- How do you know if things are shedding or not?
- How to prepare and manually wash heavily shedding things?
- Rules for washing clothes in washing machine
- Rules for rinsing things shedding
- Rules for storing heavily moulting items of the wardrobe
Gray everyday life can be diluted with bright colors and cheer yourself up, all thanks to the wearing of colored clothes. But so colorful and positive wardrobe is quite difficult to maintain in a superb form, because bright blouses, dresses and blouses often moult. And, not only they become pale, in addition to all the clothes that were washed along with them in the washing machine. In this article we will consider a very useful information for many housewives that will help answer the following questions: what to do if it sheds a dress, how to fix the color? Also we learn how to avoid such situations in the future and take care of such things.
to the contents ↑How do you know if things are shedding or not?
Naturally, all of us from a young age know that we must separately wash off white and colored things, dark and light. But this does not mean that other colorful clothes can be thrown into the machine in one fell swoop and not sorted. It is also necessary to separate the moulting things from the non-shedding ones.
Important! Most often this part of the wardrobe, which is made of natural materials, in particular completely new things, saturated colors, is subject to this problem.
To determine the persistence of color certain things, you need to carry out a kind of testing. There are several ways to carry it out:
- You need to moisten a small piece of clothing in warm water, squeeze it well and through a white cloth or iron it with iron. If the print of the paint remains on paper, you will have to take care of fixing the color, and then erase these things separately from the others.
- Often on clothes from the wrong side there are sewn up shreds near the seam. It is necessary to cut them and dab for ten minutes in ammonia. After you rinse this shred, it must be attached to the thing and check whether the color has changed or not.
- In the basin, collect warm water and add a little soap, and then in this solution, lower the new thing and let it lie there for 10-15 minutes. Then remove it, wring it out, tightly wrap it in a white cotton cloth. If there are spots on it or the water in the basin stains, then it will say that the thing is prone to molting and it also needs to be washed separately from other things.
How to prepare and manually wash heavily shedding things?
Do not forget to always follow the rule that states that you must wash other things separately if you are shedding a dress. How to fix the color we will learn now and get acquainted with how to wash colored clothes, susceptible to molting, so that it lasts for as long as beautiful and bright as during the purchase.
There are several options with the use of improvised tools, which both will delay the paint inside the fabric and preserve the primordial beauty of things.
Method 1
If you know for sure that the material is not very dyed, then try to simply save it from excess paint:
- You need to soak things in warm water and rinse then under running water.
- Re-soak for at least 30 minutes.
- So it is necessary to continue soaking until the excess paint completely disappears.
- In the end, it is necessary to produce ordinary machine wash with powder.
Important! If the dye is very small, you can simply rinse the clothes directly under the tap.
Method 2
If, after the manipulations done, the paint is still there, then you will have to resort to more stringent methods. For example, salt is able not only to remove dirt, but also to keep paint inside the tissues:
- It is necessary to take a bowl and fill it with water at room temperature.
- Add a handful of powder and a glass of salt.
- Things need to be soaked in this solution for 30 minutes.
- Then wash by hand and rinse.
Important! Use this option is possible only in the case of monochrome color things.
Method 3
Still there is a variant with the use of vinegar. The fact is that acetic acid is able to fix the color, and after such processing things stop to molt:
- It is necessary to take a deep bowl, pour warm water with powder into it.
- Then put it down for 20 minutes, rinse.
- Then follows the usual washing and drying, but only without squeezing.
Method 4
Here is another way to wash your dress so that it does not shed. Vinegar is also used here. Only in this case things are not rinsed in the finished solution, but directly erased in it:
- Warm water is also poured into the bowl, two spoons of powder and three spoons of vinegar are added to the bowl.
- Things are immersed in the solution, then you have to rub them slightly and then rinse.
- You do not need to twist them before drying.
Rules for washing clothes in the washing machine
And now we will get acquainted with how to wash the dress that sheds in the washing machine so that after complete drying it remains the same bright color:
- As before washing by hand,prepare. Soak things in an acetic solution with warm water, mixing two tablespoons of powder and three tablespoons of acid.
- Wash should be at a temperature of not more than 40 degrees.
- Before dipping into the drum, things should be turned inside out and washed without spinning.
- You can not unscrew them before hanging them - just smooth them with your hands.
- Dry clothes are recommended from the wrong side, and always put a bowl on the bottom so that water does not accumulate on the floor.
Rules for rinsing things shedding
We have already found out what to do to prevent the dress from being painted. But it is equally important to know how to properly rinse such items of the wardrobe, because it directly depends on how long the tissues will retain their original appearance.
Follow the step-by-step instructions below:
- Immediately after washing, put the clothes on the bottom of the tub.
- With the help of the shower, pour a little pressure of warm water on it. Turn over each thing and do the same with the second side.
- Remove all items and water again at room temperature.
- Lower the water temperature a little and repeat the procedure again.
The rules for storing strongly weeding items of the wardrobe
Take advantage of the helpful advice of specialists, and your things will always look as new:
- Coloring fabrics can not be processed with soda.
- There is a separate category of things that can not be erased in the typewriter.
- Before the first wash, carefully study the labels on things.
Important! When buying new clothes, discreetly wipe a piece of cloth with a damp cloth and it will immediately become clear if it is heavily colored or not.
Now you can wear clothes of different colors, without worrying about how neat and interesting they will look after a few washings. The main thing is that it is very scrupulous to clean them, not hurrying up when sorting products for laundry.