- Washing with soda ash
- Washing gel
- Washing powder
- Universal detergent
Calcined soda, or as it is also called - washing soda, is simply irreplaceable in the household, and even from a long time. Our grandmothers did not have cleaning powders or detergents, and they used Na2CO3( soda ash) in everyday life. The application, reviews, as well as useful properties we will consider in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Washing with soda ash
Universal washing soda softens water, removes grease, is used for washing and boiling cotton and linen fabrics, as well as for washing porcelain, faience and enamelware. Consider the main recipes for washing and cleaning with the use of this substance.
to the table of contents ↑Washing gel
Washing with soda ash, reviews of which are only positive, if used correctly, not only allows you to significantly simplify the procedure and save your time. A simple detergent composition based on this substance can prolong the life of any thing. How correctly to perform the washing with soda ash?
Soap gel and soda ash
To prepare a washing gel, you will need:
- 50 g of dry soap chips( any laundry soap).
- 45 g of sodium carbonate.
- 1 liter of water.
- A small amount of essential oil( optional).
Cooking recipe:
- Grate the laundry soap.
- In 1 liter of water, add soap chips.
- Place in a water bath.
- Bring to a boil by stirring thoroughly.
- Add sodium carbonate and mix thoroughly until it dissolves completely.
Important! The powder should be stirred well until completely dissolved. If this is not done, then on the colored or dark underwear will remain white stains.
- After the mixture has cooled, add the essential oil.
How to use:
2 tbsp.l.gel lay directly into the drum( 5 kg of laundry).
Important! Since the mass is very thick, it can not be washed out of the powder compartment, so put it in the drum.
- If you plan to wash at low temperature, immediately dissolve the gel with hot water.
- For best effect use 50% of household soap and 50% of antipyatin.
- So that, in time, the washing machine does not break, use soap detergent, as a rinse aid:
- Citric acid.
- Lemon juice.
- Vinegar.
Important! These folk remedies will save you and your things from surfactants, and the machine from scaling.
Fisher gel
This is another gel recipe from soap and soda ash, very easy to use. To prepare the product for 4 liters you will need:
- Soap - 150 g.
- Calcined soda - 200 g.
- Bura - 200 g.
- Grate soap on a grater and dilute in hot water( shake in small batches for better dissolution).
- Add the calcined powder to the solution and stir well.
- Add a borax.
Important! The drill provides extra cleanliness and fresh smell, and also has a disinfectant property.
How to use:
Pour the product over cans or bottles and refrigerate. Consumption - 1-2 scoops for 1 load of laundry( depending on the received concentration of gel and degree of contamination of things).Advantages of the gel:
- Efficiency and economy.
- Low cost price.
- Very high purifying ability.
- Low foaming.
- Security. Thanks to the composition, the gel is safe for the skin and it can be used for washing children's and adult clothes.
- Environmentally friendly.
- You can use it for machine wash as well as manual.
Important! Prepared gel from soap and soda ash for this recipe can also wash the tile, bath, mixers, plumbing, stove, hood, kitchen cabinets from grease and plastic windows. In general, almost everything that needs cleaning.
to the table of contents ↑Powder for washing
Washing with soda ash, which can be found today on the Internet, performed well not only when using a gel. You can make and powder mixture, which will be no less effective. We offer a recipe for this remedy.
Calcined soda + soap + drill
To prepare a home powder for washing you will need:
- Soap( simple, cheap, odorless, economical) - 200 g.
- Calcined soda - 200 g
- Bura - 200 g.
Method of preparation:
- Soap into the shavings.
- Dry all ingredients thoroughly in a food processor.
- Store in a tightly closed jar.
How to use:
1-2 st.l.for one wash( 5 kg of laundry).
Important! In order not to damage your clothes and wash it off at the first try, consider the following tips:
- Calcined sodium powder is used to soak contaminated linen from cotton and linen, as well as towels.
- Do not wash clothing with a special coating or membrane surface. Also it is impossible to wash woolen things with soda.
- Delicate fabrics, especially natural silk, do not like soaps, so to prepare a powder, use an acceptable soft liquid.
Universal detergent
Sodium carbonate is used not only for the production of detergent powders, but also for cleaning agents. At home, you can prepare a universal detergent and use it for washing dishes, as well as for washing sanitary ware.
To prepare a cleanser, you will need:
- 1 piece of baby soap.
- 250 g soda( 1/2 pack).
- 2 tbsp.water.
How to prepare:
- Grate soap on the grater.
- Add 1 glass of water.
- Whip the detergent.
- Add 1 more glass of water.
- Whip the cleaning solution into foam.
- Gradually add the soda by whipping the solution. The consistency should be a paste.
- Place the universal remedy in a jar and use as necessary( as usual: apply the product to a sponge, wipe the contaminated surface, rinse with water).
Important! If desired, you can add 4-5 drops of antibacterial oil, for example, tea tree, lavender or rosemary.
This is an environmentally friendly detergent that does not cause allergies, but is effective enough and launches everything( even lime scale).
Important! Do not use a cleaner for aluminum utensils, because aluminum is afraid of salt and alkali, and in soda ash it is much more than in conventional soda.
Good advice:
Calcined soda is very suitable for returning to the original saucepans: soak the affected utensils for 2 hours in a solution of soda ash, detergents for washing dishes and water, and then lightly remove all dirt using a sponge andthe dishes will shine like new.
Sodium carbonate itself perfectly cleans plumbing without damaging the enamel, and if you add a universal remedy to washing powder when washing, the water will become softer. As a result - the powder is better foaming, and as a result - it is better to wash clothes. By itself, soda greatly improves the quality of the detergent, so use it in its pure form and in the recipes described above, and let your home shine with cleanliness.