- Can I clean my mink coat myself?
- What can not I do?
- We clean the mink coat at home
- The basic rules of care for a mink coat
Unfortunately, not everyone knows the fact that the beauty of a mink fur coat depends entirely on the oils that secrete the hairs of the fur. They give the product so brilliant and radiant appearance. The fur coat absorbs dirt and dust, which play the role of abrasive, as a result of which the product gets dirty, loses its shine and becomes dull. Therefore, in time it will become unsuitable for wearing. In order for this not to happen, we will tell you how to clean a fur coat from the mink at home.
to the contents ↑Can I clean my mink coat myself?
The simplest and most common solution in this case is to turn to a dry cleaner. However, this option has a number of negative aspects:
- This is a very expensive service.
- There is a small chance that you can completely ruin the fur coat.
Therefore, in connection with these factors, many try to clean the mink coat at home. It must be produced in the following cases:
- If dust or plaque has appeared on the surface;
- The product has lost its natural gloss;
- Loss of splendor and bruising;
- Presence of various stains and contaminants.
Important! It should always be remembered that if the product has received minor contamination, it can be repaired with a conventional hair dryer. For this purpose, it is necessary to direct the jet of air at a distance of 50-60 centimeters. If the hairs of the fur spread freely, and then they fall back to their original place, your fur coat does not require deep cleaning. If the hair does not move under the air flow, the product needs to be taken care of.
to the contents ↑What can not I do?
Before you proceed directly to the cleaning process, remember some points that are unacceptable in working with fur products.
Tip 1
The following manipulations are not recommended:
- Wash as usual;
- Local wash;
- Use tools that are not suitable for fur treatment.
Tip 2
Dry the mink coat only in a well-ventilated area. In no case should it be placed over an open fire or radiator.
Important! Iron products are contraindicated in ironing. It should be remembered that the fur coat will get its normal appearance after cleaning after some time.
to the table of contents ↑We clean the mink coat at home
To begin with, it should be noted that there are two types of cleaning of fur products - dry and wet.
Dry cleaning
This kind of care is the most acceptable and safe for fur products. He is the most sparing.
Important! In order to clean the mink coat from dirt, you will only need a special brush with metal teeth. First, the product should be dried, and then - begin the cleaning process.
In addition to the brush, there are a few very effective ways.
We use talc
For this, the powder must be applied to the unfolded fur coat, thoroughly rubbed and shaken.
Important! Many very often replace talc with flour, due to the similarity of appearance. This should not be done in any case, since flour under the influence of moisture swells and attracts insects. An alternative can only be baby powder.
Potato starch
This product can be found in the kitchen of every mistress. It has a destructive effect on the contamination, and does not harm the fur. You should put the fur coat on a flat surface and sprinkle it with starch. Clean it with dry hands and rub it on the surface of the product. After the procedure, the fur should be shaken well.
Important! If starch is yellow during cleaning, then repeat this procedure again.
For this method of cleaning, you need to boil 1 tablespoon of manga in 1 cup of milk. This mixture should be cooled to a warm state, after which it is necessary to apply it to the product, trying not to go deeply to the roots. In this condition, the product must be left for 6-7 hours. Then remove the porridge with a comb with small teeth.
This is a fairly effective method of cleaning fur products. Its only drawback is the risk of completely ruining it. In order for this to happen, the sequence of actions should be strictly observed:
- Bran, rinse, put into a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. They should warm up well, but in no case boil.
- Put a fur coat on a flat surface.
Important! This method is rather short, so an oilcloth should be put under the fur article.
- Put hot bran in a colander and wait for the water to drain.
- Avoiding strong pressure, spread the hot bran over the product along the pile.
- Use a comb with metal teeth or a conventional hair brush to comb the fur well.
- At the end of the procedure, the product must be taken out and hung on a warm balcony.
Important! You can replace the bran with sawdust or corn groats.
Wet cleaning
It involves exposure to a fur product with a variety of liquid chemical compounds.
