Spots of light machine oil on the clothes may not only motorists, it can be put simply by using public transport. Engine oil penetrates deep into the fibers and many people throw away soiled clothes, not even trying to get rid of him. But worth a try, especially since there are several ways of removing such stains.
- Methods for removing lube
- the use of salt
- With Iron
- Removing oil stains from jeans
- Cleaning stuffy spots
- Rules for working with outerwear
Methods for removing lube
Before proceeding to the removal of engine oil with goods, should be examined carefully, and fabric consider all stages of to remove it, so the fabric does not spoil. If you soak and wash out clothes in the usual powder, then it will not be removed, because oil is easily absorbed and forms a film on the fabric. Resort to bleach help - only to spoil clothes.
the use of salt
For each type of tissue used his means to remove stains. Than it is fresh, the easier it is to withdraw. If you just put the stain, sprinkle it with fine salt and leave for a few minutes. This method is suitable for all kinds of fabric. When the salt absorbs the oil, simply delete it. This procedure should be done several times, if not immediately able to withdraw it. Then wash the item with the powder in the washing machine or by hand, it is possible with soap and water. If this method did not help get rid of the stains, then you can resort to the help of iron.
With Iron
On the ironing board put a napkin or any fabric to place oil stains lay on it. Top back cover with a cloth or tissue. This is to ensure that the oil is gone from clothes in the material and not on the ironing board. Iron set to the average value, when it warms up, start to iron cloth top. Movement should be reciprocal, after each move follows the spot size. In this way you can get rid of it. Then wash the item in the machine with the addition of high-quality powder.
Removing oil stains from jeans
Denim suffer the most from falling on her machine oil. there is several methods haveDalen with her oil stains:
- Treat the surface of jeans solvent. To cloth to rub the color has not changed do not need much. Sprinkle solvent detergent, sprinkle with water and then begin to rub the brush. We must act with force, otherwise the divorce will not be deleted.
At the hardware store purchase special spray. It acts only on the fresh stain, inveterate stains beyond him.
- The mixture of ammonia with turpentine - this is a very aggressive agent. apply it in the most severe cases,, Referring to the fact that a thing is not a pity to throw. You need to mix the two components and apply on the spot, you need to clean the cloth. When you get the desired result, wash the product, changing soapy water several times. After such a way jeans are slowly eroding.
Working with technical liquids, you must not forget about the hand protection and respiratory system. Perform all manipulations wearing a mask and gloves and it is better to do it outdoors. And also think of protection for your clothes, because in the course of work in violation of basic technical rules of spot can go to the other surface.
Cleaning stuffy spots
Remove from the garment stuffy spot of engine oil, antifreeze several means:
Gasoline - a universal remedy, suitable for dark and light tones, and any tissue. Take two cloth napkins, generously spray them in gasoline and dab the stain from both sides. Half an hour later the oil will go on a napkin, and you will just wash the thing.
- The solvent used in the event that the product has a dark color. Treat the stain and wash in the machine or by hand. If necessary, repeat this procedure several times, but watch out for land in treating the color.
- In hardware stores sold special soap from chronic spots and to remove oil. It must be rubbed into wet surface, leave for 30 minutes, followed by a rinse with warm water and then wash the thing you need.
Rules for working with outerwear
Detergents will not give the desired effect, and bleaches only spoil the thing itself. By mechanical brushing is also better to give up, they only istonchat matter, and motor or engine oil is absorbed more deeply. There are several effective methods that can be used to remove stains lube with outerwear:
- If the oil looks fresh clothes, then you need to put on it a little dishwashing detergent and leave for 15 minutes. Rub it means not to be. Then simply dab the stain with dry cloth, it should disappear completely. After that washes clothes in the usual way.
Fresh oil is sprinkled with the adhesive surface of chalk, which is previously ground into a fine powder. powder particles are well absorb the oil, in a short time, carefully remove them with clothes. Then be sure to wash the thing.
- Paraffin oil is effectively removed from the jacket or down jacket. You need to pour it on the soiled spot, wait a few seconds and begin to move the piece of tissue from the periphery to the center. By this method will be a smudge, so you must be sure to wash the thing. Divorces by kerosene are well removed in hot water, so before deleting, make sure that this method is suitable for tissue or select another option.