- Required tools and materials
- Master class on making earrings from paper clips:
- Master class for making earrings in the technique of the HanDel device
- Master class for making earrings from wire
- Master class for making earrings from beads
Every womanstrives for excellence, choosing hair, shoes, clothes and accessories. Ornaments, especially earrings themselves, now, as before, remain in the trend. Having a sense of style and taste, you can make very beautiful and exclusive products yourself. How to make earrings yourself, we will talk about this article.
to the table of contents ↑Tools and materials required
Preparation of materials and tools is very important for creating original earrings with your own hands. Fittings that can be suitable for realization of your imagination can be bought in shops for needlework.
For this may suit:
- beads;
- beads;
- polymer clay;
- of lace;
- tape;
- feathers;
- cold porcelain.
Be sure to stock up with the necessary materials:
- wire - useful for stringing beads and beads on it;
- clamps and plugs - are needed for fixing;
- schwenzes and pins for earrings - you will put them in your ears, so be sure to pay attention to quality;
- other fastenings and rings for beads.
And, of course, the tools that may be needed for this kind of needlework:
- pliers;
- round pliers;
- tweezers;
- scissors;
- stacks;
- thermo gun with glue.
The most affordable and easy-to-use material for making beautiful earrings with your own hands.
Basic ideas for creating earrings from this material:
- Carnations. To create this type of product, you need to connect beads to each other. The first will be on the outside. Then a volumetric circular circuit is woven, while a part of the wire of each row will pass through the initial element.
- Rings. When manufacturing, you can use a circular weave pattern. It is also possible to use a base for stiffness.
Important! Such earrings can be in the form of filled in plates or contour.
- Volumetric figures - flowers, berries, bows of beads. Very popular are beaded beads large beads.
- Schematic weaving. Various variegated and monochrome patterns - stars, polyhedra, openwork interweaving of loops, schemes of which in large numbers can be found on the Internet.
- Pendants. One of the most popular types of earrings, for the creation of which the bases are used in the form of a ring, square or rhombus. On this basis, later pieces of bead threads are attached. A small chain can also be used for them.
- Complex compositions. For this kind, ready-made elements or several circuits can be used that are connected together by wire, hot-melt adhesive or rings. An interesting option is a combination in which a large stone is framed by a pattern of beads.
Easy to manufacture are earrings of beads with their own hands. And, in some cases, to make one pair you may need only a few pieces. You can use beads of different sizes, combine them with beads or other materials:
- Use plastic beads for children's jewelry.
- Imitation of precious stones or beads is suitable for elegant and glamorous models.
- Beads from openwork metal or wood are suitable for creating ethnic motives.
- Making beads from polymer clay, you can create details with an unusual texture, but it will be difficult to make them the same size.
Important! You can connect beads to the wire, fishing line, using rings and bands, it is also possible to use crochet hook elements. In principle, depending on your imagination and abilities, you can use different ways.
If you use the basic decorative element of feathers, you can get simple and very beautiful earrings yourself. Suitable material can be purchased at hand-made stores.
Important! Ordinary bird feathers on the street should not be picked up, serious diseases can be acquired with them.
For the manufacture of jewelry with feathers, you should use special clips to fix the feathers. Additional elements can be used beads, beads, blanks for earrings, metal rings and chain. Using threads, you can make a miniature catcher dreams.
Organza and satin ribbons are a popular element for jewelry made by hand.
How to make earrings yourself using ribbons? The technique of Kanzash provides for the use of ribbons in the manufacture of ornaments. But often applies a combination of them with beads or beads. Also, the tape can serve as a decorative detail or attachment for the elements.
Important! Catch the edges of the ribbon on the fire so that they do not dissolve. To obtain a fringe, you need to dissolve the material from one edge and solder the second edge.
For making elegant and unusual earrings from lace you will need a lace ribbon or a small piece of fabric. Such decorations will be a bit expensive, but they are very easy to make by themselves. To do this, you need to select and cut out a suitable element in size and shape, then use a metal ring to fasten it to the hook.
