How to wash washed-up terry towels and restore their softness?

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  • Basic rules for care of terry towels
  • How to choose the right detergent?
  • Optimal washing modes

Practice shows that very few mistresses know how to wash terry towels or do not adhere to technical recommendations. As a result, the products lose their original softness, their loops stretch, the shape and color of objects suffers.

Experts urge not to despair, if you want, you can restore even the most washed-out elements of everyday life. In this case, it is not even necessary to resort to the use of doubtful chemicals, it is enough to withstand the optimum washing parameters and apply a suitable treatment regime for unique matter.

Basic rules for the care of terry towels

To ensure that the towels that have been bought for a long time remain soft and do not lose their original appeal, the following points should be kept in mind:

  1. Terry towels get very dirty very quickly, the dirt penetrating between the loops of the fabric and may not be visible. Wash towels at least once a week, if necessary even more often.
  2. Used towels should be immediately washed or dried before being sent to the laundry basket. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will begin to emanate from them, which is difficult to wash.
  3. The products are not allowed to be placed in one drum with things covered with buttons, fasteners or zippers. From such a neighborhood, towels quickly appear on the surface of the towels.

Tip: If the extended hinges are still there, do not try to fix them. Towels belong to woven garments, and not knitted, so problem threads can simply be trimmed, matter will not start from it blossom.

  1. To return very soft things softness, it is necessary to soak them in cold water for the night( after washing).This will eliminate the detergent components that increase the density of the fibers. In the morning, we squeeze the items and hang them out in the fresh air.

All these rules can be easily observed at home, but to maintain the products in the optimal form of these manipulations is not enough. You need to learn how to properly wash the mahro, dry and iron it.

How to choose the right detergent?

To ensure that towels are always soft and pleasant to the touch, you must adhere to a number of important rules in the selection of a suitable detergent:

  • From traditional powders will have to be abandoned, their particles are clogged between the fibers and do not wash out to the end, which leads to tissue tightening. With the help of liquid products, the product can be washed no worse, but the product does not remain exactly in the texture of matter. If, for some reason, you have to use powder, then you have to pass the laundry through an additional rinse cycle.
  • The use of bleaching agents is also prohibited, they impart unpleasant rigidity to the fibers. When forming strong contaminants, it is better to use ammonia or laundry soap. On clean areas they do not need to be applied.
  • But industrial or home-made air-conditioners for laundry will not be superfluous. Restoring the softness of the washed goods will again help the use of the air conditioner. In order for the expected results to be maximum, the washing should be carried out in soft water. For this, special tablets or capsules are used.

Sometimes very dense towels can not be laundered the first time. In this case, the laundry is soaked in warm water with a double portion of detergent for the night, and in the morning it is re-processed.

Optimal washing modes

When setting the washing machine mode, it is necessary to take into account many factors that can affect the final result:

  • The economical mode here is absolutely not suitable. Increased hygroscopicity of the mahrya requires a long treatment, especially during the rinsing process. Only so the products will remain soft.
  • The temperature regime is usually limited to 40-60 ° C unless the label on the towel indicates otherwise.
  • It is not recommended to overload the drum with water, filling two-thirds will be enough. Then the fabric will absorb as much liquid as needed. It will be able to wash out and remove the deformation qualitatively.
  • Intense spinning affects the appearance and condition of the fibers, therefore it is recommended to refuse or use its minimum parameters.

After all the washing steps, it is necessary to ensure the quality of drying. First, the canvas is shaken several times, so that all the eyebrows are straightened out and occupy the desired position. You can hang towels in the room, but they will be as soft as possible only when drying in fresh air.

You can not overdry the products, this is another reason for increasing the rigidity of the fibers. If there is such a possibility, then for drying terry towels it is better to use a drying machine. In this case, the products will remain soft and fluffy even without the use of an air conditioner.

It is forbidden to iron the mahr. Under the influence of high temperatures, the loops are deposited, which gives unwanted stiffness to the web. In case of emergency, the towel can be steamed in an upright position. Decorative elements are processed by a warm iron separately.

Even if the above manipulations ceased to produce the desired result, this indicates the expiration of the product's shelf life. It can only be replaced with a new towel and provide him with the same quality care.