- Suit jacket suit
- Suede jacket
- Wool jacket
- Leather or leatherette jacket
- Handling of problem areas
- Cleaning the jacket from odors
Few people in the wardrobe will have a jacket. It gives our appearance elegance, can be official or everyday. But sooner or later the question arises on how to clean it. Washing in a washing machine is dangerous - so you can ruin your favorite thing hopelessly. As a rule, jackets consist of different types of fabric, so it is not easy to take care of it. How to clean a jacket at home without dry cleaning and washing? This can be done with the help of improvised tools, which are in the arsenal of each landlady. The cleaning agent must be selected depending on the material of which the jacket is made. So we'll figure out what and how it will work, how to apply this or that tool correctly.
to the table of contents ↑Suit jacket from
In most cases, the costume fabric is a variation of polyester and elastane, sometimes the composition includes viscose in a small amount. This fabric is characterized by high wear resistance and elasticity, it does not crumple during cleaning, but it can not be washed. There are several ways to clean such a suit.
Ammonia alcohol
The first place is cleaning the jacket with ammonia:
- Dilute ammonia with water - 1 liter of water comes 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- Pour the solution into a spray gun.
- Spray it on the fabric, while simultaneously brushing on the material.
- Hang the jacket on the hanger and allow it to dry out at room temperature.
Important! Instead of an atomizer, you can use a cotton swab, apply a solution of ammonia on it and wipe the problem areas.
Soap solution
Prepare a soapy solution. To do this, it is better to take a baby or liquid soap that does not leave white divorces. Dampen the sponge in water and thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas. Then wipe them with a dry and clean cloth.
Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and warm it up a little. Dampen the sponge or tampon in the solution and clean the suit.
Important! Cleaning the jacket in this way will not only remove all dirt, but will also return the former brightness to your clothes.
In this case, ordinary potatoes can help us. Thoroughly rinse the potatoes, cut it into 2 halves and wipe the stains. Then go through these places with a sponge of water - this will help get rid of starch.
to the table of contents ↑Suede blazer
Suede clothes with strong soiling do not recommend cleaning at home, as this is a very whimsical stuff. With improper care, the thing can easily deteriorate. Such a suit can not be washed, squeezed and twisted.
How can I clean my jacket at home without washing and dry cleaning? There is one way. You need a hot steam source, ideally a vertical steamer, but if it does not, a boiling kettle or saucepan will do.
Hold your suit over steam for several minutes, then moisten the cloth with a special brush for suede. After cleaning, let the jacket dry by yourself.
to the table of contents ↑Wool jacket
Cleaning a wool jacket with the right approach will not be difficult. It can be washed, just observe the following rules:
- Wool must be washed in cold water.
- It is better to wash with hands than in washing machine.
- Dry the coat on a horizontal surface.
In addition to washing, wool suit can be treated with steam - the same as suede.
Important! If after every socks to clean the jacket with a brush for clothes for at least a couple of minutes, then it will serve you faithfully for more than one year. The brush cleans all accumulated dirt and dust from the fibers of the wool.
to the contents ↑Leather or leatherette jacket
These costumes can not be washed, and not all detergents are suitable for cleaning:
- The best option is to make a solution of warm water, liquid soap and ammonia, mixing them in equal parts. This solution must be processed all the problem areas, then dried with a cotton swab.
- You can also use a mixture of baking soda with ammonia and water. For 500 ml of water there is 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 3 teaspoons of soda.
Important! After any wet handling, the product should be allowed to dry. You can soften the skin with Vaseline, glycerin or castor oil.
to the contents ↑Handling of problem areas
Special attention should be paid to the collar and cuffs. These places are most susceptible to contamination. It is there that there is a glossy shine that spoils the whole appearance.
So, how to remove the shine from the sleeves of the jacket or from the collar?
- To clean the shaded areas, you can use special purified gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores. Moisten their tampon and carefully process the problem areas. Remains of gasoline can be removed with a solution of ammonia in water. Then iron the treated places with an iron through gauze. After finishing the treatment, hang the jacket in fresh air. This will remove all unnecessary odors.
- Glossy gloss disappears after treatment in a solution of table salt and ammonia in a proportion of 1 to 15.
- In the fight against glossy shine, potatoes, strongly brewed tea or steam will also help you.
Cleaning the jacket from the smells
In addition to dirt, we are also faced with the problem of how to refresh the jacket at home. Sometimes the smell that absorbs the fabric, gives us a lot of grief. Especially if it is the smell of sweat, from which no one is immune, even if there are different antiperspirants, because they do not always effectively cope with this problem. So how can you remove the smell of sweat from your jacket?
- Mix vodka with ammonia in equal parts in a glass container, moisten the sponge in the solution, wipe off all the problem areas.
- Make a solution containing in equal parts alcohol, water and salt, put on a sponge, peel the jacket.
- If you mix alcohol, water and methanol in a ratio of 1: 4: 1, you will get a mixture that not only eliminates the smell of perspiration, but also prevents its further appearance.
- Grind the aspirin tablet, apply to a problem area dampened with water. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse, dry.
- Hydrogen peroxide not only removes the smell of perspiration, but also saves you from stains. Dampen the contaminated area with water, apply peroxide.
Important! If you are afraid to apply the solution, test first at some unobtrusive place.
As you can see, you can clean your jacket at home without dry cleaning. The main thing is to know what exactly and in which situation to apply, then the result will be exactly what you expected: the thing will become clean, neat, will get a pleasant neutral flavor, and the color will become more saturated.