- A little bit about the composition of
- What are the detergents?
- Which powder is better in quality?- Rating: TOP-10
- Which powder for children is better?- Rating of popular products
Hand washing with soap has long been a thing of the past. Of course, this approach is used when it is necessary to remove fresh, or vice versa - strongly old spots on individual things. But in the majority of cases, everyone used to use washing machines and powders for them. But if a couple of decades ago on the shelves you could find 3-5 kinds of such chemistry, then modern variety would confuse anyone. Unlimited quantity of fragrances, types of powders according to purpose, effect, fabric, and also trade marks inconceivable quantity. Will help to understand, buy a better washing powder, the rating of the most popular options. This will be this article.
to the contents ↑A little bit about the composition of
What is a washing powder?- By and large, it is a mixture of different chemicals that are designed to solve a particular problem. For manufacturers of washing powders, an important task is to formulate the correct chemical formula, in which the active substances will be optimally combined.
Let's consider briefly the main components of such household chemicals, after all this is one of the important factors in the rating of washing powders.
So, what we have:
- Surfactant is the active base of any detergent powder. The task of surfactants is to remove dirt particles from the tissue and keep them in solution, preventing re-deposition of them on the fabric.
- Phosphates - strengthen the action of surfactants, eliminating the hardness of water, provide softening of tissues after washing, and also protect the spiral of the washing machine from scale.
- Alkaline components - also enhance the effect of surfactants, contributing to the increase in pH.The simplest example is soda and liquid glass.
- Optical brighteners - create the illusion of white-washed linen.
- Oxygen-containing bleaches - remove stains of vegetable origin, such as wine, fruit, and also refresh fabrics.
- Enzymes or enzymes - remove stains of organic contamination, and also refresh tissues and prevent the appearance of pellets on things.
- Anti-Absorbents - help keep particles of dirt in solution, preventing them from re-depositing on the fibers of the fabric.
- Flavors and fragrances - neutralizes the unpleasant odor and adds a fresh flavor to the laundry. The quality of washing does not affect.
- Defoamers - are part of the powders intended for washing in the machine. They prevent the formation of a large amount of foam, since such a phenomenon is detrimental to the mechanisms of the washing machine.
What are the detergents?
The rating of washing powders can be compiled, first of all, for the popularity of the application:
- The most widely used powder detergents, which have recently been produced in the form of pellets, for greater convenience and less dust. They are very convenient to use when washing things everyday use( bed linen, clothes).
- For washing things from silk or wool, it is recommended to use liquid detergents that do not contain enzymes and carefully remove impurities from the fabric without damaging its fibers. Liquid detergents are also effective when washing lightly soiled laundry.
- In expensive stores there is also a new kind of detergents - tablets. Their main difference is the convenience of dosing and economy.
- One of the varieties of powdered detergents is concentrates. They contain the same active substances, but in a higher concentration, so a smaller amount of powder is used for one wash.
Important! Concentrates are produced as a detergent only for automated washing machines. They are expensive, but with the right dosage, the cost of a single washing concentrate does not exceed the cost of washing expensive detergent. Such products are presented by four manufacturers: Frosch, Luxus, Persil, Reflect, the first three are produced in Germany, and the last one in Australia.
to the contents ↑Which powder is better in quality?- Rating: TOP-10
And now let's look at the rating of washing powders in quality:
- 10th place was taken by Ariel Active Gel. It is a liquid detergent in water-soluble capsules, which are placed in the drum together with laundry, one capsule per wash. Used for washing colored linens from natural and artificial fabrics and leaves a pleasant smell after washing that does not wash off when rinsing.
- 9th place was taken by concentrated powder Reflect, which includes enzymes. They remove any kinds of stains. It can be used at any temperature and for any kind of fabric.
- 8th place was taken by BOS "Plus Max", which is not an ordinary powder, but a bleach with powder functions. It whitens all kinds of fabrics even at low temperatures. It contains active oxygen, so that bleach effectively removes all types of contaminants.
- 7th place was taken by the Lask "Luminous Color" liquid detergent, which is well suited for washing delicate fabrics, silk and wool products, it does not damage the fabric structure and protects the color of your favorite things.
