Stains on the stretch ceiling - how easy is it to get rid of them?

Every owner of stretch ceilings at least once in their life faced the need to clean them. Stains on the stretch ceiling appear for various reasons, which must be known and at the first manifestations to eliminate either the source or the already appeared pollution.
Before installing modern stretch ceilings, many are mistaken, assuming that they are quite far from all impacts, so they rarely succumb to pollution. But this is not so. Moreover, the owners of fabric stretch surfaces should remember that they are the ones that are most often spoiled.

But it does not build upsetting and making rash decisions when seeing the stains. In order to know how to properly wash them, you must first understand why they have appeared. After all, certain cleaners and tools are selected based on the cause of the problem. This is especially true for fabric stretch ceilings.

The most common reasons for the appearance of spots on stretch ceilings

To cover all tensioning surfaces, manufacturers apply a special protective layer, which prevents the spread of germs, various fungi and mold. But from any mechanical damage, it is impossible to insure any ceiling. We will analyze the most common reasons for the appearance of spots on stretch ceilings.

  • Splashes of grease and soot.

Soot and grease appear on the surface located in the kitchen.

  • Moisture.

After hitting and drying the moisture on the ceiling, there are characteristic stains. If you live in a private house or in a multi-storey building on the top floor, often a roof can leak. The flow of the roof provokes the appearance of yellow spots. Also, characteristic spots appear on the ceilings in the bathroom from accumulating moisture or spray from washing, for example, in the shower. Also, yellow spots appear after the apartment is flooded with neighbors. And even when the ceiling is cleaned, the stains can appear again if the interstorey plate after the bay has not dried completely.

  • Paint.

Paint can affect stretch ceilings in several ways. For example, if the ceiling includes metal pipes, which must be constantly painted. Then the spots appear from the brush spray. Or the previous finish of the ceiling could have been painted with oil paint. This occurs quite often, because earlier it was believed that the oil paints look beautiful and they are quite strong. The oil remaining even after the complete removal of paints penetrates deeply into the slab and gradually appears with time.

  • Dust, including construction.

Especially a lot of dust is formed when drilling brick or concrete walls.

  • Rust.

It appears if the house is already quite old. Rust is formed gradually and significantly spoils the external appearance of the surface. Often reddish divorces appear after the ceiling bay neighbors.

How to wash stains of various kinds from a stretch ceiling?

Different types of pollution should be removed in different ways. Something can be easily erased, and something can be removed only after cardinal actions. But still, it's easiest to remove stains from moisture, whether it's stains after bathing in the shower, from an exploded can of compote or even if after a mosquito has been slammed and there are traces of blood on the ceiling. All this must be carefully wiped off with a damp cloth. You can use a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is also easy to bring traces on both the glossy ceiling and the fabric ceiling.
Fighting stains after a long accumulation of moisture or a gulf is not much more difficult. The accumulated moisture in it will protect the entire interior from unplanned repairs, but the ceiling itself will be spoiled.
On the damaged sections of the ceiling, it is necessary to apply a little greasy clay or a solution of soda ash. After drying the product it must be washed off with plain clean water. If only part of the contamination has gone, the procedure must be repeated. This method can also help in case of rust penetration.

Stains from soot and grease can be removed with a simple soap solution.

  • You need to crumble a small piece of soap into the shavings and add it to warm water.
  • Also a little soft detergent can be added to the water.
  • Soap and powder must be completely dissolved. It is very important. Otherwise, you can spoil or scratch the surface.
  • Wipe the protil with a soft cloth, again preferably without pile.


Cloth at work can damage rings and bracelets on hands - they should be removed. Be sure to wipe your hands, do not use a mop, otherwise you can scratch the canvas. Wash until the ceiling is clean.

Any dust, even construction, is removed by a vacuum cleaner. The attachment should be used with a long nap. Do not rub with a washcloth, napkin or cloth, otherwise there may be a divorce. In addition, the dust can be large particles that will scratch the blade.

In the case of paint, you can use several methods, starting with a soapy solution. If the soap with the powder did not help, you can use ammonia. Slightly dissolve the agent in water and wipe the surface.

If you have a fabric stretch ceiling, you can wash the dirt with soda.

  • It is necessary to prepare a 5% solution of soda ash.
  • You can add a little salt to the water. This will improve the cleansing.
  • The entire solution must be stirred well, so that there are not even small scratching particles left.

You can also clean it with a simple cloth until the stains are gone.

Special means can be used for washing stretch ceilings. Such compositions are much more expensive than the above methods. They are produced in several forms:

  1. sprays;
  2. gels;
  3. liquid solutions.

Therefore, when spots appear, do not panic. Any stain can be cleaned. The main thing is to do it properly.