- Can I make the ring smaller?
- Professional way to
- How to reduce the ring at home?
Ring for a woman often means a lot. It can be a gift of a loved one, a beautiful decoration, and, perhaps, a family jewel. Therefore, if the hands are very thin and the ring starts to slip, this gives the lady a lot of grief. Let's try to figure out how to reduce the ring size at home.
to the contents ↑Can I make the ring smaller?
In principle, it is possible, but from the very beginning we agree that we are talking only about jewelry. As a rule, professional jewelery workshops do not deal with the repair of jewelry. And for what reasons:
- This or that piece of jewelry is made of a metal alloy, known only to the manufacturer. There are hundreds of such alloys, and nobody knows how he will behave in the process of heating or processing.
- When trying to change its shape, jewelry becomes unattractive in appearance.
- Gold is easy to process, and not jewelry alloys change color or worse - they turn black and crumble.
- On the surface of a non-jewelery alloy after treatment, an oxide layer may appear, which adversely affects the skin.
Thus, the answer to the question of how to make the ring smaller, makes sense, if it is made of precious metal.
to the contents ↑Professional way to
So, what if the ring is large? Jewelers solve this problem in two ways:
- Cut a piece of metal and then join the edges together.
- Compression of metal with special equipment.
This work does not represent for the professional of special complexity, but here there is also a specificity.
Important! If the thickness of the product exceeds 8 mm, then when you try to compress it will be distorted unevenly. In this case, it is more expedient to cut out a part of the metal.
The same applies to products decorated with precious stones and patterns. The only way out here is to cut out the right amount of metal and weld the edges. All other products, even prints, can be reduced by compression. With such basic knowledge, do not forget to ask the jeweler which of these methods he is going to apply.
to the contents ↑How to reduce the ring at home?
If for some reason you do not get a visit to the jeweler, you can use one of the popular folk methods.
Lining of silicone
The ring with lining will not slide, press on other fingers and cause discomfort. The "focus" is that such products are not always on sale, and it is not necessary to produce something like this on their own. Silicone gaskets are strong, durable and completely safe.
3D printing of the ring-doubler
You can order this ring from the photopolymer in the printing house. However, the photopolymer, unlike silicone, is not so durable( about 1 year).But there are also advantages: the affordable cost of printing 3D and the perfect fit to the size.
Ring fit
This "grandmother" way does not lose its relevance until today. If you have no time to think about how to reduce the silver ring at home. Put another one over the wide ring that fits you. The upper decoration holds the bottom, and you, at least, will not be afraid that you will lose the ring.
Nail Polish
To reduce the ring at home, spend a minimum of time on this, use a regular nail polish. Apply it on the inner surface of the jewelry in several dozen layers. In this case, before applying each successive layer, wait until the previous one has dried.
Important! How many layers of varnish apply - determine yourself, experimentally. If the fingers get better and the ring stops slipping, rinse the lacquer with a special liquid. Precious metal from such manipulations will not suffer.
From the heating objects expand, and from the cooling. ..
Correctly, decrease in size. Sometimes the school course of natural science can come in handy. Place the ring for several days in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. A radical reduction in the size of the product, of course, will not happen, but still, the size of the finger will be slightly reduced.
Important! If the ring is large to you about half the size, do not rush to reduce its size. It is possible that your hand will be a little stiff, then the jewelry will fit.
In this article, we looked at the various ways that you might find useful, if you need to reduce the ring size at home. Apply them in practice as needed, and then the loss of jewelry will not threaten you.