What to wash the apron in the kitchen from fat: folk remedies and household chemicals


  • Kitchen apron cleaning rules to increase the effectiveness of the
  • approach Popular means to deal with persistent stains
  • Specialties of household chemicals application for processing of tile and plastic products

It is not so easy to quickly and thoroughly wash the grease from a kitchen apron from tile or plastic. Aggressive agents can damage the texture of the surface, and too soft household chemicals will not give the desired result. The most difficult to work with the area above the stove, in this part of the kitchen the fat is dense, melted, rancid.

If you want to remove plaque of course you can, but it is better not to allow the formation of multi-layered education and regularly treat the kitchen apron with mild detergents with degreasing components, for example, dishwashing liquid.

Cleaning rules for the kitchen apron, increasing the effectiveness of the approach

The effectiveness of the tools used will increase many times, and the result will be obtained with the least effort, with the following rules for processing the apron in the kitchen:

  • The work will be faster if pre-lightly pre-heat the selected product, especially if it is prepared independently, from natural components. If you need to clean the surface of plastic, you first need to make sure that the composition will not remove the fat and part of the material.

Tip: Changing an apron in the kitchen is not the most pleasant thing because of the variety of strong fragrances. In order not to suffer from lachrymation, sneezing and other signs of irritation of mucous membranes, it is necessary to ventilate the premise beforehand and not to close the window during manipulations. Extraction, no matter how powerful it is, can not cope with such a strong smell.

  • The easiest way is to wash the fat with a sponge. Normal rags will be ineffective, metal grids will damage the surface. The sponge, too, should not be dense, even an ordinary dishwashing aid can cope with the problem without problems.
  • Apron covered with a thick layer of fat, it is recommended to pre-steam. If this is a tile, you can put an oblong container with boiling water for a few minutes at the base of the masonry. The surface of plastic is best treated locally using a teapot with hot water for this purpose.
  • If the chosen remedy does not help and you need to use another prodet, you first need to wash the material from the remnants of the old chemistry, otherwise reactions may start that will lead to damage to the surface.
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix several folk remedies or household products at once with the aim of increasing their effectiveness. A positive result is not guaranteed, and forever ruin the apron in the kitchen is quite realistic.

Folk remedies are considered universal, they can be used for surface treatment from plastic, tile and stone. Household chemicals can be highly specialized, so before using it, you should carefully read the label.

Folk remedies against stubborn stains

A few years ago, to wash off stubborn stains of grease on workers and decorative surfaces in the kitchen, the housewives used rather cheap improvised components. Their effectiveness and accessibility are so high that even today many women prefer to turn to folk remedies, rather than buy drugs with a dubious composition.

  • Mustard powder. To clean a non-contaminated surface of plastic or tile, use a damp sponge to apply a dry powder to the problem areas, leave for a few minutes and wipe the product along with the grease. If the situation is more difficult, you will have to prepare a concentrated solution of dry mustard and warm water. Work should be in gloves, or you can burn your hands. Rice broth. The liquid that remains after cooking rice or washing the boiled product perfectly copes with fresh contaminants. It is better to use it in a warm form, after treatment it is necessary to thoroughly wash the apron with clean water, otherwise there may appear whitish stains.
  • Citric acid. Allows you not only to clean the tile, but also disinfects, bleaches, degreases the surface. It can be used in dry form, but you will first have to moisten the fat zone with warm water. The most effective approach, which uses a paste made from citric acid and a small amount of boiled( then there will be no scale) water. To handle plastic such an aggressive component is better not to use.

  • Vinegar. Not the most pleasant in work, but very effective in the fight against fat product. With minor impurities, it is better to first dilute it with boiled water. If the stains are stable, then the composition is taken concentrated and pre-warmed to a very warm state.
  • Soap solution. Concentrated soap solution is equally effective when working with traces of grease on any surface. It is best to tune a little household soap in a bowl, dilute it with water and get a mass of rubbed problem areas until you get rid of fatty stains and divorces.
  • Baking soda. Optimal option for cleaning the apron from plastic. We work with it the same way as with mustard. We moisten the working area with warm water, apply a dry powder, wait five minutes and rub the stains.
  • Clay. Mixed with vinegar product allows for a few minutes to wash the apron from the tile, eliminate all traces of yellowness, scale or stains. To obtain the optimum result, the clay should be sieved and diluted with vinegar until a homogeneous paste is obtained. After cleaning, the surface should be thoroughly washed and dried with towels.

If you put things in order in the kitchen, first of all it is recommended to use the listed tools. Their vapors are rapidly eroded, so the risk of contamination of food with detergent particles or their penetration onto the skin and mucous membranes is minimal.

Features of household chemicals in the processing of products from tiles and plastic

Few know, but most of the industrial household chemicals are not suitable for processing persistent contaminants in the form of fat spots. With their help, you can easily clean up fresh formations, but the plaque, which accumulated for several days and even weeks, they simply smear over an even larger area. It is especially dangerous to use them to neutralize the problem on the plastic surface.

It happens that the material has already begun to break down, and the fat is still covering the surface in places. To avoid a serious mistake, it is worth considering the recommendations on the package. If the product needs to be applied to a sponge and the surface is treated, its composition is obviously too aggressive and it must be used to clean the stone or tile. If it is indicated that the mass is better distributed over the surface, then it can be used without fear of any materials.