How to decorate a shirt collar?

  • Types of collars
  • How to decorate a collar?

The collar is a detail of clothes, without which it is impossible to imagine a fashionable and modern shirt, and it does not matter whether it is in a women's or men's wardrobe. This very small strip of fabric in the design of the product plays a huge role. About what kinds of collars there are, how to choose correctly, and how to decorate the collar of a shirt, we'll talk in this article.

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Collar types

Depending on the collar's cut, its color and type, the classic shirt can be easily turned into an easy windbreaker, and changing this part on a strict blouse model can transform it into a bold and interesting thing.

A stylish image can be created not only from standard elements of clothing - in this difficult matter, small parts play an important role. Of course, one of them is the collar. With his help, you can radically change the style of the whole appearance, and also use it as a means to protect from the weather. Let's look at the most popular and fashionable collars today.


This view is a V-like cutout with lapels. Often this model can be seen on classic jackets, coats and on business jackets. It is more appropriate to wear it with the clothes in which the neck is completely closed, for example.with a turtleneck.

Important! In the event that a light shirt has an English collar, it will be perfectly acceptable to decorate the collar of the shirt - for example, a suspension on a thin chain.

Turn-down collar

The lower edges of this collar are almost perpendicular to the body, and the sharp angles are widely spread apart and far apart.

Important! This style goes well with a light jacket or blazer, but in no case with a dress coat or formal tuxedo.


The collar version with rounded corners in the early 20th century was part of the form of English schoolchildren, and after a while he managed to migrate from there to the world podiums. By the middle of the century, this type of gate for a time disappeared from the collections of famous designers, however, already in the late 90's, its popularity reached its peak. Since that time, this option is popular with lovers of extravagant and stylish shirts, being considered its main detail and emphasizing the peculiarity of the product.

Important! This collar is also called "Peter Pen".


The French, who are known for their dismissive attitude towards fashion standards, very often simply do not fasten the top buttons, thereby showing their "fi" to the generally accepted norms. This manner of wearing a shirt could survive time, and such a collar today became an independent piece of clothing.

Important! Regardless of the chosen place and the rest of the clothes, this collar model can help to give the image an extravagant, seductive, but at the same time feminine look.

Clothing with an "apash" collar will be appropriate both at work and on a date - a spicy gate will give an image of elegance and charm, without destroying the framework of a strict dress code. Decorate the collar of a shirt of this kind is possible with the help of embroidery.


A high collar appearance came in today's fashion from the Victorian era, when chic and luxury were shown with the presence of a large number of layers of expensive fabric on the neck that fell over the shoulders and chest. Over time, this piece of clothing has suffered major changes, but, despite this, remains in vogue.

Important! In order to give the collar stiffness, it is starched and sewed into the extra layer of dense fabric holding the mold.


Standing models of collars from the moment of its appearance do not lose relevance, because their design makes the neck visually more thin and elongated, so the overall silhouette looks much more slender.

Important! Among the many types of pillars can be identified a popular type of Mao - between the edges of this rack is a distance of 0.5 to 2 cm This item is used in classic shirts, as well as jackets and double-breasted blazers. A similar variant of the collar is the mandarin, in which the edges are slightly rounded.


One of the most fashionable trends in recent seasons are shirts with a double collar. Often it is made in two contrasting colors, in order to emphasize the use of different fabrics when sewing products. Such models are able to present their owner with a solid and impressive, and can also help demonstrate a sense of style and prosperity.

Important! Thanks to contrasting colors, shirts with this type of collar are perfectly combined with different accessories. It can be as ornaments, and footwear, gloves or a briefcase.


To emphasize the non-standard business image and sophistication, pay attention to the shirt with the collar of the "Jabo" type. These models are able to add to the strict ensemble gracefulness and incredible elegance, helping to dilute the monotonous office attire with some uncomplicated tenderness.

Important! Due to its volume, such a collar can hide some defect in the figure, for example, a small chest or broad shoulders.


Polo collar is characterized by a rounded neck with a small acute-angled collar. Often this model is used for sports models of the same name shirts.


I received this name from the English elite school, where it was used as part of the school uniform. As a rule, this detail of white with rounded ends looks great on women's shirts and dresses in a free style.

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How to decorate the collar?

You can decorate your shirt collar with your own hands in different ways:

  • You can decorate an unusual collar with a geometric or floral embroidered ornament, beads or beads, colored inserts from other types of fabrics or stylish accessories( anchor at one of the corners, lightning along the contour).
  • Embroidery. Things with embroidery look authentic - a Chinese dragon on shirts with an "apash" collar, dresses with "tangerine" or "Bertha", covering the decollete area. As an embroidery can be minimalistic and geometric patterns and ornaments.
  • Beads. Small and large contrast beads - metal, plastic, blue, red, black, they can expand the collar of the shirt. As a rule, this is done in a geometric scheme.
  • Ruffles and lace - very beautiful look collars, decorated with lace or ruches. This gives the clothes a few decadent, but at the same time, a stylish look.
  • Beads, rhinestones. The white shirt looks very nice when its collar is decorated with rhinestones, beads, sequins. Popular variants:
    1. dotted line - small decor elements are sewn across the fabric of this garment at certain intervals;
    2. scales - solid "shell" of sequins, bead to bead.
  • Pin. Decorative pins are best combined with the models of the gate "unraveled", as lapel models, "butterfly," ascot ", sailor, inverted.
  • Corners. A remarkable modification of the trend are metal tips on the collar. These "corners" in an instant are able to turn any shirt or dress into a spectacular little thing. Laconic carved decor becomes the central element of the image.

Be in the trend and try to follow the novelties in the world of fashion, and especially accessories, because they are able to decorate the collar of a shirt and turn the most ordinary clothes into exclusive and unordinary.