How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: effective ways


  • Why do pigeons on the balcony - is it unpleasant?
  • What can I do to scare away birds?
  • Pigeons will stop coming if they are uncomfortable
  • Other ways to combat the birds

Residents of high-rise buildings may face an unusual problem: how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony? These birds can be fun to feed somewhere in the park, but as neighbors they are not very pleasant. And since they are practically not afraid of people, the fight against them threatens to drag out.

Why do pigeons on the balcony - is it unpleasant?

The main problem with birds on a balcony or windowsill is their droppings. It not only looks unaesthetic, but also poses a threat to health. After all, it often contains various bacteria, fungi, parasites. In addition, pigeons are carriers of various diseases, some of them can get infected and a person. Another feature of avian faeces is their causticity. They contain urea, which is able to leave marks on the visor, railings, furniture. And if pigeons have chosen a balcony, then everything that is there will be foul.

In addition, the birds are very noisy. Their constant cooing, claw claws on the peak, fussing in the attic will bring little pleasure. Pigeons are quite fearless, so they can fly into the room or the kitchen and manage there. So if a similar problem has arisen, decisive measures should be taken as soon as possible.

What can I do to scare off birds?

Some people use poison to fight birds. However, this method is not recommended. First, he is inhumane. Secondly, it is not known where the poisoned bird will fall. Perhaps it will become a source of infection or damage to someone's pets. It is better to choose other means, more reliable and safe. Pigeons can scare or create discomfort for them so that they do not return.


You should never feed pigeons on the balcony. It will be almost impossible to dare them.

If there was a question, how to scare pigeons off the balcony, then it makes sense to purchase a specialized ultrasonic repeller. He makes sounds that are inaudible to the human ear, but unpleasant for birds. Some models are equipped with a sensor that reacts to the approach of birds. Also there are bioacoustic devices. They work on ultrasound and make sounds of hunting predators - eagles, hawks, falcons.

However, such devices are not expensive. Cope with the problem can help other scares, including those made by themselves.

We must remember that pigeons are afraid of loud sounds, glare, moving objects.

  • A simple method: cut the most common foil into long strips and hang it on the balcony. From the wind, this fringe will move, rustle and reflect light.
  • You can also decorate the balcony with CDs, hang them with a shiny party on the street. They perfectly reflect the bright rays of the sun, which is unlikely to please pigeons.
  • You can try to drive away birds using loud music. The columns should be placed on a balcony or window sill, turn on and leave for a while. The hard rock will work best, birds are unlikely to appreciate it, therefore they will not want to return. This method has a clear drawback: loud music is not to everyone's liking, the house can be uncomfortable. And the neighbors are unlikely to be satisfied.
  • On the windowsill you can install a scarecrow or figurine of a feathered predator, whom pigeons are afraid of. For example, a falcon or a hawk. Only it should be big enough, best of all - in full size. The birds will fly away, but when they find that their enemy is motionless and does not pose a danger, they can return.
  • If the scarecrow is not at hand, then you can use a large soft toy. In place of the eyes, she needs to glue large shiny buttons. They will create for pigeons the impression that they are a dangerous predator. Such a product is installed on a bird-window sill.

A reliable way to get rid of pigeons on the balcony is to get a cat. Pigeons will quickly realize that this place is unsafe, and will prefer to fly away. Especially if the animal will arrange for them to hunt. But you should be careful: in the excitement of a small predator is able to forget about the height. This is especially true for residents of the upper floors.

Pigeons will stop coming if they are uncomfortable

If you do not want to install a repeller or if it does not work, you can create uncomfortable conditions for pigeons. They will find it difficult to balance or be uncomfortable on a balcony or attic.

  • It is possible to stretch a toy of a slink( a multi-colored spring) along the railing, to fix it with adhesive tape every two dozen centimeters.
  • Hang a waterproof tape over the place that birds have chosen. For a while, she must depend on the pigeons to understand that there is no access to this corner. A grid is also suitable for the barrier.
  • The surface can be treated with a special adhesive. It is sold in specialized stores.
  • You can also glue a tape with a slippery surface. Pigeons will not be able to hold onto it.
  • Studded tape or anti-squeeze needles on the cornice will not allow birds to land.
  • The surface of the balcony and window sill can be sprinkled with some kind of spicy seasoning. The cayenne pepper and mustard are effective for the sense of smell of birds, so they do not want to return. Only from time to time spices should be updated, especially in wet weather. Other products having a sharp, unpleasant odor for birds: naphthalene, air freshener with a sharp aroma. Convenient if it is automatic, so the smell will be maintained all the time.
  • To discourage pigeons, you can water them from the hose. Good pressure is desirable. This method is great if the feathery annoy in the courtyard of a private house. Several times on time watering - and the problem can be forgotten. Slippery visors help keep the birds at a distance. To do this, they must be oiled.

Other ways to control the birds

If these methods did not work, then you should act more resolutely. For example, make a trap for catching pigeons. It's easy: just make a loop out of a thread, pour it into the bait and wait for the bird to react to the bait. Then you need to pull the thread, so that the loop is tightened. You can let go of the pigeon, but not through this window. So his other pigeons will not notice his return. Frightened birds are unlikely to risk spending time on the balcony further.

It is not always possible to get rid of annoying birds until they arrange a nest. If it was discovered, it should be discarded immediately. And try to free the balcony from any objects that are suitable for breeding chicks: furniture, boxes. If you take it all nowhere, then it is worth covering with a plastic wrap. Pigeons are stubborn birds, most likely, it is necessary to remove the nest repeatedly. But in the end they will understand that the conditions for them in this place are unfavorable.

If a nest appears on the balcony and pigeons have laid eggs, then they can be replaced with a mock. Suitable for anything of a round shape: toy eggs, pebbles of suitable size, even pieces of chalk. After this, it remains only to wait for the result. Birds will diligently plant these items, but the nestlings, naturally, will not wait. And fly away to find a more suitable place for their offspring.

Fighting pigeons who decided to settle on the balcony is not so difficult. You can make money yourself. But it's worth being prepared for the fact that the process can drag on for a while. Patience and perseverance will help show the birds that they are not welcome here and need to look for another place of habitation.