How to get rid of the smell of shoes quickly and pull out the stink of shoes, shoes and shoes


  • Ways to prevent the repulsive fragrance from shoes
  • The most effective methods and effective tools for combating the
  • problem How can the specific smell of mold be permanently eliminated?

A persistent unpleasant ambergris emanating from the feet is capable of provoking a number of complexes and greatly complicating life. Do not panic ahead of time, to date, many ways have been developed, how to remove the smell from shoes. In such a delicate situation, one must do everything possible to eliminate the phenomenon. And you need to act quickly, until the problem turns into an obsession and does not bother at a subconscious level.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the condition and only after that it is necessary to proceed with the selection of the appropriate means. People who think that sweating is the source of the problem are completely wrong. The appearance of an odor inside the shoe is the result of active reproduction of bacteria due to improper storage of objects or poor-quality care.

Ways to prevent repulsive odor from shoes

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet after wearing shoes or boots can be prevented. To prevent shoes stinking due to improper care, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Legs should be washed daily, and if the problem is severe, antibacterial soap is recommended. After skin treatment, it is advisable to use a special deodorant or talc. The change of socks or tights should also be daily.
  2. Choosing boots, boots or sneakers, it is worth giving preference to products made from natural materials. Articles of clothing for the feet should also consist of natural fibers at least 70-80%.
  3. When you return home, shoes are necessarily dried. Do this even if it seems that the product inside is completely dry. Insoles are dried separately from shoes, boots and sneakers. At least once a month, these elements are desirable to change, even if a specific stench did not appear.
  4. Today you can find a variety of products for the care of shoes: refreshing balls, antibacterial deodorants, water-repellent impregnation. It will be better if processing with the help of the listed products will become a habit, and will not be performed if necessary.
  5. Fungal diseases of the feet and nails will have to be cured, otherwise it will not be possible to remove the smell from the shoes.

Often the cause of unbearable stench is improper storage of products at home between seasons. In this case, a mold contamination of the material takes place, which is practically impossible to remove.

To avoid this, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Before removing boots or boots for storage, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the products( even wash if the raw material allows).Then follows the mandatory drying, objects can not be stored in the presence of the slightest signs of dampness.
  2. Suede, nubuck and velor need additional processing. To do this, use a profile spray, foam, rubber brushes and impregnation.
  3. Only after carrying out such preparation boots, sneakers and boots can be stuffed with newspapers, broken into pairs and laid out on canvas bags. Then we pack the items in boxes, add the balls with silica gel and put them in a dark dry place. It is recommended to add a deodorant for shoes, which also will scare away the moth.

Advice: Contrary to popular belief, the risk of mildew in shoes increases markedly when stored in the bottom of the chest or in the closet. It is better to choose a place with good ventilation or at least to regularly pull out items and ventilate them on the balcony.

All of the above points apply to new shoes, you should not wait for the problem to be introduced for the introduction of appropriate activities.

The most effective methods and effective tools for combating the problem of

If preventive measures have not helped, and an unpleasant smell does appear, do not use absorbent compounds and heavily flavored deodorants. In order not to disguise, but to eliminate all the signs of the problem, you need to do the following:

  • If the quality of the shoes allows, then boots and sneakers are best washed in the machine, using for downloading special antibacterial agents. If the smell appeared in shoes, shoes or products from delicate raw materials, only the insole will be washed.
  • One of the most effective ways to get rid of the smell in sneakers is to use a rather aggressive mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid and green tea. We take the listed components in equal amounts, mix, wet in the resulting solution wadded disk and rub the products from all sides. Flush the composition is not necessary!
  • It is recommended to use a dilute hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of vinegar, strong green tea, vodka or strongly diluted ammonia alcohol against the smell of perspiration from the feet. We select one of the components, fill it with a spray gun and apply the resulting spray to the problem items. Then we expose them to dry at room temperature.
  • Freezing of products acts no worse than the most effective deodorant. You need to wash or clean items, carefully dry them, place them in the freezer or hang them out the window in the winter. After freezing the material, we place processed boots or boots away from artificial heat sources. Dry before removing all signs of dampness. The same method helps to get rid of the specific fragrance emanating from the new shoes.
  • Before you get rid of the smell of sweat in your shoes using wet methods, it is worth trying powder. It can be soda, peroxide in tablets, activated carbon, boric or citric acid. Just pour the composition of the inner surface of the shoes and leave for the night. In the morning, the crystals that have become entangled in clots must be removed with a vacuum cleaner, using a special nozzle.

  • In order not to work directly on boots made of delicate material or not to damage the inner walls of new shoes, it is necessary to pour talc or some boric acid onto the toes. A kind of deodorant will inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Soda, tea and activated carbon possess pronounced absorbing properties. The listed components are poured directly under the insole, and so you can do it even with new shoes. The main thing is not to forget to regularly clean the product and make new bookmarks.
  • In extreme cases, if you can not get an unpleasant odor, you should use masking agents. It can be a perfumed foot spray, powdered deodorant, ground coffee or essential oils. But we must remember that too frequent use of such components can provoke the formation of mold.

Categorically it is not recommended to abuse lotions on the basis of concentrated vinegar and lemon juice. No matter how stinky the shoes are, do not constantly pour or pour peroxide into it. These components are too aggressive and have a negative effect on the condition of the skin of the legs.

How can I permanently eliminate the specific smell of mold?

It is not possible to get rid of stiff and uncompromising mold by the above methods at home. To completely eliminate all signs of the problem, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Old insole is thrown away.
  2. Inside the products pour vodka or a solution of vinegar( three tablespoons into a glass of water), put them on their feet and walk for at least an hour. Do this without having to sit on the couch, it is necessary to walk.
  3. We merge or soak up the remaining liquid and carefully dry objects.
  4. After that, we pour a dry deodorant with antibacterial properties or talc into the cavity. We leave for the night, we remove it in the morning with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Under the new fresh insoles spread on a bag of tea, on the insole drip a little essential oil.
  6. If you keep the slightest signs of the smell of mold, you have to do everything first.

Sometimes even the listed methods do not allow achieving the desired result. In this case, it is worth considering the purchase of new shoes and the implementation of full-fledged care from the very beginning of its operation.