How and what to wash manganese from the hands and skin under the fingernails?

Manganese solution is very often used at home for disinfection of wounds. Given the fact that the liquid obtained after the dissolution of the crystals is bright-lilac, you need to know what to wash away stubborn stains from your hands in case of inaccurate handling of the product.

Ideally, it is recommended to wait until the composition itself comes off the skin along with flaking flakes. If the situation is urgent and you can not delay, you can resort to time-tested tools. It should be taken into account that if the surface is stained, has signs of skin diseases or tissue integrity disorders, it is better to abandon the use of active components.

Preparation of the skin of hands, before removing stains from potassium permanganate

Contrary to popular belief, manganese can be washed off with water. Components of the composition dissolve under the influence of moisture, however, it happens quite slowly. If you have at least a day left, you just have to wash your hands every hour under running water without using soap. This will be enough to completely clean the surface of the skin in a few hours.

Even with a shortage of time, you need to allocate a few minutes to soak your hands under a stream of warm water. After that, the hands need to be rubbed with pumice stone, but do not press strongly, the goal is not to deeper the product, but to remove the keratinized cells.

Only after such preliminary preparation, which in some cases is sufficient to remove stains, it is possible to start using more aggressive components to wash the manganese. Combining several funds at once is highly discouraged.

The degree of their effectiveness is approximately the same, one must adhere to the chosen technique and, if necessary, repeat the approaches. Attempts to combine opposite or identical products can cause irritation on the skin of the hands.

Intensive products recommended for controlling traces of potassium permanganate

There are several proven components capable of washing traces of potassium permanganate from the skin:

  • Take 9% vinegar and 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions, mix. In the solution we moisten the wadded disc, with careful movements directed to one side, we try to wipe off the stains.

Tip: Some craftsmen recommend flushing potassium juice with potassium permanganate, but this approach will only achieve the opposite effect. Stains of purple will turn blue, and will be even more resistant.

  • With fresh and old stains from lilac antiseptic coping well with medical alcohol. First, we apply the composition to the affected areas, then moisten the cotton disc in the product and begin to rub the dirt with intensive movements. If the formulations are fresh, then you do not have to rub hard, the product will dissolve and erode.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to remove manganese from the surface of the hands, but also from under the nails. This can help a lemon or its juice. Cut the fruit into halves and begin to rub the stains with a cut. For some time, the fingertips need to be immersed in the flesh of the fetus. Then wash my hands with warm water without soap and repeat the manipulation. Citric acid must first be diluted with water, and for cleaning your nails, it is desirable to prepare a warm bath with dissolved powder.
  • From household soap it is possible to prepare a composition with which manganese can be washed not only from the surface of hands, but also stained hard surfaces. On the grater we rub children's or household soap, fill the chips with hot water and mix with a fork or whisk. Should be a homogeneous gruel. In it we dissolve two tablespoons of soda and a couple drops of any essential oil. Active compound several times rubbing patches of skin with spots, each time it is well washed with water.

  • To reduce the brightness of stains, it is recommended to use a solution of ascorbic acid. He acts very gently, although he does not clean up all the purple tracks.
  • Pure 3% hydrogen peroxide also helps to wash unwanted traces, but you need to act carefully, otherwise you can trigger the appearance of a chemical burn.
  • If there is nothing else at hand, you can try white spirit. Universal solvent even if completely does not remove, noticeably brightens the stains.

After applying these components, it is necessary to treat the skin with a nutritious or moisturizing cream, otherwise the tissues will begin to dry and peel. If the first approach to completely eliminate the purple divorce failed, you need to take a break, dry the skin, then make another attempt. It is strictly forbidden to apply active agents and leave them on the skin for several hours. Spots from such an effect will go away, but irritations and inflammation will come to their place.