Adhesive rhinestones, beads or small beads will complement the composition, but do not overdo it.
Important! You can make lace yourself, using the weaving technique( frivolite, macrame).To be comfortable to work with, first draw a pattern on the paper and place it on a pad with needles around which you will weave a lace element. Choose strong thin threads for work.
Polymer Clay
To make earrings with your own hands made of polymer clay, first of all, you need to buy high-quality material. You can buy it in shops that sell goods for creativity. The cost of the sets depends on the composition and the manufacturer, and can differ at times.
There should not be any special difficulty when working with clay:
- You have to start the work with the kneading of the material, after which you can form the earrings, giving them the desired shape - beads, flowers, berries, hearts. Ideas for jewelry you can always get in the departments of jewelry.
- This material is perfect for both adult women, and for young people and children, since any shape can be molded from polymer clay.
- After giving the product the necessary shape, allow it to dry and burn in the oven.
Important! Do not forget to insert hooks or make holes( for stringing after firing) in another raw product.
Cold porcelain
This original material is very similar to polymer clay. You can buy cold porcelain in art stores, however, its cost is rather big.
But do not despair, at home you can prepare its analog:
- Mix in equal proportions glue PVA with plasticizers brand D and cornstarch with soda.
- Add a little glycerin( for plasticity).
- Put on the fire and cook until a dense lump is formed, adhered to the spoon.
- Cut the knot with a damp towel, let it rest for a couple of hours.
The obtained plastic white mass is in no way inferior to polymer clay.
Cold porcelain allows you to create the finest work, for example, flower earrings that will impress your realism. Any shade of the material can be given by adding food coloring.
Important! Unlike polymer clay, products from cold porcelain do not require burning - they just need to leave to dry. After that, fragile-looking decorations become durable.
So, armed with the necessary tools and materials, you can start creating beautiful earrings with your own hands.
to the table of contents ↑Master class for making earrings from clerical clips:
- First of all, we unbend the clip in the form of a triangle( you can also bend it into another shape, for example, hearts).
- To avoid a gap in the base, the edges are connected using a thermo gun with glue.
- Using the same glue or glue "Moment", glue the clip to the clip and leave it to dry.
- We wrap the thread with a clip, leaving no empty space, and then the contour, creating a chaotic ornament, horizontal lines, grids.
- The edge of the thread is fixed with glue.
- We connect the schwenze with the workpiece and try on it.
Important! Using threads of different colors and different techniques of winding the thread, you can get a variety of products for each style and color of clothing.
Glamor and charm to these earrings can add beads pre-strung on the thread.
to the table of contents ↑Master class for making earrings in the
design. To make the earrings yourself, first of all, you need to be careful and assiduous. But the result can be overwhelming, considering that material costs will be minimal.
Required materials and tools:
- Thin and thick wire;
- Silk embroidery yarn or knitting yarn;
- Ruler;
- Scissors;
- Pliers;
- Wire Winder( consider how to replace it with other means);
- Schwenzy;
- Beads( optional).
Making of the spring-base
It is necessary to cut off the required length of a thick wire, on it carefully wound a thin wire. To give the product a professional look and speed up the winding process will help the wire winding.
It is clear that it is not at all, so we suggest using the available tools:
- To create a homemade winding you will need a knitting needle( 2 mm in diameter) with a folded end and a plastic box from the kinder-surprise.
- The box pierces right through the knitting needle.
- The end of the wire is threaded into the ring of the knitting needle and fixed firmly so that it does not fly off during winding.
- The stopper is a plastic box.
- The wire should be wound tightly by pressing it against the box.
- When the required winding length is reached, the wire should be bitten off leaving a small tip.
Stretching of the spring
The resulting wound spiral is removed from the knitting needle and stretched out like a spring. The best option would be if between the curls are formed the same gaps, which are equal to the thickness of the used yarn.
