How to determine the size of a T-shirt male?

  • Men's T-Shirts
  • How to determine the size of a men's T-shirt?
  • We buy men's T-shirt
  • Size grid of different countries
  • We buy T-shirts for men

Now they are becoming more popular than shopping on the Internet. Agree, it is very convenient to order goods through the worldwide network - you will come directly home the necessary thing. The only difficulty that you encounter with this type of purchase is the size of this or that thing. This issue is especially acute for clothes not for themselves, but for other people. Today we'll talk about how to determine the size of a T-shirt for men, because there are several systems for clothing.

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Men's T-Shirts

T-shirt is a garment that is the most popular among all wardrobe men and women. It was invented in order to be present in the form of American soldiers. Later this product was used as a unit of underwear. In the late twentieth century, this attribute of clothing has become quite popular and is used in daily dress as a daily thing.

In a T-shirt you can go on nature, walk, visit, work, use in combination with a business suit. In the latter variant it is necessary to combine correctly with a jacket and trousers. This attribute of clothing looks ugly only if the size of a man's t-shirt was incorrectly chosen when buying.

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How to determine the size of a men's t-shirt?

Many manufacturers of men's clothing began production when there was not yet a single system for designating all sizes. At that time, each factory could independently come up with its own dimensional grid system. Of course, to date, most of all manufacturers have changed their unauthorized measurements to conventional systems.

However, there are old factories that cherish their history and do not make such changes. You probably met when clothes from different shops of the same country, with one size on the label, "live" differs from each other quite strongly in their parameters. Therefore, it is very important to treat such a question as determining the size of a guy's t-shirt, if you buy without him, that is, it is impossible to make a fitting attempt with your own eyes.

Method 1

In fact, determining the size of a T-shirt is not that difficult, because you only need to know one parameter - the chest girth.

Important! In order to measure it, a man should stand erect, feet on a flat surface, squaring his shoulders.

Measure the required parameter with the centimeter tape:

  • Measurement occurs through the shoulder blades, armpits and most protruding points on the chest.
  • The tape should be flat and horizontal.
  • The resulting number should be divided into two, and you will learn the Russian size.

Method 2

Another way to choose the size of a T-shirt, you can open your wardrobe, take your favorite item of this category and look at the label. The figure that will be applied is the right one.

Important! Depending on the country of manufacture, it may be necessary to relate the marking to a special table of sizes of different countries.

If there is no such thing in your wardrobe, then we advise you to go to the nearest expensive clothes shop and try on several models of T-shirts. The one that will be best for you to "sit", and is your "native" size. Pay attention to the number on the label and remember it. Next, be guided precisely by this size when ordering clothes through the Internet.

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We are buying a men's T-shirt

If you are thinking about how to find out your t-shirt size for a man, then you need, as we described above, to measure the volume of your breasts. Suppose, if you have a measurement result of 104 cm, then 104/2 = 52 cm. This is your size, which corresponds to the Russian system of values.

Important! According to the system, this product is suitable for men, the growth of which varies from 179 cm to 182 cm.

If you make a purchase in American stores, whether live or online, then you need to know not only the volume of the chest, but also the length and width of the product. For this purpose, you should measure the T-shirt you used to wear:

  • The width of the product can be measured by applying a centimeter tape from the right point of the armpit to the left.
  • The length from the neck to the bottom of the men's clothing is the length of the new product.
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Dimension mesh of different countries

To determine the size of a T-shirt, you must consider in which store you will purchase this or that thing before purchasing:

  • If your choice is made in European stores, then you will not have any difficulties. Dimensional grid of Eastern Europe coincides with the Russian one.
  • In the US, a slightly different system. From the Russian value, you need to subtract 10 units. For example, if a man has a size of 52, then in the US it will be 42.
  • In Italian boutiques, when buying men's T-shirts, it is necessary to calculate 2 units from the value of the Russian dimensional grid.

Important! Consider the same example of a male T-shirt 52 sizes:

  • In Italy you can buy the same thing, but only 50 sizes.
  • In the alphabetic designation will correspond to the international system and be denoted by the English letter L.
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We buy shirts for men

If you already know how to choose the size of a T-shirt, then you can start buying. The modern market offers a huge number of models of different colors. However, we recommend you to choose the shades: black, white, blue and gray. This - the classic colors, which are combined with virtually any clothing. If you want to acquire bright products, then you should not wear them with business coats.

Important! Do not buy clothes with lettering, the values ​​of which you do not know. In this case, you can get into an embarrassing situation.

In the men's wardrobe should be present about 5-7 T-shirts. Each man can combine them with jeans, shorts, use in business suits. At the same time, each time it will look beautiful and in a new way.

Important! In the business style, polo t-shirts, which have a collar and buttons, are made. The optimal length of the product is when the thing ends at the level of the buckle of trousers or jeans.


  • Among the various materials from which T-shirts are produced, the leading position is taken by cotton. It is characterized by a huge number of positive characteristics and do not have shortcomings.
  • Popular material is viscose.
  • There are a lot of T-shirts from flax in stores. They are pleasant to the body, do not retain moisture and air, but quickly crumple. At washing can change the form.

Now you have figured out with such a theme how to determine the size of a T-shirt. As you can see, this is not difficult. Even if you make your own by freezing on your man's favorite clothes, you can make him a nice gift and find yourself a stylish and comfortable thing.