- Choose the way and means of
- Why starch clothing?
- What things can not be starched?
- How to decide on the technology?
- Types of starch fixing
- How to prepare a starch paste?
- What to do with the dress?
- How do I dry and iron starched clothes?
- Making children's dress more elegant
Just over a century ago, one of the most common ways of processing fabrics was starching. In almost every family, various household items were exposed to this procedure: bed linens, tablecloths, napkins, not to mention collars and cuffs, and even in some cases even underwear was starch, which, in the absence of running hot and washing machines, made it possible to quickly wash andlonger keep the purity of things and their presentability.
The presence in each family of an automatic washing machine and an active modern life have allowed us to distance ourselves from this tradition, but in some cases this measure is not only relevant, but also necessary. True, not every hostess at the present time knows the rules and the recipe for how to make a dress lush and shiny. Consider in this article how to starch a dress baby at home so that your girl looks really smart at the upcoming holiday.
to the contents ↑Choose the method and means of
Any piece of clothing can be starched in several ways. For this we will use:
- Glue PVA;
- Sugar syrup;
- Gelatin;
- Special spray or powder for starching.
Important! In some cases, with extremely thin tissues, the volume can be lacquered with extra-strong fixation.
to the contents ↑Why should I starch clothes?
The secret to the beauty and brilliance of starched things is the formation of a special thin airtight film that not only imparts rigidity to the shape of the thing, but also protects the fabric from contamination, since starch will not allow stains to penetrate deep into the fabric.
Why and in what cases is it necessary to expose things to processing?
- Make the dress lush.
Important! Starched dress will receive a clear volumetric shape that will hold until the next wash.
- To give smoothness - the thing will shrink less and last longer will present a presentable appearance.
- The elegant dress will look more solemn and magnificent.
- Collars, cuffs and other small parts will remain unbroken due to stiffness.
Important! Starched parts will allow you to look like "with needles".
- Things knitted( especially for products made by crocheting) with starching will show the richness of the drawing and the skill of the master, and also gracefully outline the forms.
- The outfit will look newer and more expensive.
What things can not be starched?
Before you begin the process and starch the dress baby at home, you need to check if it falls under the category of things that are better not to handle.
So, it is not recommended to subject this procedure:
- Underwear.
Important! Starch creates a waterproof film, which makes the wearing process less hygienic.
- Things from dark fabrics - they will leave a divorce.
Important! If necessary, give the volume of dark things can be attributed them to dry cleaning or treated with a special chemical composition.
- Clothing sewn entirely or partially from synthetic threads.
Important! In addition to the synthetics reaction to the substance itself, there may be a problem with ironing, and during starching this process is one of the essential steps.
to the contents ↑How to decide on the technology?
As described previously, there are different technologies of starching, the use of which depends on the material of the product and the amount of fabric to be processed:
- Spray. Perfectly suitable for processing fine parts of clothes and in the event that time is extremely limited. It is necessary to treat the desired place and iron it.
Important! Before using, be sure to read the instructions.
- Special liquid or powder. This option is ideal for large things( tulle, tablecloths, wedding dresses for wedding dresses).The method of application is simple: add the product when washing, and the output will get the desired result.
Important! Ways of use may vary, please check with the manufacturer.
- "Syrup".This option is not bad for small knitwear. Prepare simply - 8 tablespoons per liter of water.
Important! To iron after such processing it is impossible, therefore the necessary form should be given at drying.
- Gelatin. It does not crumble and can be used for dark or very bright fabrics. In this case, in order to starch the dress at home, it is necessary:
- Soak 1 tablespoon in water and allow to swell.
- Bring the volume to 250 ml and heat until completely dissolved.
- Allow to cool slightly and then treat the fabric.
Important! For softness, you can add half a teaspoon of glycerin.
- Adhesive. It is better to use for knitted dresses. For 1 part of the glue, two parts of water - dip the product into a solution or lubricate.
Types of starch fixation
There are three types of starch fixation, according to the desired result and initial conditions( fabric products, dimensions, etc.).In order to make the dress lush, this or that method is selected:
- Soft.1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Used to give volumes to things made from thin lightweight fabrics, such as chiffon or organza.
- Medium hardness.1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Suitable for knitted things or things made from natural fabrics.
- Hard.2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Such a solution is prepared for the processing of individual parts - collars, sleeves.
How to prepare a starch paste?
In order to make a gorgeous dress at home with your own hands, you need to find out the following - which technology you will use and what concentration you need a solution.
Since starch( potato, rice - it does not matter) is in every home of every landlady, it is better to try a variant of starch paste.
After selecting the correct concentration of the solution, prepare the necessary ingredients:
- Starch;
- Boiling Water;
- Spoon or shovel for stirring;
- Enamelled or glass heat-resistant dishes;
- The thing you need to process
To starch the dress baby at home, it is necessary to do the following:
- Pour the starch onto the bottom of the dish.
- Pour a small amount of cold water and knead to a consistency of liquid sour cream.
- Continuously stirring, add boiling water. A translucent substance must be obtained.
Important! Mix should be until all the lumps disappear.
- If necessary - boil the mixture for 5-10 minutes.
What to do with the dress?
To make a dress lush at home with your own hands, you must first wash it well and remove all stains, since after the procedure of starching, the stains can become more visible. Next:
- Prepare the selected solution and cool it to room temperature.
- Lower the product into starch so that it is completely soaked, it will take at least half an hour.
Important! Any product must be turned several times - to better saturate the solution.
- Pull out and check if there are any loose spots left from the fixing mixture.
- After - it is necessary to wring out excess paste, hang out the attire on the hanger and let it drain.
How to dry and iron starched clothes?
- After processing the dress, you need to hang it - it's best to hang it, straightening all the wrinkles and details, otherwise - they will dry up.
- It must be dried away from heaters and direct sunlight. Also, do not put the dress in a room where it is very hot or very cold( in winter on the balcony).
- To iron the starched outfit it is better to slightly wet, preliminary having straightened all fine details in order to avoid zalomov, loss of the form.
Important! If the dress is parched, it is necessary to sprinkle it with water, iron it through a thin, damp cloth.
to the table of contents ↑Making the children's dress more elegant
To starch the baby dress at home, it is necessary to process it in any way described above, using such tricks:
- It is better to work with a jumping pants, and leave the top skirt without treatment, if there is no petticoat - then alreadydress itself.
- To make the gloss in the solution it is worth pouring a little salt or stearin. Rice or wheat starch gives a more vivid effect. In a ratio of 5: 3: 1, add talc, borax powder.
- Add borax, boric acid in a ratio of 8: 10: 2 to a solution of rice starch. A mixture of mixed ingredients, in which cold water is added, is used during the ironing of the thing: the moistened napkin is put on the surface and immediately ironed.
- Dissolve the blue in water, dilute the paste in this water.
The starched outfit will allow its mistress to look beautiful and confident, regardless of whether a girl or an adult woman wears a lush skirt. In addition, it is a good way to protect your belongings from possible contaminants and stay longer "at altitude".