- Preparation
- Washing in the washing machine
- Hand washing
- Drying
Washing is an integral part of caring for clothes in any family. Therefore, each landlady must necessarily know all the rules of washing, whether it is manual or washing in a washing machine. This article is designed to collect all of these rules and structure them to help landladies.
to the contents ↑Preparing the
Before you begin to erase things, you need to thoroughly prepare for this process. This will largely depend on the safety and duration of wearing things. Therefore, for preparation, too, has its own rules.
Basic rules of the preparatory process:
- Decompose all the things that you are going to wash into 3 categories: white, colored and for delicate washing. The third item can also be divided into white and color.
- What things can be attributed to delicate ones - determine by the label present on the product.
- Choose the washing powder that is right for you. How to choose it will be discussed in more detail below.
- Determine the temperature at which you will erase each of the above categories. White things are erased in hot water, colored( which can shed) and delicate - in a cool, the rest - in warm water.
- Read the recommendations on the labels of things. Make sure that the items are sorted correctly, and the washing is matched correctly.
Important! Strongly soiled things should be soaked before washing.
Choice of detergent
An important factor in order to comply with the washing rules is also a detergent, by which the cleaning process of the tissues is performed. Different powders are designed for different materials. Therefore, before starting the process, it is necessary to determine exactly with the detergent that will suit your tissues.
For regular clothes, powders with active additives are suitable. In addition to the usual surfactants that remove fat, the powder can contain chemical brighteners and enzymes that remove stubborn stains.
Let's consider in more detail different types of powders:
- For white and bed fabrics, it is better to use powders containing bleach, such as for example perocarbonate. Among such powders are "Persil Gold", "Losk Avtomat" and others like that.
- For colored fabrics, it is best to use powders marked as Color: "Persil Color", "Losk Color".Instead of whitening additives, there are color protection. .
- For woolen and other delicate items, you need to select a detergent designed specifically for these types of fabric.
Important! Also, washing powders are increasingly replacing their liquid analogs, which perceive a lower temperature and are quite suitable for hand washing.
For the automatic machine it is necessary to choose powders marked "automatic".
Preparing clothes
In addition to the separation and soaking, there are more detailed instructions for preparing clothes for washing:
- The first step is to check all pockets, so that you can not inadvertently detect the flow of paint from the ticket or "laundered" money.
- Straighten all wrinkles - cuffs and collars on shirts.
- Turn inside out all pants and skirts - this will preserve their appearance longer. Close all buttons and zippers. Just do with ribbons and laces - they need to be tied. But the buttons need to be unzipped on the contrary.
- In addition, treat stains that are already strongly ingested in clothing.
- If you doubt that the thing does not shed - this must be checked. To do this: wet the cloth of the same kind in warm water with soap and then rinse in cold water. After 15 minutes, dry such a product with an iron - if not shed, it will not shed.
When you are done with the preparation, it is worth starting the process itself. And then there are also their own washing rules. You can divide them into 2 categories: Rules for manual washing and washing rules in the washing machine.
to the contents ↑Washing in the washing machine
No matter how simple this kind of cleaning of products seemed, there are rules for it. It is necessary to adhere to them without fail. The rules for washing this method are as follows:
- For thin and delicate fabrics, it is better to use liquid detergents.
- Lace and ruches wear in a gentle mode, so that the products do not stretch and do not catch on to each other.
- Synthetic things are processed only with synthetic cotton and cotton, but linen and cotton products are quite compatible.
- Remove all removable metal accessories from the clothes before washing so as not to damage the drum of the machine.
- Flaxen things are still best to wash with your hands.
- In order to wash clothes in the car out of wool, it is worth adding glycerin and powder, intended for woolen things.
- For things that are not very contaminated and would like to be simply refreshed, use the economical mode - "Quick wash".
- The amount of detergent is determined by the weight of the laundry, usually the doses are indicated on the detergent package.
- Use water softener, so your machine will last longer without breakage.
Hand wash
In order to produce the whole process by hand, the following wash rules should be remembered:
- Start the process with soaking non-staining things.
- The order of things: the purest things, things are dirty, etc. At the end, the darkest things are erased.
- The last point is always rinsing. Repeat it is until the water is clean and free of soap bubbles.
- Wool clothes wash in warm water using soap. Squeeze such things can not be, spread them on a terry towel and leave to dry.
- Silk wash is not more than 30 degrees in water. It is not recommended to squeeze and rub such a tissue.
- Handle artificial fabrics in warm water and soap. If you use powder - soap is not needed. Rinse artificial tissues are recommended first in a warm and only after - in cold water.
- Thin products should only be washed with liquid detergent.
- For each type of fabric there must be a detergent designed specifically for it.
- Work clothes are washed with special tools - they contain alkaline additives that not only wash, but also disinfect the robe.
Even knowing all the washing rules, things will not be processed properly unless they are dried correctly. It is not difficult to do this if you take into account such recommendations:
- You have to wipe the laundry ropes before hanging.
- If you see that there is not enough space for all the clothes, first hang up large items, and on top of smaller ones - socks, panties, etc.
- Things before the hanging must necessarily be turned inside out.
- Dry colored things better in the shade so they do not burn out in the sun.
- Dry products sort and carefully fold on the shelves.
Now, knowing all the rules of washing, you can clean your items without worrying about damaging them. Use our recommendations and enjoy clean and updated linens, clothes and other things.