- Features of spring mattresses
- Types of springless mattresses
- Compare, choose: spring or springless mattress - which is better?
- Some basic tips for
For rest, a properly chosen mattress is needed. Only in this case it will be possible to properly relax at night to wake up in the morning full of strength and energy. All mattresses are divided into 2 types:
- Spring.
- Springless.
Each variety has its own features, advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out which mattress is better - spring or springless, which option it is desirable to give preference.
to content ↑Features of spring mattresses
There are spring products of two types: with dependent and independent springs. Let us consider in more detail each of these species.
These mattresses are also called "bonnel".Springs of large cross-section are connected to each other in a single structure. Spring blocks, as a rule, are supplemented with inserts of polyurethane foam.
Important!"Bonnel" does not have orthopedic properties."Hammock effect" leads to the fact that the functions of the spine are violated.
The body mass of a person is perceived by the whole surface, and the deflection of the product occurs over the entire area. In addition, "Bonnels" do not differ in durability. After 5-6 years, the springs begin to sag and creak. As you can see, if you have to choose which mattress is better - a spring type of this type or a springless, definitely preferences will be in favor of the second one.
Compared to "Bonnels", independent springs have a smaller diameter, but more turns. Each of the springs is separated from the others by a textile cover with holes, and works autonomously.
Important! The weight of a person is evenly distributed over the surface of the bed. A mattress with independent springs has an orthopedic effect.
The products are good, durable, environmentally friendly. If desired - you can choose a mattress according to the degree of rigidity.
Important! If the product is equipped with independent springs, quality, then for each "square" there is a minimum of 250 springs. The more of them, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect.
Which option to choose? Naturally, a mattress with independent springs is more preferable. For a double bed, this option is also desirable. When a person sleeping nearby rides in a dream, you will not feel any discomfort.
to the table of contents ↑Types of springless mattresses
Springless mattresses, like spring ones, are different. Consider now their properties to decide which mattress is better - spring or springless.
The material of manufacture( latex) can be natural or artificial. These materials differ significantly in properties:
- For the production of natural latex, juice of trees-rubber grass is used. Natural latex is elastic, it does not deform with time. It completely repeats the bends of the body lying on it. Of course, such products are expensive enough, but functionality and durability completely compensate for this shortcoming.
- Artificial latex is a foamed polymer or compacted waste. The performance properties of these materials, of course, lose, but still are not the worst.
Important! The foamed polymer does not have very high strength, and the pressed latex from the waste is much inferior in elasticity to the natural material.
Polyurethane foam
The basis of this model is a fine-mesh polymer. Such products "breathe", have good orthopedic properties. The material, like natural latex, repeats the bends of the body. The disadvantage is that it absorbs moisture very much. Drying it is quite problematic. An important advantage is the relatively low price.
Important! Despite the fact that prices for polyurethane foam are available, they should not be dumped. Too low price - a marker of poor quality of the product. It is possible that you are trying to sell for foam polyurethane foam foam.
What to choose - latex or polyurethane foam, depends on your individual preferences. Everything depends on financial possibilities.
Coconut fiber
Used in rigid models. The natural coconut coir is impregnated with latex. Coconut fiber is an ideal option for children's products. However, this material is rarely used in its pure form.
Much more often use a combination of coir with PPU or latex. The materials are arranged in layers, so it is possible to choose the model according to your preferences.
Important! A convenient option is two-sided production, in which there is a rigid( coconut) and soft( latex) side. As they say, "two in one".You seem to get two products at once. Than not saving?
to the contents ↑Compare, choose: spring or springless mattress - which is better?
We compare different types of mattresses( spring and springless) in different parameters.
Mattresses on independent springs are softer, so they are certainly more comfortable. But "Bonnel" - on the contrary, is more rigid, but in convenience it considerably loses.
Important! People with diseases of the spine to buy such products are categorically contraindicated.
As for springless models, they are stiffer than spring ones. The specific degree of rigidity depends on the material used.
Orthopedic properties of
Here between two species approximate equality. The exception is "bonnels."On which option to stop the choice - you decide. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the potential owner.
Important! The more body weight, the more rigid the product should be.
Mattress with or without springs - what is more durable?
- The mattress, equipped with independent springs, will last 10-12 years.
- Latex - 15 years.
- Products made of foamed polyurethane are less durable - 7-8 years.
Body weight:
- For people with a large body weight( more than 110 kg), springless models are recommended. This is a guarantee that the product will not fail in the very near future.
- In people with a small weight, the choice is richer. They can choose for themselves any model they like.
The cost of the
"Bonnel" at a price significantly inferior to products equipped with independent springs. Among the springless models, the most expensive ones are latex ones, and the cheapest ones are PPU( due to low cost price).
to the contents ↑Several basic tips
Tips from experts will help you make the right choices:
- If you have problems with the spine, before buying, you need to consult an orthopedic specialist. It's possible that a too hard or soft product can do you harm.
- A healthy person can be guided only by considerations of convenience. Which mattress seems more comfortable is the one to buy. And, of course, do not forget about the financial component. Which mattresses are better - spring or polyurethane foam, you decide.
- Children come with springless mattresses on a coconut coir. A variant with a mattress with independent springs is also possible."Bonnels" child does not fit uniquely!
- If the financial possibilities permit, the mattress made of natural materials is the best option. This model is not only functional, but also environmentally safe.
Regardless of the choice, remember that the products must be certified. Do not forget to ask the seller for a certificate of quality.