How to clean the white soles: the advantages and disadvantages of folk ways


  • Ways that
  • rarely use The most effective methods that will return the sole of the original look
  • Is it always possible to wash the sneakers?

Keds today can be called the most popular footwear, which young people are ready to wear even with a business suit. However, the time comes when the owner asks himself: how do you clean the white soles? Despite the apparent practicality and convenience, it is rather difficult to follow such shoes. Unlike boots, which enough to handle with a brush with cream, shoes with a rubber sole, especially white, you need to wash. But even if you wipe the sneakers after each walk, the problem of dirty soles will not go anywhere, because without capital cleansing they just turn yellow!
The easiest and safest way to return the sole to the whiteness is to give it to a dry cleaner, where not only will the rubber peel up to the color of the snow from the top of the mountain, but all other sites will not be forgotten to be cleaned. As a result, you will get the sneakers in an almost perfect condition.
If for some reason you can not turn to professionals, then your attention is below a few folk ways to whiten sneakers and sneakers.

Before returning the soleplate to white, wipe the shoes with a damp cloth. Thus you remove the adhering and dried up dirt, it remains only to eliminate the unpleasant shade.

Ways that are rarely used by

Washing machine is the simplest, but, in fact, the most useless way to clean shoes. Sneakers and sneakers loaded into the machine in disassembled condition: no insole, laces and other removable parts. The mode for washing should be chosen delicate with the least number of revolutions. After the procedure, the shoes are dried naturally or by special dryers for shoes. Drying with a hair dryer or near a battery is strictly prohibited: this leads to deformation. Hardly you will wear after that "chewed" sneakers.
Disadvantage: it is almost impossible to whiten the shoes to their original condition.

The eraser is the strangest and most tedious way. Nevertheless, it works, that is, as a result you will get a white sole without the use of water. The disadvantages include the amount of time that you will have to spend on bleaching. Yes, and hands after this will require care. One pair of shoes requires a fairly large eraser, but if the sole is corrugated, then it will be necessary to use small pieces that can whiten the thinnest and smallest notches.

The most effective methods that will return the sole of the original form of

You can use cleaning agents. These are:

  • toothpaste;
  • tooth powder;
  • washing powder;
  • baking soda.

Each of these tools has its adherents who claim that the rest are worthless. However, regardless of which powder or paste you choose, the process is the same: using a brush, you rub the product on the sole until it turns white, then rinse off the remnants of the product, wiping with a damp cloth. Most often, the result does not depend on the cleaning agent, but on how much you rub the sole.


An old toothbrush with stiff bristles is best.

If bleach works with clothes, returning it to the original whiteness, why not try it on the rubber? Before using this method, put a drop of funds on a low-profile area and wait at least an hour. Many bleaches leave on the sole of cracks or pores, because of which it becomes very fragile and quickly worn out. But if there were no such problems on the test site, the bleach is diluted with water according to the instructions. For faster achievement of the goal, it is better to use a dose of 2 times more. Shoes in this solution should be for several hours, you can take out every hour and see if there is enough white sole. By the way, in the liquid should only be the sole, but not the upper part of the shoe. Liquid bleach can not be diluted with water, but simply applied to a damp cloth and wipe the surface.


Use rubber gloves to keep the product from splashing the skin on your hands.

The acid or acetone acts in much the same way as the previous method: first try the product on a small area, and if there is no visible damage, proceed with a thorough cleaning. Apply liquid to a damp cloth and wipe the soleplate. In cases of using citric acid, it is better to use a toothbrush and do not dilute the powder with water, only at the end to wash off the residues.
A recipe for a solution that will help whiten the sole: water and table vinegar are mixed in a 3: 1 ratio.

Is it always possible to wash the sneakers?

Most often even the dirtiest sneakers are just a good clean, so that they look like new ones. This can work with old shoes, where the rubber has become a lemon shade. But, unfortunately, yellow color can not always be cleaned even in dry cleaners.

Usually a dirty yellow shade is obtained due to dust and stale dirt. This is easy to fix. But, for example, if you constantly dry the sneakers near the battery, the sole will also turn yellow, but it will not bleach any more. The same effect will be if the sneakers stand for a few days in the bright sun. In order to avoid this, be careful with shoes and wash it more often.