How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under your armpits at home: means and methods


  • How to remove the odor when washing the machine
  • How to freshen clothes by hand
  • How to dry things
  • Ways to clean outerwear
  • Prevention of unpleasant odor

Not always deodorant saves from unpleasant situations. On a particularly hot day or with significant physical exertion, the question may arise: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? The usual washing is often not enough, because the smell is due to the products of the vital activity of bacteria penetrating the fibers of the tissue.

How to remove the smell when washing in the machine

But do not get upset if you can not wash off the unpleasant odor. There are many ways to help solve this problem at home. And you can use for this purpose the funds that are available from any hostess.

To launder heavily soiled items in a typewriter, you should use one of the following options.

  • Pour half a glass of vinegar into the drum, cover 3 large spoons of soda or the same amount of salt.
  • Use slightly more detergent than indicated in the instructions.
  • Apply oxygen bleach or chlorine based on whether white or colored needs to be cleaned.
  • Add the air conditioner when washing.

In most cases this is quite enough to get rid of the unpleasant odor, as well as from the yellow traces of sweat under the armpits. But with particularly severe pollution, some effort will be required to achieve the desired result. Clothing should be treated with special solutions and soak for a while. But the result certainly will please, and do not have to throw away your favorite thing.

How to freshen clothes manually

Household soap must be present in every home. This inexpensive means helps to get rid of complex spots and unpleasant odors, including from the smell of sweat. It is necessary to unscrew the thing and thoroughly rub the affected area with soap. Thin delicate fabrics are not recommended to be rubbed, the product should be applied carefully. Then the thing should be left for an hour, then washed with hands or in a typewriter. This method has shown itself well, but it also has a drawback. Household soap effectively cleans light fabrics, but bright colors on colored can become dull.

Citric acid also perfectly removes persistent odors. To do this, use a saturated solution: for one cup of warm water add a large spoon of the substance. Then wet the product in the most affected areas, and after 2-3 hours wash.

Another reliable assistant in the removal of a persistent smell of sweat, which has already eaten into the fabric, is vinegar. Only use it must not in its pure form, but in solution, so as not to damage the clothes. In a medium-sized basin of water, you should add a cup of vinegar. Then put the thing that needs to be processed, and leave for 8-9 hours. When this time expires, the element of the wardrobe is recommended to be washed in a typewriter, adding a couple of spoons of soda to the powder.

If there was a question how to deduce a smell of sweat, it is necessary to recollect usual table salt. This tool, which is easy to find in any kitchen, effectively helps to get rid of any unpleasant odors. It is necessary to dissolve the salt in water at the rate of 3 large spoonfuls of the drug per 500 ml. Then moisten the most soaked afterwards places on clothes and leave for a couple of hours. After this, rinse thoroughly.


To remove the smell of sweat without washing, you should hold the thing over the vinegar vapors. To do this, boil the water, add vinegar to it, then hang the thing over the container. For large products use a bath.

Another popular folk remedy that helps to get rid of such a problem is boric acid. To use it, prepare a solution, proceeding from such proportions: 100 g of substance per 2 liters of water. The product should be kept in this solution for about 2 hours, then rinse. After that, wash with powder and rinse again.

The usual dishwashing detergent or shampoo for oily hair will help get rid of the unwanted odor. They eliminate the cause of the problem. You just need to put them on the stains, and then wash the thing in the usual way.

How to dry things

In order to get rid of the smell of sweat, you need to pay special attention to drying things. It is best to hang clothes in the sun, the room should be well ventilated. Products should be turned out and positioned in such a way that the sun's rays hit the most affected areas. With this drying method, the pleasant aroma and freshness of the clothes are guaranteed.

If you can not dry things in the sun, then you can use an alternative way: moisten a piece of cloth in the vinegar, then through it iron the clothes with an iron. When processing delicate fabrics a rag is folded several times.

Methods for cleaning outerwear

Remove the smell of sweat from the outer clothing is somewhat more difficult, because just wash it will not work. The best option is to dry clean, where the thing will be cleaned of any contaminants and smells. But often it is inconvenient and expensive to apply for such services, so it is worthwhile to know the ways to bring your coat or sheepskin back in order at home.

Effectively helps to cope with the problem of airing. The affected product should be left for a few days in the fresh air, turning inside out. It's good, if it's frosty: low temperature can get rid of an unpleasant smell.

Excellent absorb the foreign flavors of ordinary newspapers. Fur coat or other thing you need to wrap them or push printed editions inside. In a few days, newspapers can be thrown away, and there is not a trace left of the unwanted smell.

Will help remove the smell of ammonia. It is mixed with water in a proportion of 1 to 10, add a pinch of salt. Then this solution is wiped by the most problematic places: under the arms and on the collar.

Prevention of unpleasant odor

Remove the smell of sweat from your clothes really. But it's worth taking care of preventive measures to prevent the emergence of the problem.

  • It is necessary to take a shower every day and use deodorant under the arms.
  • Clothing is better to choose from natural fabrics, the body is more comfortable in the heat, because they do not interfere with the intake of air.
  • It is not necessary to wear one and the same thing for several days, getting rid of the smell in the fabric is more difficult than removing it from fresh ones.
  • For warm clothes, such as a sweater, it is recommended to wear t-shirts that will absorb sweat. They are easier to wash.

If normal washing does not help to cope with the smell of sweat, then do not rush to throw out the affected clothing. With a little effort, it will be possible to achieve freshness with the help of one of the described methods.