Active foam
It is used for removing stains from carpets located in passageways( in the kitchen, in the corridor, on the stairs).The order of application of the foam is as follows:
- Thoroughly clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
- Shake the can with foam and spray it over the surface, keeping the canister at a distance of 0.7-0.9 m. Using a sponge, spread the foam over the surface.
- Wait until the foam is completely dry. It may take several hours.
- After the surface has completely dried, thoroughly clean the carpet again with a normal vacuum cleaner.
Some useful tips, or how to keep carpets clean
for longer The Vanish tool allows you to keep clean not only carpets, carpets and carpets, but also upholstered furniture. Of course, pollution can not be avoided, but these tips will keep the surfaces clean for a longer or shorter time:
- To prevent rapid contamination of the rugs, you need to vacuum them at least once a week.
- Before using any cleaning agent, you need to test it on a small inconspicuous area.
- Any detergent or cleaning agent is more effective if used immediately after the appearance of the stain.
- You can not use "Vanish" for carpet products made of natural fibers - they can be spoiled.
- When using Vanish at home, make sure that the room is well ventilated.
- Thorough removal of the remnants of the drug after the end of cleaning will avoid an allergic reaction.
If you stick to these simple rules, then you will be provided with a good result, and comfort and cleanliness will reign in your home.