How to remove a stain from chocolate from clothes so that no traces remain?

Almost every family has a sweet tooth, so every housewife should know what and how to wash chocolate off clothes and textile household items. It should be noted that you can completely remove the dark and sweet spot only if it is still fresh and has not had time to dry out. In this case, the best option is the use of salt.

We process the fine fabric with intensely salted water and wash it in the usual way. To remove the formation of dense matter, you will have to use crystals of large table salt, followed by rinsing in a salty liquid. In cases where contamination is already withered, you will have to use more aggressive options for impact.

Universal rules for working with chocolate spots

In order to completely wash the chocolate from the fabric( no matter whether it is fresh or already dried), it is necessary to pre-prepare the product. In addition, we must adhere to a number of rules that increase the effectiveness of the approach:

  • First of all, we remove excess chocolate from the surface of the fabric, the spot should be as flat as possible.
  • Well, if available, there is a professional tool, which indicates that it can be used to remove chocolate. If there is no such mark in the instruction, then it is better not to risk and turn to folk remedies.
  • Regardless of the severity of the problem, its size and tissue density, the effect is only from the wrong side. The effectiveness of the selected product does not decrease from this, but the risk of spoiling the thing will be minimal.

Tip: If time permits, a stained garment should be pre-treated with a suitable brush. In this case, dust and other particles will not contaminate the stain even more. At a minimum, we clean a small area of ​​tissue around the chocolate formation.

  • Strongly to rub chocolate spots it is impossible, they from this only are more strongly eaten in fibers. The impact should be very active and fast, but superficial.
  • To completely remove the dirt, leaving no traces and divorces, the processing starts from the periphery and moves to the center.
  • First we use the most gentle means. Only if necessary, we turn to more aggressive. Do not be afraid that the stain is stronger because of repeated exposure. If the methods are applied according to the rules, this will not happen.

After each cleaning step, the product is recommended to rinse. This will improve the effectiveness of the method and evaluate the result of the work already done.

How to work on old chocolate traces depending on the type of fabric?

Even the darkest chocolate is not so difficult to remove from matter, if you choose the right tool. First of all, one must proceed from the type of tissue, not the area of ​​contamination or its age:

  • Cotton. Take the most ordinary cool milk. Under a spot with a spot we put a clean dense cloth, and on the education itself we pour a little milk. After five minutes, gently three contaminated tissue with a dense tissue, evaluate the result and send the item to the wash.
  • Silk. In this case, the stain can be removed with ammonia. We dilute it with pure water in equal proportions and process the fabric with a cotton pad. Then rinse the product and wash it with your hands.
  • Synthetics. In this case, in order to remove the chocolate, it will be necessary to take 3 parts of medical alcohol for 1 part of ammonia. In this composition, we moisten clean wipes or cotton wool discs and process the problem area.

If the right product is not at hand, you can try to remove the pollution using laundry soap. Just do not rub them the damaged surface, it is better to prepare a homogeneous solution, which is applied to the formation and after five minutes, gently clean it from the wrong side.