Top 10 most popular names for boys

As a rule, the parents are very responsible and reverent in choosing the name that the child will wear. It has long been no secret that the name can impose an imprint on the character and destiny of a person. But most often, it is chosen according to fashion trends and trends. The article presents the most popular names for boys to date.



Name Maxim has Latin roots and means in translation into Russian "great".The bearer of this name is usually a creative person with a rich imagination. As a child, this is an easygoing, quiet child. As a rule, Maxim has a favorite hobby. He enjoys visiting places of cultural rest: exhibitions, theaters, etc. He is characterized by humanity and friendliness. The only drawback of people with this name is the lack of confidence in their abilities. Maxim constantly doubts everything, easily surrenders and deviates from the intended goals. At work, he manifests himself only from a good side: hard-working and executive. Among the Maxims are rare leaders, and they do not achieve high successes in the career plan. Despite their goodwill and sociability, they rarely get friends. At present this name is quite common among boys.



The name Egor has Slavic roots and originated from the folk form of George( a farmer).Egor, as a rule, studies well, loves to work and strive to be a leader. He is straightforward and a little simple-hearted. He values ​​people first and foremost, honesty. Do not deceive him, because you can forever lose the disposition of this person. Most often, people with this name occupy leadership positions. The shortcomings of Egorov include their excessive quick temper. They are very pedantic and do not tolerate even the slightest mistakes in their work. They are principled and far-sighted people who know what they want from life. A distinctive feature of Yegor is the analytical mindset. At the moment, the name is considered the most popular in Russia.



Yaroslav in translation from Slavic means "fierce".These are persistent and stubborn personalities. Outwardly - they are kind and sympathetic people, but sometimes they show extreme cruelty. All their lives they spend in search of the meaning of life and try to find it in science or religion. Yaroslavl is very talented and sensitive nature. They have a complex, strong character and, as a rule, are closed. Despite his friendliness, the bearers of this name are egocentric people. They put their own well-being in the first place and know for sure what they are striving for. The name has become widespread and is one of the most popular .



Ilya in translation from Greek has the meaning of "God's power".He grows up an excellent assistant in domestic affairs. They are good-natured but quick-tempered people. They are poorly versed in people and easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, you should carefully follow the circle of friends, in which Ilya communicates. Namespeople are sociable and trusting personalities, easily find a common language with others. The name has gained wide popularity to date.



Hebrew name Daniel ( "God's judgment") has become very common in our country. People with this name are usually kind and slightly cunning. The main features of their character: extreme impulsiveness and jealousy. Usually they do not remember bad deeds towards them, quickly move away and forget all bad things. They like to play sports and spend time outdoors. Daniil, most often, are sociable and hospitable. They have many friends and acquaintances.



Andrey is a Greek name and means "brave" in Russian. Andrews are characterized by cunning and some secrecy. As a rule, they do not share their plans for the future with anyone. Among them are often found businessmen. They are valued as good employees. They are mysterious persons and you do not always know what you can expect of them. These natures are characterized by egocentricity and ambition, they like to be in the forefront of close people. Therefore, Andrews are often jealous, because of the feeling that they were deprived of attention. The name is becoming increasingly popular among male names.



Artem in translation from ancient Greek means "unharmed", "healthy".As a rule, these are complaisant and calm people. The bearers of the name are straightforward and like to tell the truth in person. In general, they are sociable and friendly people. They like to work hard, but do not aspire to career success. Artems are not scandalous and very hospitable. Their house is always full of friends. They have many talents and a rich imagination. They are honest and flexible people. These people are distinguished by their trustfulness and openness. The name is one of the most popular at the moment.



Alexander opens the top three of the most common names of .Has Greek roots and is translated as "defender".Alexandra has intelligence and strength. These are the real leaders who are rapidly moving towards the goal. The bearers of this name are fair and honest people. They have exceptional charisma and fascinate the people around them. At a more mature age, they achieve almost all of their goals. People with this name like to help others and provide all kinds of support.



Nikita is an ancient Greek name with the meaning "winner".People with this name are rather selfish people, always strive to be the first in everything. They do not tolerate command over themselves, because by nature they themselves are leaders. They clearly go to their goal, showing perseverance and perseverance. These are unquestionable leaders. On the other hand, they are sentimental personalities: close take to heart resentment. They have practically no friends, since Nikita is mean to communicate. Distinguishes these people with patience and perseverance. Rarely acquire a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The name is one of the most popular recently.



Cyril , which in Greek means "lord", tops the list of the most common names. This is one of the most controversial natures. Cyril is a strong man who is absolutely confident in his capabilities. He has his own opinion on everything and it is difficult to persuade him to someone else's point of view. Usually, he achieves everything he has conceived. It is a versatile personality with high intelligence. He has a good memory. Rather stingy in showing feelings to loved ones. A person with the name Cyril has a highly moral principles and is very polite in communicating with others. The bearers of the name are people with a "capital letter" and fully justify the meaning of "lord."