Important! Having done the above actions, you can cut off the tips of the spring, leaving only a spiral to work.
Frame making
A thick wire frame is inserted inside the spiral, which helps to maintain the shape of the decoration.
Creating the form
This is a matter of taste and design in general. You can give the spring a different shape - a diamond, a circle, a square, a droplet, a heart.
Important! Having gained experience in the technique of the wheelchair, be sure to try making earrings in the form of a peacock feather.
After shaping, create a loop and twist the ends of the wire near the bottom.
Winding the warp thread
This is the most interesting stage of the work. Picking up a certain color range, alternating colors and using different directions when winding( parallel, from the middle, etc.), after 5-10 minutes you can see the result of your works.
Important! One turn of the spiral is one step of winding the thread.
Decoration with beads, sequins, sequins, feathers
If desired, you can decorate the earrings with additional elements.
Attaching the Schwenze
For sure, you will not forget to attach the schwenze, since without this element it will be impossible to wear these beautiful earrings made by yourself.
to the table of contents ↑Master class for making earrings from wire
To make stylish and original earrings from wire with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:
- wire;
- connecting rings - 6 pcs.;
- shvenzy;
- metal pendants;
- beads;
- pliers;
- cutting pliers.
Stages of work:
- Cut from the wire three pieces of one ring.
- One of the received rings is cut in half.
- To make one earring we use one large ring and one half( it will be a small ring of the earring).
- We bend one edge of the big and small rings in the form of a loop.
- String on the free edge of the rings beads, pendants, chains, according to the idea.
- Bend the eyelets from the other edge of the rings.
- On the connecting ring, we fix it in sequence - a ring, a large ring, a small ring and a ring.
- Repeat the same procedure from the other side.
- The central ring should be hooked for the schvenz and close the loop.
- The second earring is similarly done.
Master class for making earrings from beads
Earrings from beads can even be made by a beginner, and the master class below will help in this.
Important! Stylish and expensive will look earrings of beads, which are made of natural stones.
Required materials and tools
- pliers;
- side cutter;
- schwenz - 2 pieces;
- wire - 60 cm;
- connecting rings - 4 pcs.;
- beads with a diameter of 3 mm - 82 pcs.
Important! Diameter of beads choose, based on personal preferences. Lovers of large jewelry can take beads with a diameter of 6-8 mm. And, for work it is better to use all beads of the same diameter.
Stages of work:
- Cut from the wire 30 cm, thread on it 4 pieces.beads.
- We form a circle of beads, passing the fifth bead wire crosswise.
- On the left end of the wire string three beads, and on the right one.
- The right end of the wire is threaded into the third( last put on) bead of the left edge of the wire.
- By tightening the ends, we get two circles of beads.
- Repeat steps 3-5 until you have 7 beads of beads.
- Put 2 beads on the left edge of the wire, and on the right one.
- Thread the right end of the wire into the bead of the first circle - you will see that according to the drawing, this bead will be the second bead from the total with the second round of beads.
- To form the last circle, you need to thread the right edge of the wire into the last bead on the left end of the wire. The main element of the earring is ready and has the shape of a circle.
- Put two beads on each edge of the wire, thread them in the opposite direction with the other edge of the wire.
- Slightly twist the remaining ends of the wire and cut off.
- In the same way, make the second earring.
- Using round pliers, attach two connecting rings to the upper circle of the beads.
- Also using kruglogubtsev attach to the product shvenzy.
Original earrings with your own hands ready! After spending a small amount of time, you can get a beautiful decoration that will suit even an evening gown.
Of course, these are not all options, how to make earrings yourself. Having mastered the techniques of manufacturing described, having gained some experience, you can make more complex models. By studying the information on this topic, you will undoubtedly want to replenish the collection with earrings with your own hands, such as brushes, cuffs. Create and pamper yourself with beautiful ornaments!