How to wash hair dye from clothes: reliable ways to remove stain


  • How to remove fresh paint from colored clothing?
  • How to remove old paint from colored clothes?
  • How to remove paint from white clothes?
  • Emergency measures for the removal of very persistent spots

A spot during hair dyeing can appear both due to own carelessness and as a result of inaccuracy of the master. In any case, it is important to know how to wash hair dye from clothes. When choosing a paint, each woman pays attention to the main indicator - firmness. It is this characteristic that delivers so much trouble when trying to wash the stain from the paint with your favorite thing.

Girls, who often face the procedure of staining, know that it is easier to erase fresh paint than dried. This problem is especially familiar to brunettes: a dark paint that has dried on the body can leave an unpleasant dark trace resembling a birthmark. This law also applies to fabrics: it is much easier to remove fresh paint than to remove the old blot. If the mass does not have time to dry and absorb deeply into the fibers of the fabric, it does not pose a particular threat to the thing.

How to remove fresh paint from colored clothing?

Bright multicolored things to save from paint are much more difficult: you can not only remove the stain, but also damage the color of your favorite dress. Not all products can permanently remove persistent soiling from colored fabrics.

When choosing the right tool, you must remember three rules:

  1. to try the selected tool on a small, inconspicuous part of the thing;
  2. never use bleach or thinner;
  3. updating the type of fabric of your product.

If you have noticed a fresh spot, do not wait for the salon procedure to be completed. The thing must be immediately put under cold running water. Not yet absorbed into the "bowels" of fibers, paint can be washed without the use of soap, powder or stain removers. Hot water to use is not recommended, it can "drive" the paint deep into the fibers of the fabric, which will only exacerbate the problem. If after washing the water on the fabric, noticeably a stain, send clothes to the washing machine, after wiping the trail of paint with laundry soap.

Many girls recommend generously spraying the hairspray on the contaminated area and immediately rubbing the fabric so that the lacquer gets as deeply as possible into the fibers of the fabric. After this, clothes must necessarily be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

How to remove old paint from colored clothes?

The stubborn stubborn stain can be removed with:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • 9% vinegar;
  • solvent, acetone or gasoline( undesirable).

Hydrogen peroxide generously moisten the contamination, let it lie down for 20 minutes, then soak the thing in cold water. The final stage is ordinary washing with powder and air conditioning. Peroxide is an excellent and gentle remedy, helping to remove various contaminants.

Peroxide can be replaced with ordinary table vinegar( no more than 9%).Dampen the old stain 30 minutes before washing, then rinse with cold water and send it to the drum of the washing machine.

With solvent, gasoline and acetone, you must be extremely cautious, they can not withstand any fabric. These substances can be used only with full confidence that your thing will all "endure".On the contaminated area, apply the product 20 minutes before washing, then carefully rinse the clothes to remove an unpleasant odor.


Before using any of the proposed tools, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the tissue.

How to remove paint from white clothes?

To save white clothes at home, you can apply all of the above methods. If they are inactive, you can proceed to "heavy artillery."Not afraid to damage the coloring, you can use a strong bleach or a special soap to remove complex contaminants.

The most effective method, helping to deduce even a trace from a black paint, is a mixture of glycerin, salt and vinegar. On the paint track, drip a little glycerin, wait 5 minutes, so that it is completely absorbed. Then add a couple drops of brine and vinegar."Blot" begins to dissolve before the eyes. If you still notice a dark shade, a couple of drops of ammonia will help. The last stage is washing with ordinary powder in a washing machine.

This procedure will help to completely remove the paint from the dense tissue. But if you plant a spot on delicate soft tissue, such a chemical experiment can lead to its deformation and the appearance of holes and lumens.

Emergency measures for the removal of very persistent spots

The composition of any paint is pigmented, which is not so easy to remove both from hair and clothing. If the methods presented were powerless for the "tagged" thing, you can use more effective, but also more dangerous means, which will save clothes at home.

  • Ammonia + hydrogen peroxide.

Add one glass of water to one cup of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Heat it to a temperature of 60 degrees. In the resulting solution, moisten the cotton pad and attach to the spot. The liquid must be completely absorbed into the tissue. After this, the thing should be rinsed in cold water and sent to the laundry.

  • Ammonia.

In a bowl with warm water add 2 tbsp.l.ammonia and soak a stained item in the solution. This procedure is characterized by a sharp unpleasant odor, which will be difficult to remove from clothing. After this procedure, the tissue should be rinsed repeatedly in cold water, and then sent to a laundry with a large amount of air conditioning.

We hope that the presented methods will come to your rescue in a critical situation. If you know the right advice and choose the appropriate means, you can wash the hair dye from your clothes without much effort. The main thing is not to pull it. The more fresh the stain, the more likely it is to save clothes. And, of course, observe the precautions during the hair dyeing procedure: do not forget about the hairdresser's apron and never wear new and expensive things in the salon.