- The 6th place in the rating of washing powders is Tide "Color Automatic", which is used for any kind of fabric. It perfectly removes the most complex spots and retains the structure of the tissue. But has one significant drawback - it is poorly washed from the fabric and it is desirable to run additional rinse when washing.
- 5th place was taken by Frosch powder "Color Aloe Vera", which is washed at a temperature of 30 to 60 degrees. The formula with Aloe Vera gives not only a deep cleansing of the fibers of the fabric, but also the protection of their color, but is not suitable for washing woolen and silk fabrics. This powder is hypoallergenic.
- The fourth place in the rating of washing powders takes Ariel powder "Mountain spring", which is very popular. It is suitable for washing light and colored linen, has a pleasant smell and provides a quality removal of various stains. Especially this powder is suitable for cotton products. It also protects the metal parts of the washing machine from corrosion.
- 3 place is "Lask 9 Automatic", which is well suited for washing colored clothes from natural and synthetic fabrics, excluding silk and wool. The composition includes 9 components that provide effective removal of spots of any complexity.
- The 2nd place in the rating of washing powders is "Ushasty nanny", which is suitable even for washing children's clothes, since it is safe and hypoallergenic. But at the same time he copes well even with stiff spots. Does not contain soap, therefore it is quickly rinsed off clothes. Provides a safe wash for your machine.
- 1 place in the rating of powders for washing is occupied by "Sarma".This powder is suitable for both cotton and synthetic fabrics. It includes bleach, which removes even old spots and gives whiteness to the whiteness of whiteness.
Which infant powder is better?- Rating of popular products
Skin is a barrier of an organism that does not let harmful substances in, but in babies this barrier is very weak. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right powder for washing children's clothes, so as not to provoke a baby allergic reactions.
Important! There are cases when from poor-quality powders the child has problems with liver and kidneys, as well as disorders in metabolism.
The most safe are the means of children's brands, which produce goods only for toddlers. Washing powders for washing children's things should not only be harmless, but also effective.
We bring to your attention the rating of children's washing powders:
- The first place in our rating is taken by liquid concentrated means "Our mother".It is hypoallergenic, has silver ions, has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Contains decoctions of chamomile and string, suitable for washing children underwear from the first days of life. The product does not cause allergies and effectively copes with impurities.
- The second place is taken by the powder "World of Childhood", which is made from natural children's soap and does not cause allergies in children, copes well with the characteristic for newborn spots. But here are more complex spots, such as traces of grass or juices, it does not wash, since its composition does not include chemical bleaches. It has antibacterial properties, it is suitable for soaking diapers and does not dry hands when hand washed. The only drawback is a difficult rinse.
- Washing powder "Aistenok".It is chosen by most parents, since it copes not only with characteristic infantile pollution, but also perfectly removes stains from starch, grass, fruits. Linen after washing is soft, gentle and odorless powder. The powder is hypoallergenic, the extract of Aloe Vera included in its composition has a softening effect and works as an air conditioner.
- "Tide" for children. Designed for the sensitive skin of babies, so it includes an extract of chamomile and Aloe Vera. But for newborns, it does not fit, because very often complaints from parents about allergic reactions. But for older children it will perfectly suit, wash all the stains that your prankster will put, and even protect the washing machine from scaling.
- "Eared Nanny" - a manufacturer that produces only children's chemistry, but this powder is not recommended for newborns and children suffering from allergies. But the powder perfectly copes with any impurities, does not damage the structure of the fabric, while rinsing well, washing even at low temperatures.
- "Myth of a child. Gentle freshness "is good for washing white linen, but it is not suitable for washing silk or wool.
- "The Karapuz".It takes the last place, because despite the fact that the box says that it is suitable for newborns, it often gives an allergy. In addition, it is not suitable for hand washing.
Important! Choosing a substandard powder can harm your child's health, so be careful when choosing a powder. The baby's health is in your hands!
We hope our rating of washing powders has helped you to understand more clearly the features of each popular detergent today. Practically, you probably will be able to choose exactly the powder that will satisfy you by all criteria.