This is one of the most popular ways. To do this, brush the brush in clean gasoline and apply neat movements on the fur, while trying not to wet it.
Important! This method is not recommended for light products, as they can turn yellow.
Hydrogen peroxide
This product is used to clean the white mink coat at home from yellowing. You need to moisten the cotton pad with a 5% solution of peroxide and treat the pile in the direction of growth.
Important! When cleaning the fur in this way, you should stock up with a large number of cotton wools or napkins, since they need to be constantly changed.
Shampoo for hair
The most important thing is that this product has no eavesdropping effect.
You can clean the mink coat from fat at home using medical alcohol. You just need to moisten them with a cotton pad and spend on contamination along the hair growth.
Soap solution
This is a very common way, but very effective. You need to dilute a liquid soap in water and wipe the cloth gently with a cloth, then comb the fur coat with a special comb designed to care for the fur.
How to remove organic pollutants?
In order to clean the mink coat against vomiting, you should use the following method:
- Apply starch to the contamination sites, applying physical strength, rub it well.
- Make a solution of water and detergent. Apply it with a spray to the areas with and around starch.
- Use a sponge to carefully remove any debris.
- After drying the product should be combed thoroughly with a brush.
Important! If the fur garment is of dark color, then the detergent should be selected without bleach.
How to clean a light mink coat at home?
For clearing a light fur product hydrogen peroxide is perfect. In this case, you need to mix the peroxide in equal proportions with water. This solution is poured into a spray gun and sprayed evenly from all sides. The fur should be wet, but not wet. Next - the fur coat should be dried naturally, then gently comb.
Important! This is a very effective way of cleaning light fur products from various contaminants, including yellowness. Unfortunately, with a strong yellowing of peroxide can not cope, so you have to put a fur coat on a dry clean or repaint it in a different color.
Cleaning the lining
Most often it happens that the fur coat looks fine, but the lining should be cleaned.
Method 1
In order to do this qualitatively, you need to use a special tailor's tools to whip it off the product and wash it.
Important! Before washing, pay attention to the temperature and the cycle you have chosen.
After the underlay is washed, it needs to be thoroughly rinsed out so that there are no divorces, dry and iron, then sew back.
Method 2
If this method does not work for you, then the lining can be cleaned directly on the product.
Important! Clean the lining on the product should be done very carefully, so as not to wet the skin layer.
You need to soap the inner fabric. After that, use a clean sponge, remove the soap solution and wipe with a dry cloth. Hang it on your hanger and leave it to dry.
Important! Most often in the winter period, the bottom part of the lining gets dirty. In order to avoid this, you can sew an additional piece of lining fabric with a width of 25-30 centimeters.
to the contents ↑Basic rules of care for a mink coat
In order for your coat to always look spectacular and as less as possible to be cleaned, we suggest you to take advantage of several useful tips:
- Fur products have the property of strong odor absorption. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that if you change the perfume frequently, the scents will settle on the surface of the product. Get rid of this smell will be quite problematic.
- Try to wear a light coat so that it does not get such fatty remedies as lipstick or foundation.
- Fur clothing for the summer period should be placed in a special opaque cover.
- It is better to store a light product in a blue case to prevent yellowing.
- In the summer, the mink fur coat should always be ventilated outdoors.
- Moth protection should also be provided. Try to avoid aerosol products, as they can provoke fur contamination. It is better to use special tablets.
Important! One of the most popular folk remedies for moths are lavender flowers, peel of orange or mandarin.
Mink fur at all times was considered elite and status. Such popularity he deserved because of his beauty and durability. Therefore, the mink fur coat is the limit of every woman's dreams. If you have already realized your dream, you should provide it with a full-fledged care. In order to update the mink coat at home, the does not take long. The most important thing is to do it correctly and deliberately. Following the above tips and recommendations, you can clean up your "wealth" from various contaminants and keep it in its proper form.