How to clean a hookah at home?

It is not enough to choose high-quality flavors to enjoy the hookah smoking. If you do not know how to clean the hookah, or to neglect the basic rules of the process, then the adaptation will quickly clog and the effect from its use will not be the same.

According to experts, the hookah should be cleaned after each use. Even in one session, the remains of tar, tobacco and soot accumulate on the walls of the elements of the device, which eventually lead to the appearance of a persistent musty odor. It is very difficult to get rid of it, given the fact that the use of most detergents is prohibited.

Tools and tools for shisha cleaning

Before you clean the hookah, you need to make sure that all its parts are completely cooled. The choice of a suitable remedy should be taken with increased attention. About various powders and other modern means for cleaning will have to be forgotten. The ban applies even to soap. These components are not completely washed away, quickly changing the taste of smoke. Because of this, hookahs often become unusable.

The best option is to use water with baking soda. For maximum effect, you can also add a small amount of citric acid( no more than a quarter of the volume of soda).But even in this case it is necessary to exercise maximum caution, especially when processing rubber hoses that do not tolerate contact with water very well. A variety of metal springs, if not regularly dried to the end, can become rusted.

Advice: If there is such an opportunity, it is best to initially purchase a hookah with plastic hoses. They perfectly carry the cleaning features and do not wear out for a long time.

There is another important point of cleaning the hookah at home - the water for the procedure( in particular, for processing the mine and the vase) is taken only very hot. Otherwise, the raid on the walls simply does not soften, and he will not depart.

Recommended sequence of actions and features of the process

So, in addition to running water, soda and citric acid, we need a thin brush or a strong fishing line with a soft rag without pile. If you follow all the recommendations correctly, then the desired result can be achieved without much hassle in a quarter of an hour. To clean the hookah it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • Remove the foil from the bowl of the hookah, remove all remnants of the tobacco mixture. It is best to use a soft brush or cloth for this.
  • We disassemble the structure into its component parts to the maximum, we pour out of it all the liquid.
  • Then again we assemble the device, attach its mouthpiece to the water tap and start the liquid. We follow that the water flows in the direction opposite to the smoke during smoking hookah.
  • Let's replace the mouthpiece with the upper part of the shaft and continue the process, but now in the opposite direction. Step with the use of clean running water should last at least 8-10 minutes. Remember that whenever possible the liquid should be as hot as possible( if the material of the elements allows it).

Cleaning the mine

  • Next, we disassemble the hookah, now you need to clean all its details separately.
  • First we are engaged in a hose, for what we need a very thin brush with a soft pile and a long handle. If you use a regular brush, you can damage the rubber. The use of wire can also damage the material in case of careless movements. It is best to use a profile fixture or a wire tightly bound with rags. The device is moved back and forth for a couple of minutes, if necessary changing the tissue or washing the villus of the brush. Several times you need to blow the hose or rinse, to finally get rid of dirt and plaque.

Cleaning the hose

  • Next, proceed to the processing of the bowl using a clean cloth and household chemicals. First we prepare a solution of weak concentration, fill it in a bowl, leave it for a couple of minutes, drain and clean the cloth soaked in the same composition. If necessary, repeat this several times or increase the concentration of active substances. Then always rinse with clean water.

Cleaning the bulb

  • After the cleaning procedure is completed, it is necessary to use a clean soft and dry cloth to remove excess moisture from all available surfaces of the hookah parts. If this is not done, then they will gradually oxidize and become unusable.

The final stage is drying of the elements. It is best to leave the structure in disassembled form in a place with a good current of air, so that all parts dry naturally. It is strictly forbidden to use artificial heat sources, hair dryers, fans, especially on rubber elements. On average, hookah drying takes at least 18-24 hours. All this time they should not use, it is better to wait for complete drying. Immediately after cleaning, the device also does not start;Drops of water can affect the quality of steam and even trigger burns of the laryngeal mucosa.

Today special shops offer profile means for cleaning hookahs. From a practical point of view, they are very convenient, thoroughly wash the dirt, do not leave behind an unnecessary aromatic plume. True, they cost a lot, are spent quite actively, their expiration date expires a few weeks after the first application. Therefore, if the hookah is not used so often, it is better to limit yourself to the use of familiar household chemicals.