How to wash the tulle to become white?

  • Manual mode
  • How to wash in a washing machine?
  • How to remove obsolete dirt?

How to wash the tulle to become white?- This question bothers everyone who has an apartment or a house, because tulle is not only beautiful and elegant, but also a good dust collector. Under the influence of sunlight and dust, it loses its original appearance and in order to return it, you need to periodically refresh the tissue. You can wash tulle both in a manual and in a washing machine. What rules should be followed in this case - you will learn from this article.

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Manual mode

Hand washing with handles is as follows:

  1. Remove the textile from the window first, but do it very carefully so that all dust does not spread all over the room.
  2. Shake well, but do it better on the street.
  3. Pour water into the large basin - it should be warm, 35-36 degrees.
  4. Add salt - from 2 tbsp.spoons to 1 cup per pelvis( depends on the volume of your laundry device).Washing the seals with salt will make the water softer and allow you to clean even the old dirt on it.
  5. Put the textile in the solution.
  6. Leave it for a while.
  7. Rinse well - also in warm water, and proceed to the wash itself.
  8. Dial new clean water - it should be 30-50 degrees.
  9. It is good to wash the tulle with the addition of vinegar. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. Vinegar gives organza a beautiful gleam.
  10. Add a small amount of detergent into the container and with gentle pushing movements, wash the product. Do not use the technology of intense friction and twisting to remove dirt and excess water from the curtain. Act very carefully.
  11. Rinse the product: for starters - in warm water, and then in a cool one.
  12. Hang it dry.

Important! If you do not have the desire for a long time to smooth the tulle with an iron, first let it settle on the linen thread in the bathroom - to make the glass the main water, and then dry right on the cornice.

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How to wash in a washing machine?

Is it possible to wash tulle in a washing machine?- Yes, you can and this process is very easy and simple. But in order not to spoil your tulle, and wash it so that it becomes snow-white, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. After you have removed it, be sure to shake it to get rid of dust.
  2. Take a special bag for washing or the most usual pillowcase will do.
  3. Put the textile in a bag in the washing machine.
  4. Choose a delicate mode. The optimum temperature should be 30-40 degrees.
  5. Washing powder also take for delicate fabrics, even better - liquid.
  6. You can rinse without spinning.
  7. After you wash the tulle, hang it dry.

Important! When washing tulles in a washing machine there will be no gloss and snow-white effect. To give shine, use bleach. They should not be chlorine-based, but oxygen ones are best suited. Add the product to a special compartment in the washing machine, set the prewash or soak mode, and then proceed as usual. With this processing sequence, you will be able to wash the tulle so that it becomes snow-white.

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Washing different seals

The principle of washing tyuli of different types does not differ, but there are little nuances. In order not to damage the fabric, use the following guidelines:

  1. The nylon thread should only be erased at 30 degrees.
  2. Tulle from such fabrics as cotton and polyester, wash at 60 degrees. In this case, no additional funds will be needed to give the product freshness and perfect purity.
  3. Organza is best spread by hand with the addition of a mild detergent. Also wash and chiffon.
  4. It is better to wash the sauce at 30 degrees, and when washing in a typewriter, be sure to put it in a bag.
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How to remove obsolete contaminations?

With long service, the curtains turn yellow, they have different spots. To get rid of these undesirable consequences of long-term use of textiles, take the following recipes and follow the specified sequence of actions.

Butter and peroxide

This recipe was known even by our grandmothers and they were often used to wash the tulle so that it became snow-white:

  1. Put on the mittens.
  2. Take the ammonia - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Add 3% - 2 tablespoons peroxide.
  4. In the tank with hot water add ammonia and peroxide.
  5. Mix with a wooden object, for example, with a spoon.
  6. Put the product in the solution.
  7. Leave it for a while.
  8. After the time is up, rinse with warm water.
  9. Hang dry.


  1. Take a container of water.
  2. Add salt - a few pinch on the pelvis.
  3. Wash the washed tulle in a solution.
  4. Leave it for a while.
  5. Rinse and dry.

Important! After such a procedure, it will not only be white, but will also have the effect of starching.

Whichever method of washing you choose, use the above rules and with a tulle washing you will not have any problems. She will always decorate the interior of your rooms and shine with her whiteness, creating a sense of greater space, light and coziness in the house.